
What's Up Wednesday :: April 2015

 I'm so excited about our 1st What's Up Wednesday Link Up!

Link up with  me, Sheaffer & Shay the LAST Wednesday of each month so we can read about What's Up with everyone!

Each month we will have the same questions:

So, here we go!!!!
What We’re Eating this week.....
Meal planning is my favorite. Every Sunday I sit down & plan our meals for the the week! 

Monday: Chicken Apple Sausage & Sweet Potato Fries
Tuesday:  In-n-Out Burger on the way home from Kate's Softball game
Wednesday- Chicken Tortilla Casserole

Thursday- Taco Salad (it's going to be 90 degrees on Thursday & Friday!!)
Friday: Pizza Night
Saturday: Tri Tip, Roasted Dill Potatoes and Brussel Sprouts with Bacon

I also make a homemade treat/snack each week for my kids to have in their lunches or after school.
This week I made my Chocolate Chip Snickers Cookies: because I was craving cookies after Monday's Teacher Appreciation post!

 What I'm Reminiscing about.....
My cousin's wedding!!! She got married on Saturday & it was a blast.
My sisters & I waiting for the wedding to start:
My dress // shoes // jewelry


 It was a beautiful evening at an amazing venue. I am so happy for my cousin & her new husband!
Some highlights of the wedding...delicious lemon drops, the brick courtyard & twinkle lights, my filet mingon, the fact that they had a pinata (that my aunt knocked down, so awesome), dancing (and the flip flops for guests to take, fireworks and going out to the bars after the wedding with my sister, dad, aunts, uncles & cousins.
I had the best time with all my extended family.....can't wait for the next family wedding..in less than a month!!!

What I'm loving.....

Going to our  Saturday night church service! We've been going to the Saturday night service since before Christmas. It is so nice to have a slow Sunday morning. Our weekdays are so rushed in the morning getting out of the house & Saturdays can be busy with sports, birthday parties, family things, so it's nice to have 1 morning that is slow. Going to Saturday night church allows this.

What We've been up to.....
April was busy with 2 weddings, potty training Luke, Spring Break and Kate's softball games starting! It has been a good month!

What I'm Dreading.....
Swim Team started on Monday, and I am already dreading it. Ha!
I have a love/hate relationship with swim team.
I love it because it is such great exercise for the girls, but I hate it because it is a big commitment (everyday) and the girls have different times for practices so poor Luke has to watch swim practice for almost 2 hours an afternoon. Good thing there is a playground next to the pool.
I am also dreading waking up early for swim meets on Saturdays. I love sleep :)

What I'm Working On.....
My Garden! I planted it 10 days ago, so now I am working on keeping it growing!
You can read about my Garden {HERE} & I will do another update in a few weeks, almost 2 weeks in and it is totally growing!

Since the weather is so nice this week, I am also going to be working on planting flowers in our yard and getting it ready for Summer!

What I'm Excited About.....
I am excited about my customers who LOVE their Rodan + Fields products!
Getting emails like this excites me:
 Seriously, I LOVE getting emails like this. It makes me so happy that our products work so well. One of Rodan + Fields slogans is: "Changing Skin & Changing Lives" It really does!
Are you Excited about your current skin care line? Are you excited about how your skin looks?
If not, let's chat! I have products that will excite you!

 I also get excited when I see Before + After Pictures like this:
This is Erin who used Rodan + Fields for 60 Days with Reverse regimen and Accelerator Pack. Here's what Erin had to say:
"I'm constantly putting "before and after"s together to compare my "before R&F skin" to now. The first picture was taken last summer. Birth control + the sun ruined my skin. Thankfully, I am now reversing that damage!! As embarrassing as it is to post the first picture, I really don't care! I want people to see that these products really are life changing! Foundation free and loving my skin now!!"
Email me if you want to this kind of before and after for yourself! Take the 60-day Challenge ~ It's RISK FREE! 60 Day, Empty Bottle, 100% money back guarantee!
You have nothing to lose! We have products for ALL skin types! 
Take THIS 30 second questionnaire to find out what is best for you!

Our special is:$20 cash back, 10% off your order & Free shipping and a FREEBIE from our Essentials line! 
Pick 1 of our Essentials items....SPF 30 Body Sunscreen, Daily Body Moisturizer, SPF 25 Lip Shield or our SOLD OUT Sunless Tanner...(I have THREE of these to GIVEAWAY!!!!!)

Email me at melissa_larson17@yahoo.com if you have questions or to place an order!

What I'm Watching........
We are all caught up with Scandal!
Yes, that's right....we binge watched all 4 seasons in less than 3 months!
We have been watching a lot of  Giants games & Warriors games, but once the NBA playoffs are over, we will start another show.
Anyone have any Netflix show recommendations?

What I'm Reading.....
Since I have read all of Liane Moriartiy's books in the past 3 months, it was time to find a new book!
I felt like a quick/light read, so I read
Then I read Book 2 in the series Shopaholic Takes Manhattan
Now I am reading Shopaholic Ties the Knot.
If you are looking for books to read in 2015, check out THIS post and read the comments of all the great books people suggested.

What I'm Listening to.....
My Girls love Sugar by Maroon 5. We have been listening to that a lot!
Have you seen the video? I LOVE it!


What I'm Wearing.....
Our Spring weather still requires layers, so I am wearing lightweight scarves a lot.
My boots are put away & my flats are being worn on a daily basis now.
Here is one of my go-to outfits:
 Jacket // Shirt // Pants // Scarf // Flats

And another go-to outfit perfect for Spring weather:
 Shirt // Jeans // Scarf // Flats 

What I’m doing this weekend.....
This is one of our first weekends where we don't have many plans!
The girls are in the talent show Friday night & Kate has a softball game on Saturday & we have church, but that is it! Looking forward to a mellow weekend & getting things done around the house!

What I'm Looking Forward to next month.....
May is a busy month for us!!!
I'm looking foward to a lot of things....
Kevin's birthday, my birthday, going to Tahoe with Rodan +Fields (I earned a free trip!!),  going to another cousin wedding & going to Napa for a baby shower!
Most importantly, May means the end of school is in sight!!!!!
I love the month of May!

What else is new.....
In case you missed it Monday, I posted a new FREE Printable for Teacher Appreciation week!
And, I posted a ton of Teacher Appreciation Ideas!
Check it out HERE!

 The question of the month is:
"What are you buying/wanting for Mother's Day this year?"
The only thing I ask for each year on Mother's Day is to sleep in & go get a pedicure.
It's the little things :)
For my mom, I am getting her a gift certificate to have her house cleaned.
She watches Luke (and my nephew Jack & niece Olivia) 3 days a week in the morning while I am teaching, so once school is out, she can get her house deep cleaned by my house keeper (I have a house keeper come to my house once a month...heaven!)
My mother in law usually requests Rodan + Fields products for Mothers Day!
She loves the eye cream :)

So I will probably get her eye cream or our night serum since she has our AMP Roller and you need the night serum to put on after you use the roller!
FYI,  If you want to give R+F for Mothers Day, you have until May 3rd to ensure delivery by Mother's Day! :)

Another fun idea as a Mother's Day gift would be to give a Stitch Fix Gift Card.
I have been getting Stitch Fix for a year and it's so fun!
You could give a $20 gift card (or any amount!) so one of your favorite mom's could get a Fix! 

Stitch Fix Gift Card


If you are new to my blog, thanks for stopping by!
Feel free to follow along! 
You can find me on Bloglovin, Facebook & Instagram

I have a $100 Amazon Gift Card going on HERE that ends on Friday, so be sure and enter if you haven't already!!
Can't wait to read about What's up with all of YOU!

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