We are finally feeling pretty settled in our new house (although there are still a lot of boxes in the garage!) We are lucky that this house that it was pretty updated, but there are still some things that we did when we moved in (and we still have a bunch of things we want to do, but that will come in time, maybe when I win the lotto......)
Here is the BEFORE of the kitchen:
Left side:

Right Side:

Here is the AFTER:
Left Side:

Right Side:

What we did:
1. Painted the walls a darker color. (We painted them Spanish Sand by Kelly Moore)
2. We painted the french doors white (before they were a natural wood color)
3. Added a (move-able) butcher block island
4. We added 2 more cabinets on each side of the window. (I don't know why the previous owner never added those, we really needed the storage!)
Family Room/Kitchen Table Nook BEFORE:


Close Up:

What we did:
1. Painted it Spanish Sand
2. Added a light fixture (before there was no over head light above the table area)
Family Room BEFORE:

Family Room AFTER:
View #1

View #2

View #3

What we did:
1. Painted the area Spanish Sand (our whole downstairs is now that color, I love it!)
2. Painted the built in TV stand/bookshelf white (it was a natural wood before)
3. We also removed the door from the family room to the laundry room for now because that door was NASTY!
Oh, and to clarify, when I say "We" painted I mean we
hired painters to paint. Kevin and I are THE.WORST.PAINTERS ever. This is the first time we have hired painters & it was so nice! I loathe painting! My edging is terrible & I always spill the paint. I don't have the patience for it!
So, there is our Kitchen & Family Room Area.
It was a pretty easy re-do because the kitchen was already updated.

(with granite & Viking appliances!!!)

Love the 6 burner stove!

I am not a big fan of the oven yet, I liked my my good old GE at our old house. Every time I bake/cook something in our oven here, it gets burned or is under cooked. I need to make sure the temperature is calibrated. Something is off and I refuse to blame the cook ;)
The re-do/update was mostly paint & a few cosmetic & functionality things that we improved!
The only thing left that we want to do in the Kitchen & Family Room is to add crown moulding, but that is not going to be anytime soon!