They did NOT go as I had planned.
I had big visions for her 2 year photo shoot.
I was going to go to a hilly grassy field & take fun pictures.
Kate had other ideas that day.
She didn't want to get dressed OR get in the car.
She threw a fit & started crying hysterically when I tried to put her in her carseat...can you say 2 years old??

I decided to give up my battle with a 2 year old & scratched my idea.
Instead, I followed her around the backyard with my camera.
I will save my "vision" for what I had planned for another day. *sigh*

She was fine in the waiting room, but once we got to the room, she totally freaked & started crying. We couldnt even weigh her or measure her at first because she was crying so much.

We get back to the room & we needed to get kate in a gown so we could get her heart beat, etc. Kate WOULD not let me get her undressed. The dr said dont worry about it & she tried listening to her heart, lungs, etc. ... Kate was hysterical so i held her while she did that & checked her eyes & ears. The whole time Kate was saying "let's go home".

Anyways, here are her stats:
weight: 23 lbs 4 oz YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! (10 th%)
height: 34.5 inches (70th%)
At one year she was:
17 lbs 5 oz (3 %tile)
28.5 inches (40 %tile)