Well, I survived the first week of school!
This year is one of the first years I was REALLY dreading going back.
I wasn't excited at all. Once August hit, I got really bummed that summer was almost over & that my days of hanging out with the girls all day were coming to an end. As long as some of the days staying at home with them feel, I really do love spending my days with them.
One reason that I wasn't looking forward to going back to school this year is because I am teaching more classes this year. After I had Kate, I started teaching part-time. Because I teach middle school, I don't have to job share, which is awesome! For the past 2 years, I have taught 4 classes each day & I was done at 11:45. It was a SWEET set up. I was usually home by noon & was able to have lunch with Kate before putting her down for her nap.
Well, this year we lost a math teacher at our school (because of budget stuff) and so the rest of the math department had to absorb her classes. Basically, I had to take another class because if I didn't, there wouldn't be anyone else who could teach it. So, now that means I teach 5 classes (teaching 6 is full time) and I have to stay through lunch because my last class is after lunch. Now, I am not done until 1:05.
I know it is only an hour and 20 minutes longer, but it seems much longer than that. The first week was crazy. By the time I picked up the girls & got home it was after 1:30 each day. I have to put Kate down for her nap as soon as we get home and that bums me out because I don't get to hang out with her until AFTER she gets up around 3:30 (or 4!).
Oh yeah, and we got new textbooks for the students, so I have to re-invent all my curriculum and plan everything from scratch. I have SO much prep work to do now. Blah.
Even though I am not thrilled with my new schedule, I am thankful that I have job at a school where I absolutely love teaching at. I love the school & love my co-workers/friends who I teach with. I find part of this ironic though because I DIDN'T want to teach more and there are so many teachers who were laid off or had there hours cut back because of budget cuts. So, I am trying to look on the bright side and be thankful for the situation I am in! I told Kevin that we should put the extra money I am making for teaching my extra class toward a fund for us to go to Hawaii next summer (hint, hint)
I think I have a great group of students this year. I have a set of twins that I baby sat when they were a few months old! I have my high school friend's younger brother in a class. And, I have one of our really close family friend's daughter in my class, which is always fun. I have over 35 students whose sibling I have had in years past.In one class alone, I have 16 students of siblings that I have had! Fun!
And, I really felt old when I realized that this group of students was born in 1997! Ack! That is when I graduated high school. I feel so old!
I have 150 students this year, so that means a lot of tests to correct and a lot of name to start memorizing. I hope to have them all memorized by the end of this week.
My favorite story for the week was from the first day of school. I went over my class policy, told them about my procedures, homework policies, etc.
At the end of class, this student comes up to me and says,
"Mrs. Larson, you do everything like my math teacher did last year. You remind me of her."
I asked him who his teacher was last year and he says, "I didn't go to this school, I went to GR".
(My younger sister teaches math at GR)
I say to the student, "Was Miss C. your math teacher?"
"Yes" , he says.
"That is my younger sister" I tell the student.
Oh my gosh, so funny! I can't believe I have one of my sisters old students. And, the funniest part is that when she started teaching 2 years ago, I told her all my policies & procedures and how I ran my classes, etc. because I think I have a pretty good system going on. So, she runs her math class pretty much identically to how I run my class.
Rebecca and I had a good laugh about that one.
The first week went smoothly. It helped that I got my hair cut & highlighted last Saturday and went back to school shopping for some new clothes. Horray for retail therapy.
I am SO extremely thankful to my mom and Kevin's mom who are still watching the girls for us while I am at work. My mom has even cut back her hours at work so that she can watch the girls for me. Thanks for the sacrifice you are making! The girls (and us) are so lucky to have their Grandmas watch them each day.
And, you probably noticed there are no pictures on this post. (ack!!!)
I haven't had time to take ANY pictures of the girls this week!
I haven't taken a single picture in a week. That must be some sort of record for me. A record I do not like!
I am charging my camera battery as we speak. I can't wait to get behind the lens tomorrow, I am itching to get some pics of the girls.
I wasn't excited at all. Once August hit, I got really bummed that summer was almost over & that my days of hanging out with the girls all day were coming to an end. As long as some of the days staying at home with them feel, I really do love spending my days with them.

Well, this year we lost a math teacher at our school (because of budget stuff) and so the rest of the math department had to absorb her classes. Basically, I had to take another class because if I didn't, there wouldn't be anyone else who could teach it. So, now that means I teach 5 classes (teaching 6 is full time) and I have to stay through lunch because my last class is after lunch. Now, I am not done until 1:05.
I know it is only an hour and 20 minutes longer, but it seems much longer than that. The first week was crazy. By the time I picked up the girls & got home it was after 1:30 each day. I have to put Kate down for her nap as soon as we get home and that bums me out because I don't get to hang out with her until AFTER she gets up around 3:30 (or 4!).
Oh yeah, and we got new textbooks for the students, so I have to re-invent all my curriculum and plan everything from scratch. I have SO much prep work to do now. Blah.

I think I have a great group of students this year. I have a set of twins that I baby sat when they were a few months old! I have my high school friend's younger brother in a class. And, I have one of our really close family friend's daughter in my class, which is always fun. I have over 35 students whose sibling I have had in years past.In one class alone, I have 16 students of siblings that I have had! Fun!
And, I really felt old when I realized that this group of students was born in 1997! Ack! That is when I graduated high school. I feel so old!
I have 150 students this year, so that means a lot of tests to correct and a lot of name to start memorizing. I hope to have them all memorized by the end of this week.
My favorite story for the week was from the first day of school. I went over my class policy, told them about my procedures, homework policies, etc.
At the end of class, this student comes up to me and says,
"Mrs. Larson, you do everything like my math teacher did last year. You remind me of her."
I asked him who his teacher was last year and he says, "I didn't go to this school, I went to GR".
(My younger sister teaches math at GR)
I say to the student, "Was Miss C. your math teacher?"
"Yes" , he says.
"That is my younger sister" I tell the student.
Oh my gosh, so funny! I can't believe I have one of my sisters old students. And, the funniest part is that when she started teaching 2 years ago, I told her all my policies & procedures and how I ran my classes, etc. because I think I have a pretty good system going on. So, she runs her math class pretty much identically to how I run my class.
Rebecca and I had a good laugh about that one.
The first week went smoothly. It helped that I got my hair cut & highlighted last Saturday and went back to school shopping for some new clothes. Horray for retail therapy.
I am SO extremely thankful to my mom and Kevin's mom who are still watching the girls for us while I am at work. My mom has even cut back her hours at work so that she can watch the girls for me. Thanks for the sacrifice you are making! The girls (and us) are so lucky to have their Grandmas watch them each day.
And, you probably noticed there are no pictures on this post. (ack!!!)
I haven't had time to take ANY pictures of the girls this week!
I haven't taken a single picture in a week. That must be some sort of record for me. A record I do not like!
I am charging my camera battery as we speak. I can't wait to get behind the lens tomorrow, I am itching to get some pics of the girls.