
Get Pin-Spired #17

Happy Last Day of June!
Did you all have a nice weekend?
We had a mellow weekend...Saturday we skipped our swim meet on Saturday because my girls were too worn out from going to VBS all last week. We watched World Cup Soccer, hung out with our neighbors and swam since the weather is heating up to triple digits!
Enough about that...It's time to Get Pin-Spired with me, Sheaffer & Shay!  
I am not going to lie, most of my outfits in the Summer are BORING.
I don't have to go to work and most summer days are spent taking the kids to swim team & then swimming in our backyard. 
My summer wardrobe mostly consists of shorts, tank tops, my Rainbow flip flops or a bathing suit.

So most of my outfits for this month's Pin-Spired are things I wore to school at the beginning of June or to church this month!

I have 3 outfits this month.

Outfit #1 Coral Shirt, White Pants, Aqua Statement Necklace
Original Pin:

Source {Here}

My recreation from things I had in my closet!

I loved this outfit, I will be wearing it a lot this summer!
 White Pants // Coral Shirt // Necklace // Sandals

Outfit #2 - Simple White Shirt, Denim Shorts & a pop of color with Sandals
Original Pin:
I saw this outfit posted on Instagram on the @targetdoesitagain page and knew I had to recreate it!

My recreation:

I loved the pop of the sandals for this outfit. So fun!
 Shorts // Shirt // Necklace // Sandals

 Outfit #3 - Black Maxi Dress with Demin Jacket
Original Pin:

 I had 2 pins with Black Maxi Dresses, so I combined both pins to re-create my outfit.
 My recreation....again with items I already had in my closet! YEAH!

This was my favorite Pin-spired outfit this month. LOVED it. Wore it to church last week.

 Dress // Belt // Shoes // Earrings // Jacket

I would have never added a belt to this outfit...so glad I did, thanks to Pinterest!

So, there you have it...my June Pin-Spired outfits.
 Summer is the time when I do my LEAST amount of shopping because I mostly wear my bathing suit..and I am saving up to my favortite time to shop...Back to School & Fall clothes!

I am excited to check out all of your Pin-Spired outfits so that I can get some inspiration during the summer months!

If you are new to my blog, thanks for stopping by!
Feel free to follow along! 
You can find me on Bloglovin or Facebook.
If you have outfits to link up, feel free to grab a button to add to your post.
Can't see what you link up!

The linky will be open until next Monday, July 7th
Your link will show up on my blog, Sheaffer's blog & Shay's blog.
My favorite part about linky parties is checking out other people who have linked up! 
Go find some new blogs & leave them a comment letting them know you stopped by...and get Pin-Spired by the outfits other people linked up! Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.
Happy Monday!


Friday Randomness

Happy Friday!
Here is some Randomness for you on this lovely Friday & some sneak peeks from our week!

My awesome new Pink Indoor Soccer Shoes:
I played again on Monday night & it was so much fun. 
Last week I was sore for about 5 days.
This time, I was only sore for 1 day!

Speaking of shoes...almost every single day in the summer I wear my Rainbow flipflops.

The ones on the left are over 5 years old. They used to be the same color as the new ones on the right.
Can you believe how much the leather changed? YIKES. They are the most comfortable flip flops ever, but they are falling apart. Time to break in the new ones.

My sister watched the kids while I set up for the swim meet this week.
Luke was napping & this is what she texted me:
I guess during his nap, Luke took 2 photos off his wall that hang above his crib, took off his pants & his diaper AND peed in his crib. AWESOME.
At least it wasn't poop like last summer....Read about that {HERE}

Did you watch the World Cup game on Thursday morning? So bummed we lost, but SO excited we are moving on to the round of 16!
Luke & Jack were mesmerized by the game also :)

Last night I had a Mom's night out with some of my friends. We had to check out one of the new hot spots in town!
  I love that my girls are friends with their girls. So much fun!

Did you know that my most popular order is for Rodan + Fields is our Unblemish Regimen? 
So many people in their 20's, 30's & 40's still deal with acne/acne scarring. 
Our Unblemish line has amazing results! 
Check out this Before & After after a couple months of use:
Our AMP Roller can reduce scarring caused my Acne. Amazing!
I am here to help you love the skin you are in!
I do have a Special going on right now:
It's FREEBIE FRIDAY, so if you become a Preferred Customer you will get 10% off, Free Shipping AND your choice of sunless tanner, body sunblock,  body moisturizer or lip shield!
Email me this weekend to place an order or if you have questions!

My girls were at VBS at our church this week.
They had an amazing time. I am so thankful for all the volunteers that helped out for VBS and loved on my girls! They had the sweetest high school girls as counselors, so we made them Thank you notes & Cookies. 
Monster Cookie Recipe Coming Soon.  The best ever Snickerdoodle Recipe {HERE}
I think it is so important for my girls to learn at a young age to give people thank you notes & gifts, you know what I mean?

Girl meets World premries TONIGHT on Disney.
It's a little pathetic how excited I am for this show! 

Before you go, watch this awesome 3 minute video. 
I echo the sentiments, "Why can’t ‘run like a girl’ also mean ‘win the race?’ 
You need to watch this.
 I got a little teary.

 And, this Monday June 30th is Pin-Spired!
Link up your Pinterest inpsired outfits with me, Sheaffer & Shay!

Have a great weekend!


Chocolate Chip Snickers Cookies

You read that right.
Chocolate Chip Snickers Cookies.
Cookies with Chocolate Chips AND pieces of Snickers Candy Bar.
Since it is summer, I have more time to bake & cook with my girls.
I am planning on posting a recipe every Tuesday.
 I think I'll call it Tasty Tuesday.
This week is a cookie recipe, but  next week I will make sure it is a healthier recipe ;)
Here is what you need:
 1/2 cup sugar
1-1/2 cups brown sugar
1 cup butter, softened
1 1/4 cups peanut butter
2 eggs
1 Tbsp. vanilla
2-3/4 cups flour
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt
1 bag of Snickers bites
1 cup milk chocolate chips


In large bowl, beat granulated sugar and brown sugar with butter and peanut butter until fluffy. 
Beat in eggs and vanilla.
Add flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt. 
Mix well. 
Add the cup of chocolate chips & bag of Snickers bites.

These are Snickers Bites (found in the candy isle)
Cover dough and chill for at least an hour (preferably 3-4 hours if you have the time)
After the dough has chilled, use a cookie scooper to make balls of dough.
I like using parchment paper or a Silpa Mat when I bake cookies.
  Bake at 375 for 10-12 minutes.
 These cookies are SO good. I love the taste the Snickers gives these cookies.
What's not to love?
Peanut Butter? Good? Caramel? Good. Chocolate Chips? Good. Snickers? Good.

If you want to be really naughty....take 2 of these cookies and put a scoop of ice cream in between them to make a cookie ice cream sandwich. 
Your family will love you even more than they already do!
 For more cookie recipes, be sure and check out my Recipe Box {HERE}



Our 2014 Backyard Garden {One Month}

I thought I do an update on our Garden! 
I can't believe how much it has grown so much in a little over a month.
Click {HERE} to see what it looked like when we first planted.
And, now here it is:
Here is Box #1:
 My favorite part of this box is all my lettuce:
 So fun to go out to my garden before dinner time and pick some lettuce for our dinner salad!
Box #2:
 This box is 4 varieties of cherry tomatoes, a yellow squash plant & zucchini plant.
 I was shocked last week when I went out to water my garden. I couldn't believe that my zucchini and squash were growing & ready to pick!
And, some cherry tomatoes growing!
Box #3 is 5 Early Girl Tomato Plants
 Excited to see some green tomaotes growing!
 They probably won't turn red for another month or so. Can't wait!
 Here is my first harvest from the 2014 Garden at 1 month:
 I have tons of Zucchini recipes, but I don't have any yellow squash recipes, so last night I just cut some up, tossed them with olive oil, salt, pepper & Italian seasoning and roasted them at 425 for about 20 minutes.
 Then, I tossed them with some angel hair pasta, basil from my garden, and cut up some cherry tomatoes and tossed that with more olive oil.
It was a perfect & light Summertime Dinner last night (paired with a glass of Chardonnay, of course!)

 Other recipes I make with zucchini are:

  and my favorite (and what I am making for dinner tomorrow night) 
Does anyone have any yellow squash recipes? 
I have about 4 more in my garden that I need to pick and want to make something with them! 
I would love your ideas!

This is one of my favorite parts of Summer....planning & making meals around fresh fruits & veggies!


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