It's an Instagram photo dump!
The past few weeks have been crazy busy, so not much time to blog, so here is a snapshot via Instagram!
Kate had her first soccer game (aka Bunch Ball) I'm a Soccer Mom! Ha.
Not sure if soccer is going to be her sport, but she did score a goal at her first game.
My mother in law gave me a bottle of one of my favorite wines for surviving my first month with 3 kids:

I have a new habit every afternoon.
I call it caffeine o'clock. Sometimes it's iced coffee:
Other times it's Diet Coke or Coke Zero.
Waking up several times a night with a newborn is kicking my butt!
I have been entertaining myself with the random late night TV since all my shows are on summer repeat, I have been watching random things like Hotel Hell. I already get the heeby-geebys when I stay at hotels. This show makes it worse!
And, Breaking Amish. Seriously. This show is BIZARRE. But, I am so intrigued by it.
Last weekend we went on our first road trip as a family of 5 for my cousin's wedding.. And, guess what I had for the very first time??? Chick Fil A!
I got the Spicy Chicken Sandwich, Waffle fries & Sweet Tea. Yummy!
My cousin's wedding was beautiful. His wife looked stunning.
It was Luke's first wedding, he slept the whole time!
One of my cousins had her little girl, Lilly 3 days before I had Luke. Aren't they sweet?
It was fun for my cousins on my dad's side to meet Luke!
I finally made Luke's birth announcements & got them mailed out. I love how they turned out.
Wednesday was a big day for our family. It was National Talk Like a Pirate Day, so of course Luke dressed up.
Wednesday was also the day my little sister Rebecca had her baby!!
I'm such a Proud Auntie!!!!
Welcome to the World, Jack.
Or, as we have all been calling him, "Captain Jack" since he was born on Pirate Day.
I told my sister his first birthday party should be a Pirate Party. It's never too early to start planning! :)
Our girls got to "meet" him via facetime on Wednesday night. I love technology.
For his homecoming on Friday, my mom & I decorated their front door.
And, Friday night, Luke got to meet his Best Friend & Brother-Cousin for the first time.
So glad he saved that notebook of names that we made 10 years ago.
Claire was up most of Friday night with a fever.
Sick kids with a newborn makes me nervous. Ugh.
Saturday was the first day of Fall. But, it didn't feel like it, since it was 95 degrees!
My hydrangeans are blooming which never happens this late in the year. So strange.
Nothing like swimming on the first day of Fall!
I am SO over the warm weather. Bring on the real Fall weather!!!!
I want to wear boots & sweaters & scarves!