
Get Pin-Spired #7

August. I can't believe it's August.
It's the dreaded month....summer is ending & school is starting.
And, it's the month Luke turns ONE (in just 8 days)
But, because it's the 1st, that also means it's time for our Pin-Spired link up!

 I'm going to be honest here.
Dressing cute in the summer is not my thing.
Since I am a teacher, I don't have to go to work and we have a pool in our backyard, I pretty much wear a bathing suit for 90% of the summer. 
Summer = Lazy bum mode. 
I don't even really attempt to wear cute outfits (sorry Kevin, sorry friends)
The times I do wear cute outfits in the summer are when we go to church or if Kevin and I have a date night. And, those are the only times I wear make up in the summer. 
So, like once a week I will actually wear make up & a cute outfit. 1 out of 7 days...yikes!
The other days it is just a bathing suit, sunscreen and chapstick.
Like I said earlier....sorry Kevin, sorry friends. Ha!

I am really looking forward to Fall because I LOVE FALL and I LOVE FALL CLOTHES! 
Boots! Jeans! Sweaters! Love, love, love.

But that won't be for a few months, so bear with me during the next couple months of Pin-Spired as they are more lazy casual summery looks :)

Outift #1 Striped Maxi Skirt with a Statement Necklace & Denim Jacket

I had 2 things pinned with similar looks:

I didn't have maxi skirts in those colors, but I did have a grey/fuchsia stripe maxi that I wore to church a few weeks ago:
Skirt {here} // tank {here} // Denim jacket {here}

I paired it with a coral statement necklace:
Necklace (local boutique)

$10 Silver sandals {here

Outfit #2 Coral & White Striped Shirt with White Shorts

What I pinned:
 My summer date night outfit. I had these items already! Yay!
Shirt {here} // Shorts {here} // Sandals {here} // Purse {here}
Bracelets {here}
Necklace {here}

Outfit #3 Grey T-shirt & Denim Shorts
This is the original pin:
I don't have a slouchy grey shirt, but I do have a solid grey v-neck. 
Oh, and I did my hair in a side braid like I saw in the pin above (white/coral stripe pin)
Never thought of doing a side braid until I saw that. I have done my hair like this everyday we have been in Lake Tahoe. A perfect lake/beach/pool hair style! I am hooked!
  The slouchy shirt in the original pin makes the outift a little more dressy/put together, but since mine was just a plain shirt, I added a long necklace to pull it together and not look so lazy.
I really loved this outfit! And, Super comfy!
Necklace {here}
I love these shorts, I have worn them a lot this summer.
 Shorts {here}
And, I wear these Rainbow flip flops pretty much every day in the summer. This is my 4th or 5th summer wearing this pair. They are well loved. And, SOOOO comfy!
These are very "Californian" flip flops. I think 90% of Californians have a pair.
Got them {here}

If you are new to my blog, thanks for stopping by! 
Feel free to follow along! You can find me on GFC,  Bloglovin or Facebook.
If you have outfits to link up, feel free to grab a button to add to your post.
Can't see what you link up!
The linky will be open until August 7th.
Your link will show up on my blog, Sheaffer's blog & Shay's blog.
My favorite part about linky parties is checking out other people who have linked up! 
Go find some new blogs & leave them a comment letting them know you stopped by...and get Pin-Spired by the outfits other people linked up! 

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  1. Girlfriend! Getting Pin-spired during the summer months is hard work! I wear the same thing every day too...a swimsuit! And if I'm not in that, I'm in shorts and a tee. I hope you're having fun in Tahoe!!

  2. Obsessed with a maxi skirt! You totally rocked it:)

  3. I definitely get what you mean about dressing the same way everyday during the summer (as a former teacher!) *smiles* BUT I love these looks!! SO cute! AND my favorite is definitely the second look- soo cute!! I love the combination of the coral & white!! AND such cute sandals in the first look! And your hair looks so adorable in the last look! Yup, I loved them all!! :)
    Thanks again for hosting such a lovely link up! I am always so inspired afterwards to re-look at my closet!
    :) Rebecca

  4. outfit #2 is so cute! I wish I had a Kohl's nearby to go buy that shirt.
    I am a really simple summer dress-er too, especially right now when we just moved to our new house, and I'm transitioning into maternity ;)

  5. Although I have to dress up for work, I have loved wearing more of the simple summer outfits on the weekends. I really like your grey tee and shorts look. The Rainbow sandals look absolutely amazingly comfy!

  6. LOVE all of your outfits - especially the coral and white striped shirt! So cute!

  7. Loved all your outfits! Rainbow flops are the greatest!!! I'm from N.C. so rainbows are must have! ;-)

  8. Rainbows are a staple! Best flip flops around!

  9. I love and and every one of your outfits! They're so cute! I don't blame you for not wearing makeup and only wearing your bathing suit during that summer! I'd totally do that, too, if I could! I especially loved your maxi skirt outfit because I just bought my very first maxi skirt and was planning to wear it the same way with a denim jacket!

  10. Very cute summer looks! I too am a summer bum, I don't dress up much at all. I love that coral and white combo, very cute :)



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