
Italian Pasta Salad

This weekend is a 3 day weekend...Labor Day! I thought I would share one of my favorite salads. This is one of my go-to Pasta Salads & it's perfect for big crowds.
This is basically an Antipasto Italian Pasta Salad...all the good things of an Antipasto platter...salami, olives & cheeses. What's not to like?!?!
Here is what you need:

- One box of Rainbow Rotoni, cooked & drained
-Diced Red Onion
-Manzailla Olives
-Sliced Black Olives
- Artichoke Hearts
- Cheddar Cheese Cubes (I cut up cheese sticks)
- Parmesan Cheese
- Italian Salad Dressing

Cook & drain Pasta according to package directions
While your pasta was cooking, here are the items you need to prep....
I use my kitchen scissors ALL THE TIME! They are so convenient to use.
I just cut up the salami in strips:
I do the same thing with the cheddar cheese sticks.
I use 5 cheddar cheese sticks for this salad.
Then, I drain the green olives....
I use the kitchen scissors to cut up these olives also (I can't find them pre-sliced)
After you prep these ingredients, your pasta should be done cooking. Drain & put pasta in a large serving bowl.
Add the chopped cheddar cheese, salami, green & black olives, diced red onion & can of drained artichoke hearts:
This salad is so pretty & colorful :)
Drizzle the Italian dressing on the salad & mix it all together!
This salad is perfect for a crowd! Or you can make a batch of it & have it for lunches during the week.
I forgot to put the Parmesan cheese in the photo above, but after I toss the salad, I add some!
I add a big handful of Parmesan cheese to the salad.
Mix it up & then cover your salad and put it in the fridge to chill.
It needs to chill for a couple hours before you serve it.
I like making it the night before, it gives the salad more flavor.
I love serving this with my Instant Pot BBQ Ribs!
 I hope you like this salad as much as we do!

If you need other salad ideas for Labor Day this weekend, here are some of our favorites:
Caprese Orzo Salad

Broccoli Salad
Pesto Pasta Salad

Loaded Baked Potato Salad:
I hope you have a great Labor Day weekend!

A few reminders.....
My August RF special for new preferred customers ends tonight at midnight...Get a Free Body Replenish ($60 value) and $20 cash back!

I got our Body Replenish last month & it's AMAZING.
It is like silk on your skin. It has totally healed my cracked heels that I had from wearing flip flops every day this summer.
 We have products for all skin types.
Click HERE to find out what regimen is best for your skin!

I am also placing a BULK ORDER this weekend for  Lash Boost.
$125 for a tube of Lash Boost & it lasts 3-4 months.
 Some of you wanted our Eye Cream, so I am adding that to the bulk order as well!

One jar of eye cream is $60 and it will last you 6 months.

Email me to place an order!


What's Up Wednesday :: August 2018

It's the last Wednesday of the month, that means it's time for our What's Up Wednesday Link Up!

Link up with  me, Sheaffer & Shay the LAST Wednesday of each month so we can read about What's Up with YOU!

Here we go!
What We’re Eating this week..... 
Monday - Instant Pot BBQ Shredded Chicken Sandwiches

Tuesday - Back to School Feast (the kids always request breakfast for dinner, so I made my pancakes)

Wednesday - Instant Pot Baked Chicken Tacos

Thursday - Leftovers
Friday - Friday Night Pizza Night!

 We also had some super ripe bananas so I made my Banana Bread.

My kids love this as an after school snack...it was gone in 2 days!

What I'm Reminiscing about.....
 Because Claire is turning 10 next weekend and her birthday party is next Friday, I have been reminiscing about her birthday parties, she has had some really fun themes!
Double digits for Claire! What!!

Claire's Parties throughout the years:
9th Birthday - Hawaiian Luau Pool Party 
8th Birthday - Flamingo Pool Party

7th Birthday - Claire's Shabby Chic Tea Party

6th Birthday - Claire's Mermaid Swim Party

5th Birthday - Claire's Tangled Party 

4th Birthday - Claire's Candy Shoppe Party

 3rd Birthday - Claire's Cowgirl Party

2nd Birthday - Claire's Ladybug Party
1st Birthday - Claire's Ice Cream Party

I love this invite...I made a 12 photo invite for all my kids 1st bdays :)
To see all the other kid's parties I have thrown, click HERE for my Party Tab!

 What I'm loving.....
I’m loving that I'm going to be an Aunt again! My younger sister is due with a baby boy in January! We could not be more excited & Kate is literally praying that her new cousin arrives on her birthday!

The grandkids for my parents will be tied up 3 girls & 3 boys!

What We've been up to.....
 August was a busy month, but a fun month!
We went to Lake Tahoe
Went to SF Giants game (twice!)
Luke turned 6 & we had a Lumberjack Birthday Party
School Started
All 3 kids started Soccer

What I'm Dreading.....
Now that school has started, I am dreading grading homework & tests.
I am also dreading my kids homework...one of my girls loves homework & one does not.

I'm totally dreading the homework battle everyday after school. UGH.

What I'm Working On.....
Claire's 10th Birthday Party is next Friday, so I am working on that!
It's a Unicorn Pool Party!
These are the cookies I ordered to give out as her favors:

I can't wait to see them in person!

What I'm Excited About.....
 My Back to School Lash Bash!

I'm placing a bulk order of Lash Boost this weekend!
 Lash Boost is incredible.

Here are my friend Caroline's lashes:

 One tube of Lash Boost lasts me around 4-5 months!
100% natural, 100% real!
If you want longer, darker & fuller looking lashes, this is the deal for you!

Lash Boost would be $125 (retails for $150)
Prices include tax and shipping.
This is a great way for you to try Lash Boost at a discounted price.  

This deal is good for anyone.... customers or non customers. 
Send me an email or leave a comment if you would like to order!

What I'm Watching........
I started watching Parks & Rec earlier this Summer.
I love it!
If you need a sit com/comedy to binge watch (or just watch) I highly recommend it!

Can't wait for Fall TV to start up next month :)

What I'm Reading.....
I read 7 books this month!!!!! I was trying to get in a lot of reading the first 2 weeks of August before school started.
This was the sequel to Something Borrowed. 
I loved it. 
4out of 5 stars!

 4 out of 5 stars
If you haven't read her books before...go read them now! I highly recommend any of these novels...perfect summer beach reads!

When Life Gives you Lululemons
This was a fun/easy read!
4 out of 5 stars

Queen of Hearts

This was another good book & had a good twist
4 out of 5 stars

I Let You Go
It took be about 100 pages to get into this book, it was good, but wish it didn't take so long to get into.
3.5 out of 5 stars

Before we were Yours 
 One of the BEST books I have read this year!!!!!!!
And, based on a true story!
5 out of 5 stars!!!

What I'm Listening to.....
Pandora's Top Hits, especially when I run.
  My current favorite song is Girls Like You by Maroon 5.
LOVE Maroon 5!

What I'm Wearing.....
 Now that school is back in session, I am wearing actual clothes rather than running/workout clothes that I wore pretty much all summer :)
My new favorite shoes for teaching...Rothy's!!! I blogged about them last week on my Friday Favorites, but had to mention them again because I LOVE them.
I love Tory Burch flats, but the style I like was discontinued last year. I need comfy (and cute!) shoes to teach in. Enter, Rothy's.

They are made from recycled water bottles!!!!
They come in tons of colors and 3 different styles.
I love the pointed toe version, but they also come in rounded toe or loafer.
They just now started carrying kids sizes.
My favorite ones are the pointed toe/solid black.
Not only are they extremely comfortable, they are stylish. And, a total bonus that they are made with recycled water bottles. It feels like I am wearing slippers.
And, the insoles are machine washable!
I recommend sizing up 1/2 a size.
If you click HERE, you get $20 off your order!
They offer free shipping & free returns.

What I’m doing this weekend.....
 College football starts this weekend!!!
Friday night the Colorado Buffs play their first football game of the sesason.
It's a little pathetic how excited I am to watch the game.
I LOVE College Football!
This weekend is also Labor Day, so that means a 3 day weekend! Yeah!
We are going to our friends house for a BBQ this weekend.

What I'm Looking Forward to next month.....
Kevin and I are going to New Orleans. Rodan + Field annual convention is there this year.
 I would LOVE any recommendations for NOLA!
Where to eat & what to do!
Thank you!

What else is new.....
Yesterday, I finally posted our Backyard Remodel!
So, if you missed my blog post with all the details, be sure and check it out HERE.
We are loving our new backyard structure that Kevin & our neighbor built.
The post even has before photos from when we first bought the house in 2010.

Question of the month is:
What is your favorite Back to School Tradition?
Every year we have our annual Back to School Feast for our kids.
Some people have this the night before school starts or the first night of school.
We have found that having it the first or second week of school works best for our kiddos.
They look forward to it so much & can't wait to find out what our theme for the year is going to be!
 Ever since Kate started preschool, we have done a Back to School Feast to kick off the school year.
This is one of my favorite traditions!
Back to School Feast {2010}
Back to School Feast {2011}
Back to School Feast {2012}
Back to School Feast {2013}
Back to School Feast {2014}
Back to School Feast {2015}
Back to School Feast {2016}
Back to School Feast {2017}
We had our 2018 Back to School Feast last night, here is a sneak peek: 
 At the Back to School Feast, we talk about the theme for the year and what they are looking forward to & goals they have for the year.


If you are new to my blog, thanks for stopping by!
Feel free to follow along! 
You can find me on Bloglovin, Facebook & Instagram

Can't wait to read about What's up with all of YOU!

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