This Kate on our way out there. When we got on the freeway, I said "Happy Valentines Day Kate" She said, "What is dat?" (she obviously forgot about all the Valentine's Goodies we made the other day)
I said, "Valentines Day is a Hallmark holiday that makes single people feel bad about themselves. Just remember Kate, Jesus is your one true love."
We met at Reid & Kelly's house (Kelly had gotten a babysitter for Kate & their son Owen). This was the first time Kate has been left with a babysitter other than her Granparents or my sisters! She did great. We headed out at 11 am with Reid & Kelly, Christine & Rod, Rod's parents and Jimmy & Denise and of course Claire.
Here we are the the first Winery, Jessie's Grove. My goal was to get a picture of us at all the wineries! I acheived my goal. Reid's goal was to go to as many wineries as we could. We went to 7 out of 40. His goal is to go to more than 10 next year!
Then we headed to Abundance Vineyards. This is where we encountered CRAZY PERSON #1. Crazy Person #1 was a lady who was really enjoying her wine & asked me 3 times if she could buy my baby for $50. Ummmm...sorry lady, she isn't for sale, And if she was, she is worth WAY more than $50. Anyways..
I decided to put Claire in the Baby Bjorn. She wasn't too excited about it & kept trying to grab my wine glass.
Reid & Kevin in front of this door that Reid really liked....

These meatballs called "Great Balls of Fire" were AMAZINGly good!
There was barrel tasting from these 2 wines "Flirtacious" and"Boobylicious". Yes, they had a wine called "Boobylicious". Hysterical.
They donate some of the proceeds from that wine to Breast Cancer Awareness.
We left "Slutty girl Winery" and headed over to Heritage Oak Winery.
Isn't it pretty?
Our 6th stop was Vino Con Brio. It had the best atmosphere, hands down! It is connected to a Bed & Breakfast & it had a lot of character & a cute cobblestone courtyard.
Reid & Kevin discussing the wine.
We encountered Crazy Person #3 here. Claire was asleep at this winery, and this lady in the red hat kept walking by us and bending down to the stroller and shouting into Claire's face "Wake up, wake up!!" Thanks a lot Crazy Lady #3, you eventually did wake her up.
Our 7th & final stop was at Borra Vineyards. They had beautiful vineyards also.

We ran into our 4th and final Crazy Person here. I was standing off to the side with Claire & this guy comes up to me and says "So, how is Claire sleeping at night?" (ummmmmmm What? Who are you? Where are all these crazy people coming from. I thought to myself.) Reid, Kevin and I glanced at eachother & I said that she was sleeping okay and excused myself (with Claire) to go get some more wine. I left Kevin with the crazy guy. Reid giving a thumbs up at crazy guy while Kevin is stuck talking to him.
I saw this shirt at Borra. It reminded me of my younger sister Becks! haha.
The kiddos hanging out!
When we got home from Lodi, we discovered that St. Valentine (aka Grandma Jill) had hit our house with some Valentine's presents.
For the girls, an outdoor picnic table:
We had a fun & tiring Valentine's Day. Usuaully, we don't do anything on the actual Valentine's Day. Kevin and I always celebrate Valentine's Day on February 15th since that is when he proposed! (He is a Valentine's Day hater) We exchange Valentines Day cards on the 15th & then go to dinner. No crowds & we dont have to make reservations, it is great!
I think Kevin's expression while stuck talking to the crazy guy is funny!! What a fun day!! Gorgeous! I want to move to CA!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI said, "Valentines Day is a Hallmark holiday that makes single people feel bad about themselves. Just remember Kate, Jesus is your one true love."
ReplyDeleteYou are hilarious! This is why I keep comin' back. :) Sorry about all the crazy people. For some reason, cute babies bring out the weirdness in others.
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