Here is my 2nd update for my 40 Bags in 40 Days Lent Challenge.
You can read my first update here.
Since my last update, I have done 8 more areas.
First up was our upstairs linen cupboards:
Top Shelves
Bottom Shelves:
Top Shelves
Bottom Shelves
SO much better!!!!!
Our linens were so smashed in there & everytime I opened one of the doors, something would fall out. I filled up & donated TWO huge bags of blankets, sheets & towels that we just don't use enough.
Since my last update, I have done 8 more areas.
First up was our upstairs linen cupboards:
Top Shelves

Top Shelves

Our linens were so smashed in there & everytime I opened one of the doors, something would fall out. I filled up & donated TWO huge bags of blankets, sheets & towels that we just don't use enough.
Next up was the Guest Room Closet & the dresser in the Guest Room.
The closet BEFORE:
This closet stores our winter coats, my craft & party supplies.
Lots of crap in here. Ugh.
You couldn't even see the floor of the closet...
The closet AFTER:
Much more organized.
Look! You can see the floor!
The Dresser Drawers in the Guest Room BEFORE:
Drawer #1
Drawer #2
Drawer #3
Drawer #4
Honestly, these drawers were filled with random crap I didn't know where to store, so I threw out alot of stuff or moved it to ait's proper place. The Guest Room is going to become the Nursery & we are going to move our Guest Room to our Office & have a guest room/office combo.
The Dresser Drawers AFTER:
Drawer #1
(filled with a few baby clothes that I do have, including the girls coming home outfits & a boy coming home outfit that hasn't been used yet!)
The closet BEFORE:

Drawer #1

The Dresser Drawers AFTER:
Drawer #1
(filled with a few baby clothes that I do have, including the girls coming home outfits & a boy coming home outfit that hasn't been used yet!)

I got rid of 1 Bag of trash/junk and 1 Bag of Jackets I don't wear anymore & 1 bag of misc. stuff

Next up....Kate's room!
Closet BEFORE:

Kate's Dresser Drawers BEFORE:
Drawer #1

Drawer #1

Claire's Closet BEFORE:
Left Side:

Drawer #1

Claire's Dresser Drawers AFTER:
Drawer #1

The Girls Bathroom BEFORE:
Medicine Cabinet:
Under Sink #1
Under Sink #2
The Girls Bathroom AFTER:

So, I have done 16 areas out of 34 areas.
I have filled up a total of 17 Hefty bags of stuff that has been donated (or trashed)
I have filled up a total of 17 Hefty bags of stuff that has been donated (or trashed)

I am giving myself some grace.
I think I have done pretty good so far considering I am 20.5 weeks preggo, still have 24/7 morning sickness & am EXHAUSTED when I come home from teaching each day. Oh yeah, and I have 2 kids to hang out with!
My Spring Break is the week after Easter and I am planning on finishing my list by the end of Spring Break. I think that is do-able.
I plan to get a few areas knocked out this weekend because it is supposed to be rainy & we have NO plans (besides church on Sunday).
I will for sure do another update or 2 on my progress!
This has been very rewarding so far....I feel more at peace in my house because things are more organized and it feels so good to GET RID of STUFF!!!