
Crock-tober: Slow Cooker Ribs

Are you ready for Crock-tober?
I am!

I am excited to share one of my favorite crock pot recipes with you.
If you are a vegetarian, this meal is NOT for you.
Our family on the other hand, LOVES meat.

Slow Cooker Ribs
Here is what you need:
2-3 lbs pork baby back ribs
2.5 cups BBQ sauce
1 small jar (10-12 oz) of cherry jam (or a can of cranberry sauce)
1 T Dijon mustard
Salt & Pepper to taste

Here is what you do (SO EASY!!!)
Cut ribs into 2 portions (trim off any excess fat, if necessary)
Lightly sprinkle salt & pepper on the ribs. Place Ribs in Crock Pot
Combine BBQ sauce, jam & mustard in a bowl.
Pour mixture over ribs.
Cover & Cook on low for 6-8 hours and then your ribs will look like this:
When you try and pick them up, they will LITERALLY fall off the bone. So good!
Look at all that yummy sauce (After I put the ribs on plates, I always spoon on MORE sauce)
I always serve these ribs with Pioneer Woman's Mashed Potatoes, & green peas.
And, wine....of course. Duh. :)
(The beauty of the PW's mashed potatoes is that you can make them the night before & then bake them the next day for 30 minutes right before you serve them. You could also serve the ribs with rice, if you prefer)
Can you say Comfort Food?!?!
The meat is so tender, it melts in your mouth.
These are perfect for the Fall/Winter when you want Ribs, but don't want to go outside & BBQ them.
Don't you want a bite? Yum. Yum. Yum.
This is a family favorite, I love it, Kevin loves and both girls love it!
The fact that both my girls ate it & liked it is a miracle. They are the pickiest eaters EVER.
This is such an easy, easy, easy meal that tastes amazing and requires little effort on your part!
*I used 2.5 lbs of ribs & it feed all 4 of us, with 2 servings leftover *

Now, it's your turn to link up!

I can't wait to check out the recipes you post!
You can link up ANYTIME this week!
Grab a button & go visit other blogs to see what yummy crockpot recipes they linked up!

**Also, don't forget to enter my Erin Condren Giveaway! 4 days left!**

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  1. i've been wanting a crockpot ribs recipe! i'll be adding these to the menu!

  2. Those ribs look so yummy!!! Thanks for hosting...I can't wait to see all of the recipes :)

  3. Oh, those look good!
    I've never made ribs, but I might try this.
    I couldn't think of a great recipe to share so I am anxious to check out all your link ups and jot a few down!!!

  4. Thanks for doing this. So excited to try some of these!

    april@Party of Five and
    Meals For Real

  5. thanks for hosting this link up mel!

    so excited for the recipes.

    i have ribs in my freezer ready to be cooked up... thanks for the great recipe. i will be trying it out asap!!!

  6. Yum!! This is definitely on my weekly menu for next week! Thank you!!

  7. this recipe has convinced me its time to invest in a bigger crock pot ;) So. YUMMY!

  8. I'm making slow-cooker ribs on Sunday! Can't wait! These look sooo yummy.

  9. seriously.
    i have never made anything like this.
    my family will be so surprised.
    thank you mel.
    you rock.

  10. Thanks so much for the Rib Recipe and linking me up with these other Yummy Recipes! I posted mine too:)

  11. I am so happy you're doing this!!

    Last night I made frozen chicken
    breasts in the crockpot.

    Going out to buy ribs TODAY.


  12. my first run at bbq chicken is slow cooking as i type. CANNOT wait to taste it. so happy you are hosting this fun little linky party. i think it might change my life. sadly, i'm not at all kidding.

  13. Oh my goodness - YUM! I can't wait to make these soon!

  14. Yum, your ribs look so good!! I'm going to have to make those!

    I couldn't get your link/image code to work, tried and tried. :(

    Excited to check out all these linked up yummy foods!!!

  15. I LOVE my crockpot. We served crockpot food for my daughter's first birthday last Saturday. It was perfect and stress-free.




  17. these look so delicious! If I ever get a crock pot...this will be the first thing I make!

  18. I don't have this recipe on my blog because I got it from another one, but it is a "To Die For" pot roast. Super easy and you have to try it:

  19. yummo!!! maybe i can get my life together and link up;) love all the recipes i am finding here, woohoo!!

  20. I've been trying to link but its not showing up :(

  21. I just wanted you to know I love this idea and all the crock pot recipes! I feel like someones' cooking dinner for us when I cook in the crock pot. Thank you so much. :)

  22. We tried your ribs tonight and they were AWESOME. I have never heard the words, "it tastes like its from a restaurant". Thanks and we hope to see more of your ideas!

  23. These look great! Pinned for future reference!

  24. I've made these several times and they always come out fantastic. Talk about 'fall off the bone' - I can't even get them out of the crockpot with the bones intact lol. The cherry preserves sort of scared me (not a fruit+meat fan), but it all works together perfectly. Thanks for such an easy recipe!



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