
Ham & Egg Muffin Cups

During the school year, I am really bad about eating breakfast.
In fact, I don't eat breakfast during until about 10am & I usually just have a Luna bar or Kind bar in between classes. 
So, this summer, I am making a conscious effort to eat a better breakfast, so I've been making batches of my Ham & Egg Muffin Cups.

  Here is what you need:
- 8 eggs
- 1 cup of cubed ham
- 1/4 cup of shredded cheese
- 1 cup of chopped veggies
(In this batch, I used red & yellow cherry tomatoes, but the possibilities are endless! You can chop up bell peppers, mushrooms, spinach, green onions, etc. For my batch next week, I am adding in shredded zucchini since we have so much from our garden)
- Salt & Pepper (to taste)

 Crack the 8 eggs in a bowl:
 Whisk and add your salt & pepper
 Chop up 1 cup of veggies. 
(Again, I used red & yellow cherry tomatoes, but the possibilities and combinations are endless! You can chop up bell peppers, mushrooms, spinach, green onions, zucchini, etc)
For the ham, I use Hormel cubed ham. It comes in a resealable package with 2 cups of cubed ham. Perfect for this recipe (and the cubed ham is perfect for salads!)
 Add the chopped veggies, ham & shredded cheese to the eggs. Stir together.
 Take a muffin tin and spray generously with a non-stick cooking spray:
Put about 1/4 cup of the mixture in each tin:
 Bake at 350 for 16-18 minutes:
 These will pop right out of the muffin tins!
 You can eat them right out of the oven, no need to let them cool!
 The inside is nice & fluffy and perfectly cooked:
 My favorite way to eat them is with Cholula sauce on top. I love that stuff!
 Each batch makes 12 muffin cups!
I store them in an airtight container in my fridge (they store up to 4-5 days) You could also freeze them.
In the mornings, you can wrap them up in a paper towel & heat them up in the microwave for 20 seconds or so.
It's good to start your morning off with protein and these Muffins cups are packed full of protein (and veggies!)
These are also really yummy on a toasted English Muffin...it's like the healthy homemade version of an Egg McMuffin :)

I would love to know what combo of veggies you will use when you make these!


What's Up Wednesday :: June 2015

It's the last Wednesday of the month, that means it's time for our What's Up Wednesday Link Up!
Link up with  me, Sheaffer & Shay the LAST Wednesday of each month so we can read about What's Up with YOU!
Here we go!

What We’re Eating this week.....
Monday -  Chicken Apple Sausage, Sweet Potato Fries, Grilled Squash & Zucchini
Tuesday- Zucchini Lasagna

Wednesday - Girls have a swim meet so we will have dinner at the country club
Thursday - Leftover Zucchini Lasagna
Friday - Friday Night Pizza Night
Saturday - Tri Tip Steak
Sunday - BBQ Chicken Sandwiches

I also like to bake something each week & since it's summer I am baking more than 1 thing each week. Because I have so much zucchini from our garden, yesterday I made my Chocolate Chop Zucchini Muffins.
I love using this cookie scoop to make muffins!

Using a cookie scoop makes it so easy to make muffins & cupcakes!

Later this week, I am also making my Very Berry Cobbler.

I love making Cobblers & Crisps during the summer, especially when they are a la mode!

What I'm Reminiscing about.....
I'm reminiscing about our weekend, Kevin & I had a weekend away in Wine Country. It has been years since we have had more than a night away from the kids. We haven't left Luke for more than 1 night and he will be 3 in August! Needless to say,  it was much needed!
We headed to Sonoma & it was a blast.
We went wine tasting, hung out by the pool & relaxed!
  I will post more about our weekend later this week!

On a more serious note...yesterday I was reminiscing on the fact that is was June 23rd.
On June 23, 1993 I was in a really scary car accident with my sister and one of her friends as we were driving to a youth group event for our church. We got side swiped and the car spun head  onto  a busy freeway during rush hour traffic. No cars on the oncoming traffic hit us...the police officer said it was a miracle. I will never forget that day.
June 23rd also has another meaning. June 23, 2003 was my due date with my first miscarriage (which was my ectopic pregnancy) I kept thinking yesterday that it would be so crazy if I had a 12 year old!!!! That baby would be going into 7th grade...which is what I teach. Crazy to think that.
June 23rd always holds a special place in my heart.

What I'm loving.....
Being on SUMMER break!!!!
We are a week & a half into Summer and I am loving it!
We made our 2015 Summer List and we are busy checking things off!
We made homemade strawberry jam:
Recipe {HERE}
My mother in law & I have been making jam together every summer for about 10 years.
We make over 40 jars of jam in one day and it's a year supply for both of our families!
So much better than store bought jam! 

The Girls are in VBS this week and they are LOVING it!

I am also loving the 1 on 1 time with Luke each day while they are at VBS!

What We've been up to.....
Moms Night Out with some of my favorite ladies! Our girls are all friends & so are we. So thankful for my village! We were missing a couple ladies this night, that just means we need another night out!
We've also been up to cheering on the Warriors!!!!
 We had so much fun watching the NBA Championships with friends!

Luke also started swim lessons last week. So proud of him!
 And, we are in full swing of Swim Team for the girls! Proud of how hard they are working!

What I'm Dreading.....
I'm dreading Luke giving up his nap. He only naps 2-3 times a week now.
Most days when I try to put him down for his nap he screams "No Nap, No Nap"
He is almost 3...I think this is when Claire gave up her nap also.
He is in that stage where if he doesn't nap, he is a disaster in the evenings.
 Or will fall asleep in the early evening and then won't go to bed until past his bedtime.

What I'm Working On.....
Luke's 3rd Birthday Party!!!! What??!!? Can't believe he is turning 3!!!
I was going to do a Construction themed party because he LOVES all things Construction.
But, the past few months, whenever it's someones birthday he says "Luke. Firetruck Birthday"
He sure does love firetrucks, so looks like I am switching the theme!
His birthday is in 6 weeks, so I will be figuring out his party!

What I'm Excited About.....
Our Eye Cream is back in stock!!!!
It was sold out 2 different times in the past few months, but now it's BACK!
I am going to be placing a BULK order on Monday!
I will be placing a BULK order of our amazing eye cream NEXT Wednesday!
For my bulk order, you can get it with my discount and it will only cost you $54 and I will cover your tax & shipping!

I started using the eye cream right after Luke was born and WOW, it got rid of the bags under my eyes that I had from lack of sleep with a newborn. 

Our  Multi-Function Eye Cream combines powerful peptides to minimize the appearance of crow’s-feet, helps reduce the appearance of both puffiness and dark under eye circles while special optical diffusers noticeably brighten the eye area.
Ophthalmologist tested, this formula is ideal for maintaining the delicate skin around the eyes.  
One jar lasts me at least 4-5 months.
Let me know if you want to order one! Leave a comment with your email or email me: melissa_larson17@yahoo.com

What I'm Watching........
Since it's summertime and there are no new shows on, we are watching American Ninja Warrior (my girls love it also!)
 I am also watching a lot of HGTV.. One of my favorites is Flip or Flop. 
Love that show!

Kevin and I are still watching House of Cards. We started it a month ago & we are only part way through Season 1.

We have been busy & haven't had time to watch many of them yet!

What I'm Reading.....
LOTS of books!!! Yay Summer!
In the last month I have finished:
Book 5 of the Shopaholic Series...Mini Shopaholic


  Book 6...Shopaholic to the Stars (worst ending ever) I loved all the Shopaholic books except this one.


I also read The Girl on the Train (loved it)


  I read Still Alice in less than 24 hours (SO good!)


I can't wait to watch the movie...who has seen it?

I really liked Lisa Genova's writing style, so I am going to read her book Left Neglected next!

What I'm Listening to.....
I am LOVING the Shawn Mendes song "Stiches"

What I'm Wearing.....
Since it's summer, I am mostly wearing yoga pants & a tank top or my bathing suit!
I am wearing flip flops pretty much all day every day!
These are my favorite flip flops:
But, since we were in wine country this past weekend, I actually wore something other than my yoga pants & swim suit!
Here are a few of my outfits:
Shirt Stitch Fix // Crop Jeans // Sandals // Purse // Watch // Bracelets // Necklace

Lace Jacket // Jeans // Tank Top (a couple years ago) // Sandals // Necklace

 What I’m doing this weekend.....
Hopefully lots of pool time!
It's supposed to be in the 90's and we don't have a lot of plans this weekend, so we are planning on swimming & BBQing! Lots of fun family hang out time! The best!

What I'm Looking Forward to next month.....
There is so much to look forward to in July:
4th of the July, Going to the Fair, Going to Lake Tahoe & swim team being over ;)
I love July!

What else is new..... 
I had a happy mail day yesterday.
First, this Veggie Sprializer arrived:
 If you read my Garden Update yesterday, you know that my zucchini is out of control:

 I have so much & I am needing more ways to use it/cook with it. So, I ordered THIS spiralizer so I can make some other dishes with zucchini as noodles!

The 2nd fun package to arrive was this gorgeous Kate Spade purse that I earned from Rodan + Fields:

Last month I earned a matching Kate Spade wallet!
So fun that on top of our paychecks, we get rewarded from corporate with fun gifts like this....I sure don't get gifts like this being a teacher!
If you want to learn more about being a consultant with R+F, I would love to chat with you.
Send me an email: melissa_larson17@yahoo.com

 And, the bonus question for the month:
What are you doing for the 4th of July?
We have a lot of tradition on the 4th of July...it's one of my favorite days!
We are going to our friends house for their annual 4th of July French Toast Breakfast.
Then, we walk to our town's 4th of July Parade.
Then, every year we host a 4th of July Pool Party & Sausage Fest (although we might not have it this year because our kitchen/back patio will be under construction replacing some things because of a water leak) Not sure if the party is going to happen this year...it's going to be a last minute decision if everything is done!)
To see our 4th of July Traditions from years past, click HERE!
It's one of my favorite days of the year!

Phew! If you made it through this long post, thanks for reading!

If you are new to my blog, thanks for stopping by!
Feel free to follow along! 
You can find me on Bloglovin, Facebook & Instagram
Can't wait to read about What's up with all of YOU!
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