
Claire is 5 months old!

Our little (big) Claire Bear is 5 months old today.
Isn't she the cutest?

I thought Kate was an easy baby....Claire is even easier!

She is SO happy & smiley all the time.

We took Claire wine tasting with us on Saturday for Beck's birthday because we were going to be gone most of the day & evening and it would be easier for me to feed her if she was with us. We were gone from 1pm-9pm and Claire was an angel! She didn't cry the whole time & loved being passed around & held by all of Beck's friends.

This has been a fun month for Claire, she really is probably one of the happiest babies that I have ever known. Her smiles just melt my heart.

Her sleeping has gotten a little bit better this month and the past few weeks she has been going into her crib between 7-8 at night & only wakes up 1-2 times at night. I feed her for less than 5 minutes & she falls asleep again. Most mornings, she is still asleep when I leave for work. Her naps aren't consistent at all and I have noticed that she has been taking a lot of cat naps during the day & that the 45 minute intruder keeps waking her up. The 45 minute intruder is when they wake up 45 minutes after they go down for a nap. This happened with Kate around 4-6 months also.
Claire is learning new things each day & within the past few days has rolled from front to back & discovered her feet! She arches her back to escape her Bumbo seat. I think she wants to sit on her own, but she still falls flat on her face when we try that.
I love this stage she is in & it is so fun to see her discover new things. But it also means my baby girl is growing up too fast {sigh}.

And, here are the comparison pictures with Kate & Claire:


  1. Thank you Thank You Very much Doctor Otonokpo for making my ex boyfriend come back to me. I am Cordelia Sandra from Brazil and i am putting this testimony here too because i want to share my testimony of how i was helped by Doctor Otonokpo within 48 hours of contacting him. Yes, it was last week my ex boyfriend returned to me after i contacted Doctor Otonokpo. My boyfriend was always going back to meet his ex girlfriend because he never really left her. Her name was Sophie. I didn't know how it happened one day after breakfast that i saw him looking at his ex girlfriend's picture on Facebook and I flared at him that he doesn't care about him and he was with me and still thinking about his ex although we have been dating for 6 months. He stormed at me and left the house and never returned. I was heartbroken and wanted him to come back. I was in a nightclub with friend one evening that I saw him with Sophie there, I was humiliated that night and I regretted going there only to see him there. I went online after some days and found Doctor Otonokpo and read about him and I contacted him to help me get him back. I must say that within 48 hours, my boyfriend came back to me and pleaded for leaving me. Is this how spell works so fast? Please, if you want help, contact Doctor Otonokpo too to help you at otonokpotemple@gmail.com
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    1. Five weeks ago my boyfriend broke up with me. It all started when i went to summer camp i was trying to contact him but it was not going through. So when I came back from camp I saw him with a young lady kissing in his bed room, I was frustrated and it gave me a sleepless night. I thought he will come back to apologies but he didn't come for almost three week i was really hurt but i thank Dr.Azuka for all he did i met Dr.Azuka during my search at the internet i decided to contact him on his email dr.azukasolutionhome@gmail.com he brought my boyfriend back to me just within 48 hours i am really happy. What’s app contact : +44 7520 636249‬

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