{1} time Claire woke up last night
{8} hours I slept last night
{2 } eggs and pieces of toast that Kate ate this morning
{3} cups of coffee I had today
{7} loads of laundry I did this week
{4} more loads I still need to do
{16} poopy diapers Claire has had this week
{3} visitors we had this morning..Aunt Patty, Auntie El & Grandma Jill
{9} the number of times I had to tell Boulder to get off Claire's blanket
{16} times Claire has rolled over in the past 6 minutes
{2} seconds Claire can sit up on her own before tipping over{2 } eggs and pieces of toast that Kate ate this morning
{3} cups of coffee I had today
{7} loads of laundry I did this week
{4} more loads I still need to do
{16} poopy diapers Claire has had this week
{3} visitors we had this morning..Aunt Patty, Auntie El & Grandma Jill
{9} the number of times I had to tell Boulder to get off Claire's blanket
{16} times Claire has rolled over in the past 6 minutes
{11 } spoonfuls of carrot baby food that Claire ate
{6} days since Boulder's 4th birthday
{43} days since Kate's 2nd birthday
{186} days until Claire's 1st birthday
{24} episodes of Monk we have on our DVR
{554} pictures on my camera's memory chip
{32} times Kate has gone down the slide in our backyard before lunch
{1/2} peanut butter sandwhich Kate ate for lunch
{12} times Kevin has listed to the new U2 Album this week
{1} hour since Becky went to the hospital to get induced
{3} times Kate asked to watch Backyardigans
{0} times we let her
{7} the time we are meeting friends at Ascona tonight.
{62} degrees outside today
{17} minutes until Kate goes down for a nap
{4} pictures on this post that were taken this morning
{100} the number of posts I have now written on my blog!

You take such great pictures of your girls!
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure why my last comment came up as anonymous; sorry! Anyway, I just wanted to tell you how great your pictures are! Sarah
ReplyDeleteMonk is the best show!! So sad it's over. Thank goodness he finally solved Trudy's murder, though.
ReplyDeleteThank you Thank You Very much Doctor Otonokpo for making my ex boyfriend come back to me. I am Cordelia Sandra from Brazil and i am putting this testimony here too because i want to share my testimony of how i was helped by Doctor Otonokpo within 48 hours of contacting him. Yes, it was last week my ex boyfriend returned to me after i contacted Doctor Otonokpo. My boyfriend was always going back to meet his ex girlfriend because he never really left her. Her name was Sophie. I didn't know how it happened one day after breakfast that i saw him looking at his ex girlfriend's picture on Facebook and I flared at him that he doesn't care about him and he was with me and still thinking about his ex although we have been dating for 6 months. He stormed at me and left the house and never returned. I was heartbroken and wanted him to come back. I was in a nightclub with friend one evening that I saw him with Sophie there, I was humiliated that night and I regretted going there only to see him there. I went online after some days and found Doctor Otonokpo and read about him and I contacted him to help me get him back. I must say that within 48 hours, my boyfriend came back to me and pleaded for leaving me. Is this how spell works so fast? Please, if you want help, contact Doctor Otonokpo too to help you at otonokpotemple@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteCall/WhatsApp +2348114129781