There is a term for people like us who wait until the birth to find out the gender.
We are called "Team Green".
I have enjoyed people's reactions this pregnancy when I tell them we don't know what we are having. My favorite encounters have been with total strangers. They see me out with my girls and assume I know what I am having & say things like, "Did you get a boy this time?"
When I say we are waiting until birth, the look on people's face is classic.
I am finding out that being "Team Green" is a rare thing,
........especially with your 3rd child and
....especially when you have been Team Green with each pregnancy and
.....especially when you have 2 of the same gender!
I get a lot of questions when I tell people we are Team Green.
A common one is, "What about the nursery?"
This is what our nursery looks like now:
The walls are already a neutral color because it was our old Guest Room
(Fig Cookie by Kelly Moore)
I have enjoyed people's reactions this pregnancy when I tell them we don't know what we are having. My favorite encounters have been with total strangers. They see me out with my girls and assume I know what I am having & say things like, "Did you get a boy this time?"
When I say we are waiting until birth, the look on people's face is classic.
I am finding out that being "Team Green" is a rare thing,
........especially with your 3rd child and
....especially when you have been Team Green with each pregnancy and
.....especially when you have 2 of the same gender!
I get a lot of questions when I tell people we are Team Green.
A common one is, "What about the nursery?"
This is what our nursery looks like now:
The walls are already a neutral color because it was our old Guest Room
(Fig Cookie by Kelly Moore)
There is no bedding in the crib because I am waiting until AFTER the baby is born.
I have Claire's old crib bedding that I will use if it is a girl. If it is a boy, I will buy boy bedding.
The rocker is the same one I used with the girls & it is also neutral.
If it's a girl, I will add a pink throw pillow & if it's a boy I will get a pillow to match the bedding I pick out.

I have Claire's old crib bedding that I will use if it is a girl. If it is a boy, I will buy boy bedding.
The rocker is the same one I used with the girls & it is also neutral.
If it's a girl, I will add a pink throw pillow & if it's a boy I will get a pillow to match the bedding I pick out.

And, the dresser which is white & can be used for a boy or a girl!
The walls are blank & I will just decorate them after the baby is born.
The baby will sleep in our room in a bassinet for the first few months,so I can work on the nursery then!
I don't like gender neutral nurseries, if it's a girl, I like pink & girly.
If it's a boy, I want it to look like a boys room.
I don't mind waiting to decorate until after it is born, that is what I did with the girls, and it worked out just fine!
The baby will sleep in our room in a bassinet for the first few months,so I can work on the nursery then!
I don't like gender neutral nurseries, if it's a girl, I like pink & girly.
If it's a boy, I want it to look like a boys room.
I don't mind waiting to decorate until after it is born, that is what I did with the girls, and it worked out just fine!
Another question I have gotten is "What about the coming home outfit?"
This is what I did with Kate & Claire and I will do with this baby also.
I wash & bring 2 going home outfits to the hospital.
I have a pink blanket, pink outfit & pink hats that were both girls coming home outfits:
This is what I did with Kate & Claire and I will do with this baby also.
I wash & bring 2 going home outfits to the hospital.
I have a pink blanket, pink outfit & pink hats that were both girls coming home outfits:
And, I have the boy version! A blue blanket, outfit & hats.
It's not a big deal to bring 2 outfits! It makes it fun!
Another common response I get about being Team Green is:
"Oh, I couldn't do that, I am too much of a planner"
Well, I am a TOTAL planner also.
Hello, I plan my girls birthday parties about 9 months before their birthdays!
I LOVE planning things.
But, for some reason, I am adamant about not knowing the gender.
I always rolled my eyes at people who didn't find out.
I thought Team Green people were SO annoying.
But, then I had my 2nd miscarriage & my focus shifted.
I had "planned" that pregnancy.
I was due in May 2006 and it was perfect planning/timing, because as a teacher, I would have the baby in May and then would be on maternity leave for May & the rest of the summer. It was a great "plan" I had. Well, that pregnancy ended in a miscarriage in October 2005 at 10 weeks. And, I was devastated.
I didn't get pregnant with Kate for 6 months after that.
It was my pregnancy with her when I decided that I wasn't going to find out what we were having because I was giving up control & trusting in God's plan.
I would wait and be patient to find out at the birth.
If you know me, patience is not my strong suit, but not knowing the gender really forces me to relax.
I don't spend time worrying about the nursery or buying clothes for the baby.
So, call me crazy, but I think Team Green is great.
I know it's not for everyone, but I am so glad we don't know and I am so glad Kevin goes along with being Team Green with me.
He wanted to find out with this one, but I wouldn't let him.
(He really wants to know if we can get rid of all those girls clothes that are in bins in our garage!)
The "It's A......" moment in the hospital is what gets me through the months & months of morning sickness. I look forward to that so much!
Being Team Green is also fun because you can do all the Gender Prediction games!
And, it's fun to have people guess what you are having!
Here are some of the gender predictions I have done:
The Chinese Gender Prediction Chart said girl with this pregnancy (and it said girl with Kate & Claire)
The old wives tale about heart rate (140s & higher is girl and below 139 is boy)
This baby (and also Kate & Claire's) were always above 140.
The wedding ring on a string gender prediction for this one said boy.
This pregnancy I have been more tired & more nauseous (It ended at 26 weeks with Kate & Claire and with this one I am STILL nauseous)
With Kate, I was 80% sure she was a girl.
With Claire, I was 99% sure she was a girl.
With this one, I am not sure...I am 50/50.
I am more drawn toward boy stuff at the stores with this one, but maybe that is because my sister is having a boy?
So, what is your guess? What do you think I am having?
Do you think we are crazy for being Team Green for the third time in a row?
Another common response I get about being Team Green is:
"Oh, I couldn't do that, I am too much of a planner"
Well, I am a TOTAL planner also.
Hello, I plan my girls birthday parties about 9 months before their birthdays!
I LOVE planning things.
But, for some reason, I am adamant about not knowing the gender.
I always rolled my eyes at people who didn't find out.
I thought Team Green people were SO annoying.
But, then I had my 2nd miscarriage & my focus shifted.
I had "planned" that pregnancy.
I was due in May 2006 and it was perfect planning/timing, because as a teacher, I would have the baby in May and then would be on maternity leave for May & the rest of the summer. It was a great "plan" I had. Well, that pregnancy ended in a miscarriage in October 2005 at 10 weeks. And, I was devastated.
I didn't get pregnant with Kate for 6 months after that.
It was my pregnancy with her when I decided that I wasn't going to find out what we were having because I was giving up control & trusting in God's plan.
I would wait and be patient to find out at the birth.
If you know me, patience is not my strong suit, but not knowing the gender really forces me to relax.
I don't spend time worrying about the nursery or buying clothes for the baby.
So, call me crazy, but I think Team Green is great.
I know it's not for everyone, but I am so glad we don't know and I am so glad Kevin goes along with being Team Green with me.
He wanted to find out with this one, but I wouldn't let him.
(He really wants to know if we can get rid of all those girls clothes that are in bins in our garage!)
The "It's A......" moment in the hospital is what gets me through the months & months of morning sickness. I look forward to that so much!
Being Team Green is also fun because you can do all the Gender Prediction games!
And, it's fun to have people guess what you are having!
Here are some of the gender predictions I have done:
The Chinese Gender Prediction Chart said girl with this pregnancy (and it said girl with Kate & Claire)
The old wives tale about heart rate (140s & higher is girl and below 139 is boy)
This baby (and also Kate & Claire's) were always above 140.
The wedding ring on a string gender prediction for this one said boy.
This pregnancy I have been more tired & more nauseous (It ended at 26 weeks with Kate & Claire and with this one I am STILL nauseous)
With Kate, I was 80% sure she was a girl.
With Claire, I was 99% sure she was a girl.
With this one, I am not sure...I am 50/50.
I am more drawn toward boy stuff at the stores with this one, but maybe that is because my sister is having a boy?
So, what is your guess? What do you think I am having?
Do you think we are crazy for being Team Green for the third time in a row?
I think you're having a boy this time, I can just imagine you with two girls and a boy, not sure why though!
ReplyDeleteWhen I was pregnant with our daughter I was desperate to find out what we were having and then of course I went all out in her nursery with pink and girly things everywhere. I must admit that after I kinda wished I’d waited to find out just because it must be such a nice surprise. Saying that though before we had the ultrasound to find out the gender I had built it up in my mind that we were having a boy so maybe if we had waited to find out I might have been disappointed because I was so convinced.
If we are blessed enough to have any more children then I might wait to find out but I would have to convince my husband because he says he would like to know before.
I think it's neat that you wait and you don't let anyone sway your decision. Decorating the room is easy and I agree, make it boy or girl theme :) I think your having a boy. Either way just so the little bundle is healthy, all will be good. God bless you :)
ReplyDeleteI love that you are Team Green! We are a rare breed! (PS, I'd never heard that term but I love it!!) We also did not find out for any of our 3 kiddos and also had 2 girls first...then a boy almost 9 months ago! I agree, it's such a rush to hear those words at the hospital. I think it's hilarious how much it bothers people (ahem, my mother) but me, a total planner, is pretty at peace with it each time. I like your idea of bringing 2 outfits - we've always brought something GREEN! Haha. If we go for #4, I'm going to steal that idea for sure. Sorry to hear you are still nauseous...I only had to endure that 16 weeks with my boy and I just can't imagine how you've done it but you're almost done and it'll all be worth it! I'm SO excited to find out what you're having, to see how you decorate the nursery and all that good stuff! Hang in there!
ReplyDeleteNever heard of team green! That's cute (:
ReplyDeleteFor fun I say Boy!
Yay Team Green! I'm a terrible guesser of gender, so I'm not going to even try. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm due w/ #2 about the same time you are (Aug 16) and have pretty much done the exact same of each coming home outfit, neutral nursery walls with no bedding, etc. I don't care boy or girl - just looking forward to a healthy baby!
We went "Team Green" the first time around, then proceeded to have 3 miscarriages in a row between our son and this pregnancy. It made me realize it truly doesn't matter, God is in control, and I'm just looking forward to hearing healthy baby cries and the "It's a..." moment. Then lots & lots of sweet baby snuggles!!
Good luck during your last few weeks!
There is NOTHING wrong with being team green, at all. Like you said, it's a personal choice. We will always find out the gender of our babies. It's just how we like it. For us, we like to envision the family how it will look, and feel, and it just gets me more excited. I do get how team green could be exciting though. And have nothing against when people wait :) Although I get impatient for them. lol.
ReplyDeleteI think this could be a little boy in there...
When we have a baby I'm Team Green all the way! My husband isn't totally on board with the idea though! I'd like do do an elephant themed nursery because I think that's neutral enough and just boy/girl accents when the baby is born. I think your nursery looks so soothing!
ReplyDeleteAnd I think the baby is a boy. Then again,I'm usually wrong with my predictions! Either way will be wonderful! :)
I don't think it's too rare to wait until baby is born to find out the gender.
ReplyDeleteI didn't want to find out with our first, but hubby convinced me. And I was SO THRILLED to know we were having a boy.
Second time around I wanted to know. Another boy. I knew it was going to be a boy and I was so incredibly happy. A brother for my first born boy!
This third time around, we found out again. Boy. I've always wanted to be a Mama to a "troop" of boys. :) So yes. PUMPED.
I think it's up to each couple and for us, we've LOVED knowing the gender and even this time, we've named him already and hearing our boys refer to this baby by name and picturing life with another brother has been so awesome.
I'm guessing boy for you. But I never guess right. :)
We're all about Team Green! And are going 'green' for the fourth time right now! I agree that the 'It's a...!' moment makes it all worth the wait, and I wouldn't have changed it for anything any of the past three times. And it doesn't hurt that friends and family are even more excited about the day of birth when they don't know all the details yet! Good luck in your last weeks...I'm so jealous you're so close!
ReplyDeletei was team green for our first 3 and then the last two we found out. it is fun both ways. after having two girls jeremy had said if the next one wasn't a boy we were getting a dog. Ha... we had a boy so thankfully no dog! also after having two girls i was terrified of having a boy. he is the sweetest thing ever! i can't imagine my life without a little boy anymore! :) you will find out soon enough!!
ReplyDeleteI think it's so awesome that you wait to find out...I just couldn't do it! But I honestly think your reason is even more beautiful...God truly has everything in his hands, even the gender of our little bundles of joy!
ReplyDeleteI wish I had your patience, but just don't. We find out in two weeks what Baby #1 is and cannot wait. No way do I think you're crazy. I have several gal pals who are waiting to find out their baby's gender (even one who like you - is on Baby #3 and already has two girls!!). Can't wait to hear what you are having. I think it's a boy.
ReplyDeleteI think ya'll being "team green" is awesome! I found out the gender for both of my babies, but now that we have one of each, I would totally play on "team green" if I had another baby.
ReplyDeleteI'm voting that your having a boy :)
I have three kiddos and with my first two I did not find out nor would I tell anyone what names we had picked out. Then our suprise little one came 5 years later and I did find out because my daughter was having such a hard time I thought this would help her and maybe help me get organized as well. Once again we did not tell anyone the name to make it a bit more exciting. I have to tell you I LOVED how we did it the first two times by not finding out.
ReplyDeleteSo excited for you!!
I think its awesome that you wait! I never did, although I wanted to! haha. In reality they don't even sleep in their nursery for mths so its not that practical (to me) to have it done!
ReplyDeleteI still find it really annoying how strangers make remarks when I'm out with my boys, like " oh you poor thing, 3 boys?" or " You gonna try for a girl?" I'm used to it now, but there are so many times I feel like saying, " Oh I wanted all boys, or my life is complete without a daughter."
I'm going to say a girl :) and btw we have Fig Cookie in our house too!
I used to roll my eyes at people who didn't want to find out. And I said I'm too much of a planner and that sort of thing. But, now after a couple of people I know who waited to find out, I think its a really great thing!
ReplyDeleteI'm all about people being 'team green' and I think if/when we get pregnant with a 3rd, I won't find out and wait till birth. I think that, "IT's A...." at birth would be super exciting!
Wow, this post has me seriously thinking about being on Team Green also! I'm due with no 3, and have one boy and one girl. We found out with those but it would be fun to wait! I like what you said about being able to not worry or fret over clothes/ setting up nursery/ a million other things. Man I don't know if I could do it though!! Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on this, totally changed my perspective.
ReplyDeleteI guess girl :)
Good for you! In this world of wanting to know everything NOW, there are some things that are more fun as surprises.
ReplyDeleteWe found out for my first pregnancy but wanted to be surprised with #2. And oh wow were we! I thought we were having a boy but we ended up with a girl who weighed in at 9 lbs., 10 oz! And she's a (gmynast) peanut today!
GOOD FOR YOU!! I'm on the same boat as you are! Although I'm not having babies for a long time, I think it's better to focus on the outcome of a health happy baby. Whenever I have babies, I will not be finding out either, so good for you!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you posted this! My husband and I are are on team green too. This is our first pregnancy and people (my family, friends, strangers) have given me such grief for it. It's annoying! I think team green rocks! Plus, one of the nurses at my doctor's office said people on team green are less likely to suffer from postpartum depression. Can't wait to see what you have. I think it'll be a girl :)
ReplyDeleteI found out with my first two pregnancies (A girl and a boy respectively) and we were on Team Green this time. I was SO surprised to hear my husband announce it was a GIRL! I thought it was a boy the whole time! I even had him double check the baby's equipment!!
ReplyDeleteI think you are having another girl :)
We're team green too! I'm 26 weeks with my 2nd. I feel like its a boy but probably because that's all I know. When I was pregnant with my son, EVERYONE thought it was a boy-except my husband and I, who didn't have a clue. It almost drove me crazy to have them predicting all the time! That time, we did a yellow nursery and bedding that could go either way. I had neutral hospital clothes. This time, I'm thinking of waiting to do the bedding. If its a boy, I'll pass along my son's stuff and redo his room. If its a girl, I'd like to go girly. I hate when people say, I couldn't wait-I'm too much of a planner. I like the way you put it about giving up control, because I think what they should say is, I'm too much of a control freak-which is fine by me. I feel like they're implying that I'm not planning for my child-I feel like I'm planning twice as much because I'm prepared either way! I lOve that for 40 weeks, this baby gets to be whoever God wants it to be and not the person I'm expecting or projecting or hoping it will be. There's plenty of time for that once it enters the world! Congratulations! Can't wait for the big reveal!
ReplyDeleteI have no idea what you're having but I agree that not knowing is one of the greatest surprises in life. We didn't find out with our twins and we managed just fine with clothes and the nursery just like you're doing.
ReplyDeleteI started following a couple weeks ago & enjoy your blog... I have 1 1/2 yrd amazing boy! We were on the GREEN team too! I LOVED not knowing what we were hubby not so much. haha But there is nothing like that moment when he yelled "ITS A BOY!!!" priceless! Take care!
ReplyDeleteHmmm.... Not sure on the gender, can't wait to find out though! The nursery is awesome, btw! I Think I just found the new color for my bathroom...Fig Cookie! Love it!
ReplyDeleteDITTO to it all! I'm as much of a planner as you are and we did find out with Griffin. But, with the girls we waited & it was the BEST. Nothing compares to that "It's a girl" or "It's a boy!" moment and being able to hold him/her right then and there :)I wish we would have waited with Griffin too. Another huge benefit is that at the baby shower you get the gear you need & not just cute clothes!
ReplyDeleteMy vote is girl #3 for you guys. Can't wait to hear!
i like surprises!
ReplyDeletei think you are having a boy.
i know that whatever you have GOD knows that he or she is the perfect addition for your family... the perfect addition to His family for His glory!
what is most exciting is how that wonderful mystery (boy or girl) will unveil itself to you over the course of this child's life... you'll see how "wonderful are your thoughts oh God!" little glimpses along the way of why God gave you THIS child.
I am totally a type A crazy, organized, PLANNER!!! But I love surprises and the best surprise is when that baby comes out and they yell "it's a boy" or "it's a girl". Being that I have 6 kids, I have done it both ways. We found out with our 1st and 3rd(twins) pregnancies but not with the 2nd, 4th & 5th. It ended up that the ones that we found out were all girls and the ones that we didn't were all boys. However, I had a very strong feeling about each one of them and I was right with ALL of them.
ReplyDeleteI loved not knowing so much more and we waited to do the nursery after the birth as well. I bought a bag of girl stuff and a bag of boy stuff and just left them unwashed with the receipts in the bag. Then I just returned one bag after...
However, with Brady I wasn't able to buy anything until he was born. After Nate died I was filled with anxiety throughout his pregnancy so I was too fearful that another baby was going to die to enjoy it.
I always admire people that's so fun!!!! Go team GREEN!!!!
The picture of you and Kate right after she was born is still the most beautiful picture I have ever seen. I love that you're team green!! I am hoping you have a boy, mostly because it's fun to have a boy thrown into the mix in a house full of girls!! Although sometimes I do feel bad for Aidan haha!! Above all, I hope for a healthy baby for you. I am so very excited to know when his or her name will be, too!!!! You pick strong classic names!
ReplyDeleteThe necklace test was correct on both of my babies. I had my girl first and boy second. My tummy was much pointier when I was preg with my boy. It was rounder with my girl.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to find out what #3 is!
ReplyDeleteWe were Team Green for our first, and I loved it! I'm also a big planner, but it was one time where I knew I had no control over the outcome, so I was able to just sit back and enjoy the surprise. It also helped me to be more practical and go gender neutral on some of the bigger purchases (crib, glider, stroller, etc.) that we were easily able to use for our daughter and later our son.
ReplyDeleteWe found out the second time, and while there were things I also liked about knowing, a part of me was a little paranoid that the sonogram tech was wrong. I still waited until he was born to wash most of his clothes - I had to be sure before I cut those tags! We have no plans for #3, but if we did, we would definitely be "Team Green" again. Excited to find out what you are having, but I'm guessing boy.
I used to think team green people were crazy. I, too, am a planner. And my philosophy was/is that it's a surprise no matter when I find out, at 20 weeks or 40 weeks! that I have two and really want a 3rd and it's probably not going to happen for us, I feel like I could easily go green if we did have a 3rd. Because I just want that child, and I already have one of each so we have stuff for both genders. And at the end of the day, it is about trusting God, praying for health and knowing either way that baby was meant to be here...I see your POV and I respect that you're waiting. Congrats on your baby - I haven't been here in a while and didn't know you were pregnant! Blessings.
ReplyDeleteteam green all the way! my first three pregnancies were all gender surprises. there are few TRUE surprises left in the world, and that is one of the most wonderful.
ReplyDeletei was out-voted on my last two pregnancies, and we found out the gender at the 20-week u/s. doesn't even come CLOSE to comparing. stick to your guns girl.
also...forgot--i did the same thing for #1 & #3--brought a boy outfit and a girl outfit. for #2 i had my mom choose and bring a boy outfit up to the hospital after he was born. either way, it was special and fun. actually, #3 wasn't fun. i was still shopping for my girl outfit at the mall while in labor and having serious contractions! haha!