Happy Friday!
I am SO happy it is Friday.
We had Spring Break last week, so it is always rough having re-entry into school after a week off.
For 5 on Friday, here is some of what we did over Spring Break & Easter.
Corn Hole.
You guys.
Our court is OBSESSED with Corn Hole.
We kept the corn hole set for the rest of the summer because our neighbors loved playing it.
I had to give it back to our friends last fall, but now that Spring is here and the weather is nice, it is time for Corn Hole season! Some of the guys on our court BUILT a corn hole set for our court to use!
It has been so fun. So, for a few days leading up to Spring Break & during Spring Break, all the adults would gather in our court and play corn hole...for HOURS!
We bring out spotlights so that we can see and we have music playing.
Here is my neighbor Cristina, we are Corn Hole partners & we are team California Love since one night we both showed up for Corn Hole matching :)
Have I mentioned how much I love our neighbors?!?!
I can't wait for summer so that we can play even more Corn Hole!
Corn Hole is really big in the South, but we are making it big in California!
Our neighbors are going to build another set so we can have a big Corn Hole Tournament this summer!
Breaking Bad.
My friend Jackie gave me the entire series of Breaking Bad so I could start watching it over Spring Break.
I am totally Binge watching this show.
Have you watched Breaking Bad yet?
Gah! So good!!
I love to read books, but rarely make the time to read during the school year.
I do most of my reading during the Summer and then I squeeze in some books during Spring Break, Thanksgiving Break & Christmas break.
I jumped on the Divergent Bandwagon and started reading it!
Again, SO good!!!! I bought all 3 in the series, so will start the next 2 during Summer if I can wait that long!
If you have read my blog for awhile, you know I LOVE crying kids with Santa & the Easter Bunny.
Luke did not disappoint this year. LOVE it!

Is there anything better than crying kids on Santa's lap or with the Easter Bunny?
Yes. 2 kids crying! My nephew Jack was not a fan either. Classic.
In a bad mood? Look at these bunny pics to bring a smile to your face!
We had a sweet & simple Easter.
I don't know about you, but we do very practical Easter Baskets.
Every year they consist of basically the same things.
A movie (or book), a bathing Suit & flip flops.
Instead of flip flops this year, I got the girls fins because swim team started this week and they are required to have them for practices. I also gave them swim caps since they need those also.
Luke got Swim Diapers.
Gotta love being practical for Easter Baskets.
I give them things they need & that I would have to buy them anyways!
I made my usual bunny prints with flour:
The girls get so excited about these!
I also make a "Bunny Trail" of mini marshmallows from the front door to their baskets.
Luke kept eating all the marshmallows off the ground. Hilarious.
I tried getting a photo of all 3 kids with their Easter Baskets, but did that happen?
Of course not.
They wouldn't still, they were too busy trying to find all the eggs around the house.
Oh well.
It's Freebie Friday for our Rodan + Fields Team!
Order our AMP Roller, our Macro
Exfoliator OR a Regimen by midnight tonight and I will throw in our
awesome eye cream for FREE!
I can also get you 10% off and FREE
Email me to place your order or if you have questions.
And, a reminder!
The Pinspired for May will be one week from today on Friday, May 2nd!
Link up with me,
Sheaffer &
Shay and show us your Pinterest Inspired outfits!
Hope you have a great weekend!
We are headed to Napa tomorrow for my friend Jackie's birthday...I can't wait!