
Luke's Birth Story

I love birth stories.
Each one is so different & unique.
My birth story with Luke actually begins on Monday, August 6th when I got a call from my doctor letting me know they just found out his daughter got into Texas Christian and therefore, he would be out of town from Friday the 10th until Monday the 13th.
*My due date was Tuesday August 14th*
He called to let me know this and to let me know that he tried to schedule an induction for me that week, but the hospital was full for inductions (they only allow a certain amount of inductions per day).

When he called me on Monday morning, he told me that he wanted to be able to deliver my baby and that we needed to discuss my options for what we wanted to do.

My options were:
1. Wait to be induced on my due date when he was back from Texas
2. Come into his office that day (Monday) so he could strip my membranes in hopes of getting labor started before he went to Texas.
He induced me with both girls right around my due date because I have big babies & wanted to induce me for the 3rd time because this baby was also measuring big. He didn't think I would go into labor on my own (since I never had) but he didn't want me to go to my due date since this baby was also a big one.We both agreed that option #2 was the best.
I didn't want to wait to be induced because what if I went into labor when he was out of town?!?!
That thought alone freaked me out.
I LOVE my doctor. He goes to our church, lead a high school small group with Kevin a couple years ago, he saved my tube when I had an ectopic pregnancy and there is no other doctor I trust.
I never have a birth plan. My birth plan is whatever he says to do.

So, Monday afternoon, I head to his office to get my membranes stripped.
(which is trying to separate your bag of water from your cervix)
I was at 3 cm & he told me to walk a lot that evening in hopes that my body would go into labor, but if I didn't go into labor then to come in again on Tuesday morning & he would strip my membranes again.
I walked a little over a mile that evening.
I took a "final" belly picture just in case I went into labor that night.
Can't believe there was a 9 lb 6 oz baby in there!
I woke up Tuesday morning & was not in labor at all, so I went back to the Dr's.
He checked me and said I was about 3.5 cm and then he stripped my membranes again (Super Ouch) and he said to go walking again.
So, I walked 3.5 miles after my appointment while pushing the girls in my double jogger.
My Dr. said if I STILL didn't go into labor then to come into his office AGAIN on Wednesday afternoon. He would keep trying to squeeze me into the hospital for an induction.
He said to come to his office on Wednesday afternoon because hopefully all the Wednesday inductions would be over by then & the hospital might be able to get me in.
He said to pack my hospital bag...just in case.
I woke up Wednesday morning, not in labor.
This was the forecast for the week. Not the forecast you like to see at 39 weeks pregnant.
It was going to be a HOT week.
But, I was determined to get this party started, so in 95 degree weather on Wednesday morning, I walked another 4.5 miles with the girls. I was for sure having light contractions, so I was feeling hopeful that all this walking would be helping dilate me or something!
I went to my appointment late Wednesday afternoon & my doctor checked me....and I was STILL 3.5 cm. All that walking did nothing. Ugh. My doctor was shocked that stripping my membranes twice had done nothing. Right then, he called the hospital to see if they could get me an induction. They said if I could be there in an hour, I had a spot. So, I called Kevin and told him to meet me at the hospital, it was Induction time!
Here I am on Wednesday at 4:30 pm ready to check into the hospital.
5:o0 pm, getting situated. Let's meet this baby!
5:30 pm, pitocin has started...Let's get this party started!
6:00 pm. My doctor checks me, I am STILL at 3.5 cm, 60% effaced and - 3 station.
He breaks my water.
We turn on the TV and guess what is on? One of our favorite shows, FRIENDS!
And, it just so happens that it is the episode where Rachel is in labor!
Because this episode was on, I thought it was a "sign" that we were having a girl.
We had a girl name all picked out (Charlotte) until a few weeks ago, when Kevin decided that he didn't like that name & he wanted to go with our 2nd choice girl name, Emma.
Because I picked Claire's name, it was his turn to pick the name, so I said it could be Emma.
Since this episode was on while I was in labor, I thought it was a sign that we were having a girl & it was ironic since Rachel & Ross named their baby Emma.

7:30 pm I am STILL 3.5 cm (I was stuck at 3 cm with Claire for over 7 hours, so I was thinking this would be the same situation) I decided to walk around the hospital because, maybe that would help get things going.
We walked for 30 minutes & I was for sure feeling the contractions. They were getting stronger & closer together. I knew that the walking was going to help speed things up.
We started watching the Olympics & my nurse said she would check me at 9:30.
I had a popsicle for dinner & timed my contractions.
The nurse checked me at 9:45 pm.
I was STILL a 3.5 but contractions were coming full force, every 2 minutes and lasting between 30-45 seconds. I was feeling them FOR SURE.
When I was induced with the girls I got my epidural at 5 cm & really never felt the contractions, but this time...I was feeling them.
The nurse asked when I wanted my epidural & told me the anesthesiologist was giving them to 4 other patients, and asked if I wanted to be added to her list. I said, Yes!
So, we kept watching the Olympics and by the time it was my turn to get the epidural, it was 11:15 pm and I was dilated to 8 cm!!!!
After I got the epidural...Thank you sweet baby Jesus for epidurals.
We called our families around 11:30 to let them know I was at an 8, so they might want to come to the hospital.
My doctor came to the hospital a little after midnight & when he checked me at 12:15, I was at 10 cm and we could start pushing.
We were still waiting for our family to get there, so I asked if we could wait a few minutes until they arrived because I wanted to say hi to everyone first :)
Our families arrive at 12:30 and we chat for a little bit, but then I start feeling the urge to push, so we sent them to the waiting room.
At 12:48 I started pushing.
(Right before my last push)
4 pushes later, at 1:01 am Luke was born!
It's a BOY!!!!!!!!!!
This is why I love not finding out what we are having....This is the moment I look forward to for 9 months!
I was SHOCKED it was a BOY!
I kept saying over and over again, "This is crazy! I can't believe it's a Boy!"
Can't believe I have a son!
So happy he is here.
Our little, but big guy. Ummmm....his head was huge. 37 cm. Yowza.
Getting Luke weighed. I thought he would be high 8's.
Couldn't believe he was 9 lbs 6 oz (Claire was also 9 lb 6 oz)
Holding his son for the first time. Kevin was also in shock.
It was then time for our families to come in.
When we had the girls, Kevin went out to the waiting room & got to say "It's a Girl"
But, this time I said that I wanted to be the one to announce it.
So, we had everyone come into the room & I got to say, "It's Luke!"
The moment I said, "It's Luke!"
As you can see, our families were shocked also. They all thought it was going to be another girl!

With our doctor. Love that guy! So glad he was able to get me in. Can you imagine if I waited 6 more days until my due date? Luke would have been a 10 lb baby!!!
Still in shock :)
This was my easiest delivery yet. I was induced all 3 times, but this one was the quickest and I had the easiest recovery...only a small tear.
(Kate was a 3rd degree tear & Claire was a 2nd degree tear)
Then it was time to head over to post partum.

Luke getting ready for his footprints & hospital bath.

He does not like being nakey.
All bundled up & clean.
A few hours later, at 8 am, we face timed with the girls (who were at Grandma's) so we could tell them they had a brother.
They were so excited! A few hours later, they came to the hospital to meet Luke.
They were smitten.
First family photo:
I stayed at the hospital 2 nights.
I did not want to leave. The nurses were awesome & we were having a heat wave of 100+ weather, so I happily stayed in the air conditioned hospital room :)

On Saturday the 11th, we headed home.
All loaded up in his carseat.
Obligatory hospital picture:
We were welcomed home with signs on our garage, balloons and family & some neighbors waiting for us.
Home Sweet Home.
Larson, Party of 5.


  1. My smile is SO BIG reading this!!! Man, how I love your family and that gorgeous boy! Such a great story. Thanks for sharing it with us! XOXO

  2. LOVED reading this! I teared up at the picture of your family finding out its a boy! If ever we have a 3rd, we are for sure going to be "team green"!

  3. I love reading people's birth stories. This was a great one. What a big boy, I can't imagine having a baby that big. Both my girls were 7lbs. Hoping the 3rd little girl is around the same weight. Great pictures. I love that first family picture in the hospital

  4. Oh what a nice story. I love the picture of the family when you say its a boy!

    enjoy your little boy. He is precious.

  5. Such a beautiful story! Made me tear up :) You have a gorgeous family!

  6. Loved reading the story. Birth stories are always interesting to read (or live through) I could not believe when I read that you want to wait till your family got there to say hi and then start pushing. Crazy girl.
    You looked amazing by the way. And he is such a cutie. Boys are so great!

  7. you look AMAZING in every picture!!
    is it because nobody was eating SUSHI in your room?!
    i love the shot of your moms & sisters!!!!!

    i love LUKE!!!!

  8. Beautiful! You're a pro! Lovely post. I love surprise deliveries. They are THE best.

  9. love birth stories! this one is amazing!!! got the biggest knot in my throat the moment you realized it was a boy! love it. best feeling in the whole world! worth the wait for sure!

    i love your families reaction. luke is handsome. you look stunning in each and every picture!

  10. Congrats!! its making me baby hungry! what a beautiful story :)


  11. What a fun post to read! So exciting for your family. I loved the shot of your sisters and family when you told them it was a boy! So much fun!!!! Congrats to you all party of five!

  12. Love this! Thank you for sharing your special day. And congratulations again!

  13. Best thing I've read all day. So sweet!

  14. This is SO precious!!! I love the whole story and your photos are fantastic! I'm a new follower from the GFC hop and I'd love a follow back at http://www.two-in-diapers.blogspot.com! :) I would also REALLY love for you to come link up this post to the Mommy-Brain Mixer on Thursday!

  15. Such a beautiful post! Congrats again on your sweet baby boy.

  16. Love your story! I can't believe you were willing to get your membranes stripped so often. I did once and wow... the pain.

    I also can't believe how similar our naming styles are. Gabriel was almost Luke. We have Claire. Kate was on the top 3 list for her. Our future girl name is Charlotte but my husband loves Emma as the backup! My jaw dropped when I read that. :) I guess it makes sense since they are all similar styles!

  17. Awww, yay!!!!! Cute cute story. Love that you and your dr are close like that and he wanted to make sure he got you in before leaving. Good Dr.!!! Can't lie... I got tearing seeing you holding your BOY for the first time!! Such an awesome moment to find out after waiting for 9 LOOONG months!

    You look great in all the pictures, you're a birthing pro! :) Congratulations again!

  18. How funny...Dr. Wells delivered my first two babies, and I, too, love him. His really is amazing. Congratulations, again, on your blessed, baby boy!

    PS- You look fantastic in these photos. Beautiful Mama, beautiful boy.

  19. Oh my gosh! I LOVE how well documented every moment was. It's perfect!! And so was capturing everyone's reaction to Luke, especially yours. So sweet. And ummm, how is it that your hair is down and beautiful and you even have accessories on during birth!?!?! Crazy girl! :)

  20. Mel, it should not be legal to look that good after delivering a baby. You are amazing!

  21. Seriously you are awesome!! This birth story made me smile form ear to ear but the fact that you can post it so nicely and have this memory down on the blog immediatly after giving birth is amazing!! Do you have a secret to blogging? Your posts are always interesting and timely! I started a blog and will go months without posting anything (although I mean to!) :-) Congratulations again and enjoy your sweet baby boy and two girls!! So exciting!!!

  22. I could read/hear birth stories all day. This post is amazing. Thanks for sharing.

  23. Smiling from ear to ear reading your story. Cannot get over how fantastic you look in those photos for being in labor and just having a big little baby!! Congratulations on your sweet, sweet family!!

  24. I lvoe birth stories too! Thanks for sharing. What an amazing God we have!

  25. Love all the pictures! I had wondered what the non-Charlotte name would have been, Emma is cute, too! Hey, you could always go for number 4 ;) The one of your family finding out it's a boy is priceless!

  26. Okay, a few things I forgot to mention in my first comment:

    1) You look IMPOSSIBLY beautiful in every shot. Seriously, Mama. I know that you worked hard, but even more impressive is how amazing you looked while doing it. :)

    2) Your belly in that straight-on shot--it is all in front! One can totally make out the contours of your rib cage and even your waist. So cute.

    3) The pic of your family's response is so, so sweet. They all have such incredible joy written on their faces. Lucky baby Luke to have such a wonderful family.

  27. I cried reading this and I am a labor & delivery nurse. This was soooooo sweet!

  28. Great birth story, thank you for sharing :D. Love the pictures of your girls meeting Luke for the first time.

  29. I loved reading this story. Praising God for that sweet little BOY! What a beautiful family you have.

  30. I loved every single bit of this post. Every picture, every word. Love it all! Congratulations!

  31. That is so funny how that Friends episode was on! And love the picture of your family when you told them it was a boy!

  32. I loved this post! What a great way to tell of your son's arrival! LOVE all the surprised faces of announcing it's a boy! and the ones of his sisters meeting him - SO SWEET! Congratulations to you and your family! <3 your blog!

  33. Loooove this story! And Luke is precious! Congrats and thanks for sharing!

  34. What a beautiful family! Luke is so precious!

  35. new follower! this was awesome first post for me to ready! so happy for you! can't wait to keep following!

    stop by sometime!

  36. I just love reading birth stories too, yours is so great! Love all the pics and I totally teared up seeing your "it's a boy" moment captured on camera. Way to go mama, hope that having three is going great!

  37. Honey, you are so amazing. Professional baby birther! I LOVE the reaction shot of your family, that is awesome. :)

    Way to go, mama!!!

  38. congratulations on your beautiful baby!! Thanks for linking to the Mommy Brain mixer!

  39. It seems like yesterday that my niece was born, all the nurses were amazed at how quickly she was born (my sister doesn't mind my saying this)

    We started our day at Olive garden (I had the eggplant parm which wasn't very good at all) and then we shopped until we dropped literally. We went to walmart, target, babies r us, and a furniture store to buy my parents a new bed.

    Our last stop was walmart and my sister started hurting. She lives about 7 minutes away so we drove her home and I waited in the living room for my mom, I heard some odd sounds coming from the bedroom so I went back there and her water was breaking. No doubt about it My sweet niece was not about to wait for her due date to get here (she was 2 weeks early)

    So we all met at the hospital and they told her she was indeed in labor but was at 1. Since her water was broken she was admitted. She needed antibiotic since she had group b strep.

    Once they got her to a birthing room her contractions were coming fast and furious. My mom was freaking out. We were just around the corner from where my sweet Luke was born and where I stayed for four days.

    They told her she'd have to be at a 4 before she got an epidural. And she got there within an hour.

    We had to leave for the epidural part, then we came back in once the epidural team was done.

    we reached midnight and we all settled in for some rest.

    By 3 they checked her again and she was ready to go.

    She pushed for 20 minutes before my mini me was born.

    all 7 lbs 2oz of her.

    Her OB didn't get to deliver her because that night she wasn't on call and at that hospital you are delivered by whomever is on call. Unfortunately the doctor on call is famous for her not so nice bedside manner and rudness.

    It was an interesting time because my sister had to have a d & c done a few weeks after that and my mom was having surgery of her own so while my dad took care of my mom I stayed at my sister's taking care of Aub and my sister.

  40. I can't believe this made me cry. Such a dork! I just remember so well my two boys births! Congrats and welcome Mr. Luke!

  41. Congratulations! My due date was 8/14 too, but thankfully my little guy came early on 8/8. Glad to read your birth story and how smoothly it went. Congrats again on your new little boy!

  42. Congratulations! My due date was 8/14 too, but thankfully my little guy came early on 8/8. Glad to read your birth story and how smoothly it went. Congrats again on your new little boy!

  43. Congratulations Mel! And welcome to the wonderful world of having a son. I love my daughter to pieces, but there is just something special about those boys...! Enjoy that sweet little guy! Get some sleep!

  44. I still can't believe you have a boy!! Thanks for letting me steal him yesterday - he's sooooo sweet!!

  45. SO happy for you!!!!

    Thank you for sharing with us. You've inspired me to wait and find out what the sex is the next time we have a baby.

  46. wow this is such an amazing birth story, and I just LOVE all the photos. Nothing makes me happier than seeing such love as you can feel from the photos like this.

  47. I randomly found your blog. It's funny because as I was reading this story I had a strong feeling who your doctor is....and I was right! Best doctor EVER!!!!



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