
BBQ Chicken Pizza + a Life Changing Tip!

Pizza is my favorite food. 
I could eat it everyday.
A few weeks ago I got THIS pizza maker.
(It's on major sale right now!!!)

To say that we are obsessed with it is an under statement. 
We have been making pizza for dinner 1-2 times a week since we got it! 
I have been experimenting with different pizza toppings/recipes and there have been some REALLY good ones!
So, once a month, I am going to share a new pizza recipe with you!
You don't need the pizza maker (you can use your oven) but I am letting you know that using this pizza maker gives your pizza an authentic pizzeria taste! 
To kick off my new Pizza Series, I am sharing one of my all time favorite pizza recipes:
This is also known as copycat California Pizza Kitchen BBQ chicken pizza.
Here is what you need:
- 1 or 2 chicken breasts, cooked & shredded (depends on how much chicken you want on your pizza)
- Pizza Dough ( I always use the pre-made ball of dough from Trader Joes or Safeway. It's only $1.50)
- Shredded Cheese (for this pizza I use a blend of mozzeralla & cheddar)
- BBQ sauce (your favorite brand!)
- Red onions, sliced
- Cilantro, chopped

If you use pre made dough, I keep the dough in the bag for 30 minutes at room temperature.
While the dough is sitting out for 30 minutes, I get the shredded chicken ready.
You can actually barbecue 2 chicken breasts, but I have a method that is SO.MUCH.EASIER!
I boil the frozen chicken breasts for about 15 minutes (until they are cooked!)
After 15 minutes I take out one of the chicken breasts & cut it in half to make sure it is cooked all the way through. No one wants under cooked chicken! YUCK!
 I put them in my kitchen aid while they are still warm & using the paddle attachment, I turn it on and it SHREDS the chicken in less than a minute!!!!! 
Check it out!!!!!
I don't know about you, but cutting up chicken grosses me out, so using this method is LIFE CHANGING. 
Yes, LIFE CHANGING. Shredding chicken without touching it is Life Changing in my opinion ;)

Then I take about 1-2 cups of the shredded chicken & add it to a bowl with BBQ sauce:
Add as much BBQ sauce as you need to fully coat your chicken. I LOVE BBQ sauce, so I add a lot.
While my chicken is boiling, I also slice the onions:
Chop the cilantro:
After the dough has sat out for 30 minutes, I divide the dough into 2 equal parts so that you can make 2 pizzas.
I made a plain cheese for my kids & the BBQ chicken pizza for Kevin & I.
 Knead your dough....
Then, on a lightly floured surface, roll out your dough:
My kids LOVE helping with this part, even Luke. He is surpsingly good at rolling out dough. Maybe he will be a chef when he grows up!
 Then, I take a piece of parchment paper & place the dough on this.
For this pizza maker, you DON'T need to use parchment, you can put it right on the pizza stone, but I don't have a pizza peel....yet. Maybe for Valentine's Day Kevin....Hint hint ;)
Because I don't have a pizza peel, I have no way of getting the pizza off the stone without burning myself, so I just use parchment paper & it works just fine!
Also, if you bake this in the oven on a cookie sheet, I would use parchment paper so the dough doesn't stick to your cookie sheet.
Add some BBQ sauce to your pizza dough & then add the cheese:
Add the sliced red onions:
Then add the shredded BBQ chicken:
Look at all this yumminess:
Bake in your preheated pizza oven for 9 minutes. This is what the pizza oven looks like inside:
You can adjust the settings to if you have thick crust or thin crust. I am all about thick crust :)
There is a little window so you can look at your pizza as it cooks:
If you don't have this pizza oven, you can bake on a cookie sheet in your oven at 450 degrees for 15-18 minutes (depending on how thick your crust is)
All done & out of the pizza oven:
Now, add the chopped up cilantro. 
I am not a HUGE fan of cilantro, but I LOVE it on this pizza:
This makes a 12 inch pizza. Slice into pieces:
Kevin said this was one of the BEST pizzas he has ever had.
It honestly tastes like it is from a pizzeria!
I hope you love this recipe as much as we do!
I'm so excited about sharing more pizza recipes with you this year!

I have a $100 Etsy giveaway going on that ends this Sunday!
Click HERE to enter!

And, I am placing my BULK order of Exfoliating products on Monday.
Here is what you can choose from:
Lip Microderm Stick $15
Body Microderm Stick $28
Tub of Microderm Paste $68
Reverse Deep Exfoliating Wash $35
(These items each last 4-6 months)

I will personally cover the cost of shipping & tax as a gift to you!   
The lip and body are being discontinued next week, so this is your LAST chance to get them!
Email me:
and let me know what items you want to order!


Happy Friday & Happy Pizza Night!


What's Up Wednesday :: January 2016

It's the last Wednesday of the month, that means it's time for our What's Up Wednesday Link Up!

Link up with me, Sheaffer & Shay the LAST Wednesday of each month so we can read about What's Up with YOU!

We didn't do the link up in December because it was in the middle of Christmas & New Year's...I have missed doing this link up! I love it so much! 

What We’re Eating this week..... 
 Monday: Leftovers

Tuesday: Slow Cooker Broccoli Beef (I need to blog this!)
Wednesday: Homemade BBQ Chicken Pizza using my new Pizza Maker!

Thursday: Slow Cooker Chicken Fajitas
Recipe {HERE}

Friday: Friday Night Pizza Night!
Saturday: Dinner at our friends Wine & Cheese Party!
Sunday: Taco Soup

Taco Soup Recipe {HERE}
I also make some treats/after school snacks each week.
This is what I making this week:
No Bake Energy Protein Balls {Recipe HERE}
Several of my neighbors have Meyer Lemon trees & right now they are growing like crazy, so I have several lemons that they have given me that I need to use!

I am making  Lemon Bars (YUM!)
Recipe {HERE}

and my Sour Cream Blueberry Lemon Muffins (I need to blog these also....so good!)

My mandarin orange tree is also producing a lot of oranges (aka "cuties") so we have been snacking on those also!

What I'm Reminiscing about.....
Since Kate just had her 9th Birthday & Party,  I have been reminiscing about all the birthday parties I have thrown for her the past 9 years!
Whenever I am working on a birthday party post, I always go back & look at the other parties I have thrown for each kid to see how they have grown through the years. It's my little ritual that I do...I love looking back on the party posts :)
If you missed it yesterday, I posted the details of her Roller Skating Party.
 Check it out {HERE}

After I posted it, I looked at all her party posts from her 1st birthday thru her 8th birthday.
She has had some cute parties.
Here they are:


What I'm loving.....
EXFOLIATING & Micro Dermabrassion!
I don't know about you, but in the winter months, skin can take a beating. Even here in California! Our winters aren't very harsh, but it can get into the 30s/40s at night. That means we crank up our heaters & our skin dries out.
These 4 items are some of my go-to products during the winter (and summer) months because they help exfoliate my skin!
Starting at the top left, we have our Body Microdermabrassion, then we have our Micro-dermabrasion Paste, Reverse Deep Exfoliating wash & our lip microdermabrassion stick.

The body bar is an all over exfoliator that is great for heels, elbows, knees, and anywhere else you wanna be silky smooth.
Our jar or microderm paste is a sugar/salt scrub. I use it 2-3 times a week at night when washing my face. One jar lasts 5-6 months.
The Reverse deep exfoliating wash is what I use to wash my face each morning. It's a multi-mechanism exfoliater that simultaneously cleanses and refines sun damaged, blotchy complexions. Alpha hydroxy acids loosen old, dull skin cells so that tiny polyethylene beads can effectively sweep them away. With a fresh, polished surface, skin is instantly brighter and ready to receive the benefits of the medicines delivered in the subsequent steps of the regimen.
The lip microdermabrasion stick is fabulous for dry, cracked winter lips. Especially when paired with our lip renewing serum.
Well, it happens all the time. Big companies discontinue products/items as they grow and evolve. Here's where I'm going with this... Rodan+Fields has decided to discontinue our Enhancements Body Microdermabrasion Bar, and the Enhancements Lip Microdermabrasion Stick. So bummed!!
BUT.... The good news is, they have given us notice, so we have time to STOCK UP!

So, here's what I'm gonna do. I'll be placing a BULK ORDER for the body bar and lip micro on February 1st.
If you'd like to get your hands on one, or both of these products ONE LAST TIME, the body bar is $28 and the lip microdermabrasion is $15.
These will go FAST!! So this is a "while supplies last" offer. Please comment or message me if you'd like me to get you any!

Because I am placing a bulk order for these 2 discontinued items,  but I will also be placing a bulk order of my other 2 favorites...the Reverse Deep Exfoliating Wash ($35) and our jar of Microderm paste ($68)

I will personally cover the cost of shipping & tax as a gift to you! 
 Email me:
and let me know what you want to order!

What We've been up to.....
Lots of Birthdays!
We had our neighbor's 40th earlier this month. The party was a bar that has dueling pianos. So fun!
 January in our family also means birthdays!
Kevin's dad, Kate & my niece all have January birthdays.
Last weekend we celebrated all 3 with bowling & then dinner and cake!

 What I'm Dreading.....
 Signing Luke up for preschool.
This means he is growing up....my last baby going to school.
It's bitter sweet, for sure.
I'm signing him up this week, but he won't start until Fall.

What I'm Working On.....
New Valentine Designs!
I have tons of FREE Valentine printables on my blog, but each year I like to make a few more.
Here are some candies/treats that my kids picked out to give for Valentines.
New printables using these items coming in the next week!
Stay tuned :)

 Here are the free Valentine Printables that I already have on the blog:
 Ring Pop Valentine:


Goldfish Valentines:
They have these Valentine Goldfish packs at Target again this year.
I have 3 different versions of Printables that would work for Goldfish:

Valentine Peeps S'mores:


Valentines using pencils:
(2 versions of this printable. One says "Valentine you are just Write!" the other says "You've got the Write stuff, Valentine"

Valentine, You are Fun! {HERE}

I'm stuck on You // Let's Stick Together {HERE}

Starburst Valentines {HERE}

 You make my heart Pop {HERE}

What I'm Excited About.....
 I am so excited about my new Pizza maker!
 I could eat pizza every single day.
You can get it HERE or HERE
We have had homemade pizza every week since I got it at the beginning of January.
Homemade pizza recipes are coming to the blog soon!
I'm not just excited about it, I'm slightly obsessed with it! It tastes like pizza from a pizzeria!

What I'm Watching........
 We finished watching Making a Murder a few weeks ago...AHHHH!!!!

 I am also watching American Idol...I've watched every season so far :)
 And, of course....The Bachelor! Haven't missed a season of that either!
 I am also watching The Biggest Loser. I just love this show!

I am anxiously awaitng February when TGIT comes back with new episodes...Grey's, How to get away with Murder and Scandal!


What I'm Reading.....
I've started off 2016 by reading 5 books so far!
I started off with this book...It was good....different than I expected, but well written.

 Reconstructing Amelia

Then I read this...it was a little far fetched for me. It was just okay.
 Where'd you go Bernadette

I love everything Mary Higgins Clark writes. This book was fantastic!

This book WRECKED me. SO good. SO, SO Good.
There were parts I had to put the book down & I just cried. It broke my heart, but it was fantastic at the same time. I HIGHLY recommend it. 

 Orphan Train
I just finished this book yesterday. Again, Mary Higgins Clark doesn't disappoint! This had a great ending that I did not expect.
 Daddy's Gone a Hunting

If you need book ideas, HERE is a list of the 35 Books I read in 2015

What I'm Listening to.....
Okay. Confession time.
I listen to Pandora's "Today's Hits" when I run.
I don't know who signs which songs because I am running & I don't see the song titles or artists.
A few weeks ago, my friend & I were talking and she "confessed" to me that she likes the new Justin Bieber album.
I LAUGHED at her and said "SERIOUSLY? Justin Bieber? He came out with an album recently?"
Then she says "Yes..it came out last year & it's actually good. He has 2 songs I really like "What do you Mean & Love yourself" 
She sang a few lines from them.
Then my jaw hit the ground.
I LOVE those songs....they are on Pandora Top Hits ALL the time. 
I didn't realize Justin Bieber sang them?!?!?
WHAT in the world?!?
Hangs my head in shame.

So....yeah......apparently I am in my 30's and I LOVE the new Justin Bieber songs.
But seriously...those songs are awesome.

What I'm Wearing.....
 We have had SO much rain this month here in California. YAY!
My rainboots are finally getting use after a 3 year drought!
So glad I can finally wear them!

We have had a break in the rain this week...so no rainboots, but instead booties!
 Shirt & Pants (Stitch Fix)  // Booties {HERE} // Necklace (Premier)

 Shirt {HERE} // Black Jeans {HERE}  // Booties {HERE} // Necklace {HERE}

 What I’m doing this weekend.....
 Kate has her last indoor soccer game, Claire has basketball & Saturday night we are going to a Wine & Cheese tasting party!
On Sunday morning it's 3rd grade Bible at church & Kate gets a new Bible. So exciting. She has been going to classes with us this month, she is so excited to get her very own Bible.
The girls & Kevin also have the Pinewood Derby this Sunday afternoon!
They've been busy working on their cars.

What I'm Looking Forward to next month.....
 We have a lot of fun things planned in February.
Superbowl Party with friends
My sister's birthday
Kevin's sister's birthday
Going to San Francisco

What else is new.....
Claire lost one of her front teeth yesterday...we worked on pulling it out all afternoon.
It was hanging by a thread!
 When my kids lose a tooth, the tooth fairy leaves them a reciept!

Check out my tooth fairy receipt tutorial {HERE}

Question of the month is:
What is your favorite Valentine's treat?
I don't just have one!
Every year, the kids and I will be make Valentine Treats & delivering them to our neighbors & family.

Ritzies // M&M cookies // Chocolate Peanut Butter Heart Cookies //
 Nutella Brownies // Valentine Popcorn // Valentine Hugs & Kisses
We make a variety of goodies & deliver them.

 For the Valentine popcorn, we use THIS printable:

Printable on {THIS} post:

Valentine Cookies in a Jar {HERE}
I give these to my girls teachers & the School office staff, custodian, crossing guard, etc.
As you can tell...I like A LOT of Valentine's treats :)


If you are planning a party & need supplies from Etsy, or just want to buy things on Etsy, I have a $100 Etsy giveaway going on! 
Click HERE to enter!

If you are new to my blog, thanks for stopping by!
Feel free to follow along! 
You can find me on Bloglovin, Facebook & Instagram

Can't wait to read about What's up with all of YOU!

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