
Sweet Italian Sausage, Bell Pepper & Pepperoni Pizza

Pizza is my favorite food. 
I could eat it everyday.
  At Christmas I got THIS pizza maker.
(It is also on sale HERE)
We have been making pizza for dinner at least 1 time a week since we got it! 
I have been experimenting with different pizza toppings/recipes and there have been some REALLY good ones!
Like I mentioned in January, once a month I am going to share a new pizza recipe with you.
You don't need the pizza maker (you can use your oven) but I am letting you know that using this pizza maker gives your pizza an authentic pizzeria taste! 
I am planning on sharing a new pizza recipe the last Friday of each month in honor of Friday Night Pizza Night that we have every Friday night at our house :)

Today, I am excited to share my:
 Sweet Italian Sausage, Bell Pepper & Pepperoni Pizza
Here is what you need:
- Pizza Dough (I use pre-made dough from Safeway or Trader Joes.  I like Safeway's better because it so much easier to work with & tastes better! But, it was sold out this week, so I used Trader Joe's. You can make your own dough, but when the pre-made dough is only $1.50, this is a no brainer!)
- Pizza Sauce
-Mozzarella Cheese
- Sweet Italian Sausage
- Red, Yellow & Orange Bell Peppers (you can use a green bell pepper also, but they aren't my favorite...the red, orange & yellow are sweeter & go well with the sausage & pepperoni)

Remove casings & cook your Sweet Italian Sausage.
You won't need 1 pound of sausage for this pizza, maybe 1 or 2 links, but I cook the entire package at once & then freeze the rest for when I need sausage for my Lasagna or my Spicy Spinach Sausage Pasta Bake (which I really need to blog!)
While your sausage is browning, slice up your bell peppers.
Again, you will only use about 1/3 of each bell pepper for the pizza, but I slice them all up & save the rest to put in my kids lunches or for us to snack on with some hummus. So much easier to have healthy snacks when they are already prepped!
Roll out your dough on a lightly floured surface:
I then put my dough on a piece of parchment paper & add pizza sauce:
Add some mozzarella cheese:
Add the pepperoni:
Add the cooked Italian sausage:
Add the sliced bell peppers:
Bake in your pizza oven (or regular oven at 450 degrees) for 8-10 minutes 
(I bake mine on parchment paper for 5 minutes & then slide it off the parchment paper & bake it on the pizza stone)
Slice up your pizza & Enjoy!
I really like the sweetness of the sausage & the bell peppers!
The pepperoni adds a nice spiciness to the pizza! If you wanted to use Spicy Italian Sausage instead of Sweet Italian Sausage, I think that would be really delicious as well!

 If you want to see other Pizza recipes I have posted......
In January I shared my BBQ Chicken Pizza Recipe {HERE}
In February I shared my Fig, Prosciutto & Arugula Pizza {HERE}
In March I shared my Pesto Chicken, Sundried Tomato & Artichoke Pizza {HERE}

What are your favorite pizza toppings? I have some fun ideas I am planning 

 Happy Pizza Friday & hope you have a great weekend!

Just a friendly reminder my April Specials end TOMORROW at midnight!!!
This month I have an AMAZING deal for a FREE eye cream on an order of any regimen with our Amp Roller or Acute Care.
 Perfect timing if you want a gift for Mother's Day.

Check out these Reverse & AMP Roller results:
Have sun damage or pregnancy melasma? Reverse will help even your skin tone & the roller helps with fine lines/wrinkles and improves firmness. 
 Let me know if you want to grab this awesome deal for yourself or for a Mother's Day gift.
This deal applies for current AND new Preferred Customers!
 If you don't want a roller or Acute care, we have another April Special:
  $20 cash back, 10% off your order, Free Shipping AND a FREE SPF 20 Mineral Peptides Powder for all new preferred customers. 
We have products for ALL skin types! Wrinkles, Sun Damage, Acne & Sensitive Skin!
Take THIS quick questionnaire to find out what is best for your skin!
 Send me an email to get started! 


What's Up Wednesday :: April 2016

It's the last Wednesday of the month, that means it's time for our What's Up Wednesday Link Up!

Link up with  me, Sheaffer & Shay the LAST Wednesday of each month so we can read about What's Up with YOU!

Here we go!
What We’re Eating this week..... 
Monday- Baked Ravioli & Caesar Salad

Tuesday- Taco Tuesday: 3 ingredient Crock Pot Tacos

Wednesday- Leftovers

Thursday- BBQ Chicken and Avocado, Bacon & Corn Salad

Friday- Friday Night Pizza Night!

Saturday- Spicy Turkey Burger Sliders

Sunday- Tri Tip, Grilled Asparagus & Baked Potatoes

It's going to be in the high 80's & low 90's this week/weekend, so that means a lot more Grilling & BBQing...bring on Summer weather!

I also like to bake some treats each week. This week I made:
Cinnamon Sugar Applesauce Muffins: 
and my Very Berry Cobbler

What I'm Reminiscing about.....
Such an amazing musician.
It was 1985....I was 6 years old.
My next door neighbors got this thing called "cable" and a TV station called "Music Television" aka MTV was airing music videos. They invited us over to watch MTV.
Raspberry Beret was the first music video that I ever saw. I will never forget it.
We lost a legend last week...RIP Prince.

What I'm loving.....
 Last week on my Friday Favorites, I posted about my new favorite nail polish!

I am loving it because it doesn't chip easily!

 From left to right....
1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6

I also use step 1 and step 3:

What We've been up to.....
We just got back from a weekend in Yosemite.
It was SO much fun. It had been years since I have been to Yosemite.
I forgot how beautiful it is.

My highlight of our Yosemite trip was hiking the mist trial to Vernal Falls. 6 miles round trip...rocky, very steep & part of it you get wet from the mist of the waterfall. Once you get to the top it is breathtaking.
Amazing views & the waterfall was roaring because of the recent rain. The waterfall itself is over 300 feet long.
We hiked the long way back so that we could go up higher and see Vernal Falls from above (lower right photo...look at how small the people look compared to the waterfall!)

 If you have never been to Yosemite, but it on your bucket list!
 Pictures don't even do it justice!

I can't wait to go back next year!

What I'm Dreading.....
We are in the middle of SBAC testing at school....ugh.
 I am dreading the next week of testing.
Can't wait for it to be done with! 

What I'm Working On.....
My 2016 Garden!!!

 I switched things up a little bit in my garden this year...I will do a full post about it soon!

What I'm Excited About.....
We are doing some renovations to our backyard.....redoing the 40 year old cement, putting up a pergola, possible outdoor kitchen. Here is a sneak peek of our plans....
 I am so excited to have new cement/patio area that doesn't have cracks. The patio is 40 years old and since we live in California (earthquake country!) the cement is cracked & it is a tripping hazard. We are taking out some of the grass in our backyard (California drought!) and adding more patio so we have a more user friendly backyard space. We have lived here 6 years and have done 2 phases of a backyard update, so this is the 3rd phase.
You can see our Before & Afters HERE...can't wait for Phase 3 to be finished!

We are also moving our pool equipment to the side yard to make room for a possible outdoor kitchen area & we are converting our pool to a salt water pool. They started moving the pool equipment on Monday!

 We are in construction mode now! I am so excited for it to be done & we are only a few days in. LOL!

What I'm Watching........
 We are watching a lot of sports lately!
Warriors in the playoffs!
 We are also watching SF Giants baseball!

And, the only other show I am watching lately is The Voice.
New Girl, Grey's Anatomy, How to get away with Murder & Scandal keep piling up on my DVR.
I need to catch up...I am so behind!

What I'm Reading.....

I was able to read a lot of books this month (7!!!) because the first week of April I was on Spring Break & stayed up WAY TOO late each night reading. I read 4 books that week!

 This was interesting...I give it 3.5 out of 5 stars.
 LOVED this book! 4.5 stars!!!
 Eh. My least favorite Mary Higgins Clark that I have read yet (and I've read a lot of hers!) It was a compilation of short stories. I give it 3 out of 5 stars.
 This was gut wrenching good. 4 out of 5 stars

LOVED this as well. 4.5 out of 5 stars
 This was also fascinating...I give it 4.5 out of 5 stars
Me Before You

 I really enjoyed this book as well. 4 out of 5 stars.

The next book I am going to read is After You, which is part 2 of this story.

What I'm Listening to.....
 Carrie Underwood...went to her concert a few weeks ago...AMAZING

I am also still listening to Pandora's Top Hits on my runs!

What I'm Wearing.....
 We have had a weird Spring. The weather has been nice, but we have also had some windy days & rainy days.
This is what I wore to the Carrie Underwood concert:

Shirt  // Jeans // Booties // Necklace & Bracelets

 Shirt (Stitch Fix)  // Necklace (Premier)  // Pants // Shoes

Shirt (Stitch Fix ) // Jeans // Booties 
What I’m doing this weekend.....
 Running a 10K Race!
  I'm excited!
P.S. Last week I posted my Tips for getting into Running...you can check out my post HERE.
What I'm Looking Forward to next month.....
 The fact that it is May!
The month of May means that summer is almost here!
I love May... it is Kevin's bday month & my bday month!
Fun things I have in May:
My niece's 2nd Bday Party
Mother's Day
A weekend in Tahoe with my R+F Team
My nieces college graduation

Lots of fun things in store for May!

What else is new.....
I just finished working on a new Teacher Appreciation Printable!
I posted it yesterday on my blog.
Click HERE to see it and also to see other ideas that I have for Teacher Appreciation!

Question of the month is:
What is your favorite Mother's Day gift to Give or Receive?
The only thing I ask for each year on Mother's Day is to sleep in & go get a pedicure.
It's the little things :)

For my mom, I am getting her a gift certificate to have her house cleaned.
She watches Luke (and my nephew Jack & niece Olivia) 3 days a week in the morning while I am teaching, so once school is out, she can get her house deep cleaned by my house keeper (I have a house keeper come to my house once a month...heaven!)
My mother in law usually requests Rodan + Fields products for Mothers Day!
She loves the eye cream :)

So I will probably get her eye cream or our night serum since she has our AMP Roller and you need the night serum to put on after you use the roller!
FYI,  If you want to give R+F for Mothers Day, you have until April 30th to ensure delivery by Mother's Day! :) 

This month I have an AMAZING deal for a FREE eye cream on an order of any regimen with our Amp Roller or Acute Care and it ends on April 30th, so it is perfect timing to get the order placed to ensure delivery for Mother's Day.
Love these Reverse & AMP Roller results!

Let me know if you want to grab this awesome deal for yourself or for a Mother's Day gift.
This applies for current AND new Preferred Customers!

 If you don't want a roller or Acute care, we have another April Special
  $20 cash back, 10% off your order, Free Shipping AND a FREE SPF 20 Mineral Peptides Powder for all new preferred customers. 
We have products for ALL skin types! Wrinkles, Sun Damage, Acne & Sensitive Skin!
Take THIS quick questionnaire to find out what is best for your skin!
 Send me an email to get started! 

Another fun idea as a Mother's Day gift would be to give a Stitch Fix Gift Card.
I have been getting Stitch Fix for a year and it's so fun!
You could give a $20 gift card (or any amount!) so one of your favorite mom's could get a Fix! 

Stitch Fix Gift Card


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Feel free to follow along! 
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Can't wait to read about What's up with all of YOU! Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.


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