
Friday Favorites + $100 Target Giftcard Giveaway!

Happy Friday!!!
Today I'm linking up with Friday Favorites!

Hosted by: Andrea, Erika & Narci

 In honor of Spring Break being 7 days away...I have 7 favorites I want to share with you today!

Since Easter is just one week away, let's talk about my favorite Easter Candy:

I keep these in the fridge. Reeses Peanut Butter Eggs cold are the BEST.
Know what isn't my favorite? Cadbury Eggs. I'm sorry. I just don't like them. I think they are nasty. I've had 1 bite of one in my entire life and couldn't even finish it because it was gross.

Celebrating Holidays is my FAVORITE!
Easter is a week from Sunday, so here are some fun activities that you can do with your kids this week to get you in the Easter Spirit! Many of these will help you focus on the true meaning of Easter....that Jesus died on the cross for all of us and rose again 3 days later.  Some of the other activities are just for fun!

Planting Jelly Beans
We do this on Good Friday & have the lollipops appear on Easter Sunday representing that God has taken the old and given us new life. 
 You can read Luke Chapter 18 in the Bible with this activity.
 Talk about how Jesus’s body was laid in the tomb then on the 3rd day was raised from the dead and lived again.

 Bunny Prints
 On our front walkway made with flour on Easter Morning:
Bunny Trail 
(Marshmallows leading them to their Easter Baskets)
Empty Tomb Easter Cookies with Scripture 
(Recipe & Instructions HERE
Resurrection Rolls:
(Recipe HERE)

Easter Egg Coupons:
Instead of filing eggs with candy, you can add these coupons to some of your kids eggs!
My girls LOVE getting these in their eggs!

Download them HERE if you haven't already!
These are a HIT at Easter. My girls can't wait to find the coupon eggs!

 Tie Dyed Easter Eggs:
Use silk ties to dye eggs! So fun. 
{Instructions HERE}
You can see our tie-dyed eggs from 2011, 2012, 2013 & 2014
The girls and I are working on our 2015 tie dyed eggs next week. Can't wait!

Happy Easter to one of my favorite Peeps Printable:

Get the printable {HERE}

You've been Egged Printable:
In case you missed my post yesterday, I posted a "You've Been Egged" Printable.
We have had so much fun "egging" our friends this week!

Download it {HERE}

Crying kids with Santa & the Easter Bunny are my favorite.
We are going to see the Easter Bunny next week.
Hoping I get a repeat of last year:

Stitch Fix is my Favorite! 
My Fix is supposed to arrive this afternoon. I can't wait!
It's like Christmas morning every month. This is my 11th month getting a Stitch Fix (you don't have to do them every month, but I love getting them, so I chose the monthly option. :)
You don't have to do it every month, you can customize it to how you want it...every other month, every 2 months, every 3 months, etc.

When you sign up for Stitch Fix, you link your Pinterest Boards to them so that know what styles you like. If you don't have Pinterest, that's okay because they also have a style questionaire for you to fill out & they have collages of outfits and you rate them on how you like them.
Each Fix comes with 5 different items & it comes with a prepaid mailing envelope, so you can easily return the items you don't want.
You aren't obligated to keep any of it! I have kept at least 1 item each time, sometimes I keep 2 or 3.
It's fun!
Click {HERE} to get started!

As if you didn't know, Rodan + Fields is my favorite skin care...especially the eye cream!
I started using the eye cream right after Luke was born and WOW, it got rid of the bags under my eyes that I had from lack of sleep with a newborn. 

Our  Multi-Function Eye Cream combines powerful peptides to minimize the appearance of crow’s-feet, helps reduce the appearance of both puffiness and dark under eye circles while special optical diffusers noticeably brighten the eye area.
Ophthalmologist tested, this formula is ideal for maintaining the delicate skin around the eyes.  

This brave consultant only used the eye cream on one eye for 3 weeks!
It's less puffy & she doesn't have bags under that eye!

I will be placing a BULK order of our amazing eye cream NEXT Wednesday!
For my bulk order, you can get it with my discount and it will only cost you $54 and I will cover your tax & shipping!
One jar lasts me at least 4-5 months.
Let me know if you want to order one! Leave a comment with your email or email me: melissa_larson17@yahoo.com

My March Madness deal is also going on, if you want to become a preferred customer.
You get $20 cash back, 17% off your order and FREE Shipping!
(If you did this deal, you could get the eye cream for even less than my bulk order discount!)
I would LOVE to help you with your skin care needs!
You can also take this quick 6 question survey to find out what products are best for your skin {HERE}

 Bingo is my favorite!
For the past year, some of my friends and I have gone to play Bingo at the Country Club for their Bingo night. They have it once a month and for the past year we have been going. We haven't made it to all of them, but when we do, it is a riot!!!
Usually there are between 3 - 6 of us. But this month, there were 10 of us!!! Don, the announcer wanted a picture with us this month to put in the monthly newsletter. We are the youngest ones by about 30 years....I love Bingo with the old people :)
In the past year, none of us have ever won and we haven't even been at a table where someone has won. But, this month 5 out of the 10 of us WON games!!!!
So much fun!! I won a Champange Brunch for 2.

We were quite the scene at Bingo since 5 of us won.
This is what our table looked like at the end of the night.

Bingo cards & empty wine bottles. LOVE it.

Target is my Favorite.
Target was (is?) my happy place.
Then I had kids and going to Target with 3 kids is not so fun.
Know what is fun?
Giving away a $100 Target Gift Card to one of YOU!

What would you buy with a $100 Target Gift Card?
I would use it on a new bathing suit & swimsuit coverup. And, some new Spring clothes!
To enter, use the Rafflecopter below!
Giveaway ends next Friday, April 3rd!

Hope you have a GREAT Friday!


  1. Would love to win the Target card.

  2. Target is my happy place too! I still enjoy it even when I have to take all five of my kids with me! :)

  3. I'm with you on those Reese's Eggs. The absolute best!

  4. those tie dyed eggs are awesome, I'm going to have to try that with my kiddos. thanks for the giveaway!

  5. Love the giveaway!! I would buy bathing suits and coverups too and get ready for summer!

  6. Love Target!
    I am in love with their bags and wallets this season!

  7. I go to Target a lot and always leave with more than what was on my list!

  8. I would buy some new spring outfits for me and my kids

  9. Such creative ideas to celebrate Easter!

  10. thank you for the chance, love to shop at target :)

  11. LOve Target, I love the jelly bean planting idea!

  12. thanks for the giveaway. Target has great decor and party stuff!

  13. I would most definitely use the gift card to purchase stuff for our new house! Or maybe a new bathing suit....or both!!
    Love the Easter stuff!! Totally going to do the jelly bean lollipop thing with my CCD Class!!

  14. So exciting! I would spend the Target card on some of the longer tunic tops to go with new white jeans. I'd also pull the trigger and buy some fall/winter boots that I have in my online cart. Love me some Target! Have a great weekend!

  15. I would love to win! And I would use it on me!!! 😉

  16. Target is my happy place too.. I get Starbucks.. Boys get popcorn and a smoothie.. I would spend the card on myself.. I finally lost my post partum weight and need new clothes!

  17. Target is my happy place, especially when I can go without kids! I would buy a swim suit and some spring/summer clothes!

  18. Love Target also! Thinking about heading there today!

  19. Love all of your fun and meaningful Easter ideas. I also love Target :)

  20. I'd use a target giftcard on some new summer dresses!

  21. Target is my favorite one stop shop place to go to:)

  22. I'd purchase some items in the outdoor area to decorate our patio and pool area for summer!


  23. How nice! I would definitely use it on new spring clothes too!

  24. I love Easter and am so ready for spring! Can't wait to start working in my yard. Maybe tomorrow!!!

  25. I'd get some swim suit cover-ups for my girls and some bright Essie nail polish for my sad winter nails :)

  26. I would probably by some spring clothes and definitely something I didn't need! (;

  27. Such great Easter ideas and just in the perfect time! And I am totally with ya on the Reeses vs Cadbury!

  28. Love you wonderful ideas for Easter. Spring is my favorite time of the year. I would buy new sandals and some new spring blouses.

  29. Love the emphasis of Christ in your Easter celebrations. Love. Love me some Target!!

  30. Thanks, I would buy spring clothes for my kids!

  31. I would love to buy some new spring clothes for myself, but who am I kidding, I'm sure I would buy something for the kids

  32. I had planned just last night to do the Resurrection Rolls and Peeps Smores! So enjoying following your blog!

  33. I love those Reeses Eggs SO much. I need to stop eating them!

  34. I love your idea for putting the coupons in the eggs. I don't have kids of my own. But I'm a teacher and I think I may do something similar with my students - coupons for homework pass, treasure box, extra computer time, etc. And as for the Target gift card - If I won, I would buy some warmer clothes/shoes for my summer missions trip to West Africa. I really need to shop, but am waiting as long as possible since things aren't as cheap as they used to be :)

  35. Target is my happy place too! I'm there at least twice a week!

  36. You just reminded me that I have a bag of reeces eggs stashed! I may have to break into them!
    As for Target, I'm really looking at getting some lighter curtains for my living room for spring.

  37. Peanut butter eggs are my favorite...and Target...and Jesus!

  38. Just got married a few months ago, so would definitely love to buy a few of the home things we missed getting on our registry!

  39. I usually buy 7 or 8 bags of the Reeses Easter eggs so I can eat them year round! Those and the nerd jelly beans are my favorite.

  40. I just started R+F last week and think I'm ready to pull the trigger on the eye cream. If I order from you, are you able to ship it to me in SC? That picture is amazing!

  41. I love all your Easter ideas. And I am with you on the Cadbury eggs....I think they are gross too:)

  42. I'd use $100 to spruce up our deck for the warmer weather (which we've yet to experience here in NY). Thanks so much for the chance to win.


  43. LOVE Target! I would use the $100 for some new spring clothes and sandals :)

  44. I think it would be so fun to do te resurection rolls this year...Ellie might be a little too young for it but I'm sure it would still be fun!!

    Oh the ways I could use a target giftcard are endless!!!

  45. Very generous! love shopping at Target.

  46. Love the jellybean/dum-dum idea for my girls.

  47. I can't stand Cadbury eggs either. Team Reeses!!

  48. Reese's peanut butter eggs go in my fridge too!! Love them! And love love love Target!

  49. I'm a Minnesota girl (where Target is based), so we have Targets everywhere. I work less than 1/2 mile from one so I am there several times a week for a "quick" stop. :) Love Target! It's my happy place, especially since I usually don't drag my kids with.

  50. Reese's peanut butter eggs are the greatest thing!! I would love to win a Target gift card -- thank you!!

  51. I have a new baby grandson. If I won this I could buy him all kinds of cute little things for Easter!

  52. I love the idea of the Easter coupons. Definitely gonna use that when they get a little older. This year I have to remember to not put chocolate in the eggs we hide outside. Easter Bunny fail last year. They were all melted. lol

  53. I would by some new Spring clothing!!

  54. Love Target, but who doesnt! Love the idea of the coupons for the eggs too!

  55. I would definitely start spring shopping. Love this time of year!

  56. Target is my place!! I could spend hours/do spend hours there!! Love it

  57. Love that tie dyed egg! I also like Target. Love buying my kids clothes at Target especially. Seems like they offer better quality clothing. Thanks so much.

  58. I LOVE target and they have so many cute bathing suits right now! Plus their snacks always get me :)

  59. Target is my happy place! Thanks so much and happy Easter!

  60. Brady needs a bike helmet. I've been putting it off for months because I never want to spend $30 but he got a scooter for his birthday and he's ready to hit the road (road = helmet required in our house!)


  61. Flats! I'm big into them now and Target always has cute ones.

  62. I would love to win! I could spend this in approximately 45 seconds. :)

  63. HA! I would buy a new bathing suit too! at least thats what I would try to do but I would probably buy something for my kids lol.. you know how that goes!

  64. I'd love to get some new towels and sheets from Target, or maybe a light jacket for the spring. So many options!

    Geoff K
    gkaufmanss at yahoo dot com

  65. Crying kids with Easter bunny in the picture , love it!

  66. The bunny prints are so cute!

    Thanks for offering this giveaway and the chance to win.

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  67. I love target, we are expecting a baby, and boy is that store dangerous!

    jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com

  68. I'd buy pet supplies if I win. Thanks for the chance.

  69. I love Target. They have almost everything I need in one stop.

  70. Great ideas - I am going to make the Resurrection Rolls with the kids this Easter for sure!

  71. I love all the Easter ideas! I also love my new R&F eye cream!

  72. Thank you for the giveaway! I love Target

  73. Thank you for the awesome giveaway! I would buy clothes for my kids.

  74. I love easter and i love the easter bunny paws.

  75. I would love to win! I could use a new swimsuit.

  76. Perfect timing since the Lily Pulitzer stuff is coming out at Target in just a few weeks! :)

  77. I would love to win a Target gift card. I'd buy the kids some new summer clothes.

  78. I LOVE me some Target! I would totally buy new springy clothes!

  79. I love Target and would buy new maternity clothes!

  80. I would like to add a few new items to my Spring/Summer wardrobe!

  81. LOVE Target! Definitely get some new clothes for spring/summer. Thanks for the chance to win. xo

  82. I would get some treats
    For my kids' easter baskets and a new cover up too!

  83. I would get pet food and pet toys and household items.
    heather hgtempaddy@hotmail.com

  84. I'd definitely pick up some spring clothes! It's a struggle for me to leave Target with just the items on my shopping list-- there's always something colorful I want!

  85. I love Target! I'd find some things to decorate our newly finished basement! And throw in some Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs, of course!

  86. I'm due in April so I'd probably buy things for the baby. Go team green!

  87. Thank you for such a fun giveaway!! There is literally a 100 ways I could spend this gift card but I think I would actually get some new things for myself!!

  88. I love regular Reese's cups... but those eggs are so much better!

  89. If I won the Target gift cards, I would get some things to spruce up the house for the spring and summer - new rug, new pillows, new shower curtain.

  90. I would get summer clothes for Ryan and for me!! Thanks for the giveaway!!! :)

  91. I would use the gift card to get some groceries and personal care products.

  92. So many great ideas in this post! Can't wait to head to Target and stock up on fun Easter goodies!

  93. I love the Easter Peeps S'mores idea. Very cute.

  94. Such a great post! I like the coupons in the eggs.

  95. This gift card would come in very happy as I am needing new bedding.

  96. Just stopping by to thank you for all the fun printables

  97. I would use the gift card for groceries!

  98. I Love Target! I always find things I absolutely "must have" when I go so I always end up buying more than I planned on when I walked in!

  99. I love shopping at Target especially since they have so many groceries now.
    One stop shopping!
    thank you

  100. Ok....love, love everything on this post. Reese's eggs are the best...as are the trees, hearts, etc. Way better than regular Reese Cups. Definitely doing the jellybean/lollipop thing and Easter cookies! I love how you relate the true meaning of Easter with kid-friendly fun. Heading to Target tonight with my crazies- would love a gift card! Thanks for the chance! :)

  101. What a fun giveaway, I cannot believe Easter is in a week!! :D

  102. Love this post and LOVE target!

  103. Do all my shopping at Target for new clothes!

  104. We love Target, thank you for the great giveaway! Happy Easter

  105. We just got a Target close to us -- would love to shop around there!
    tvollowitz at aol dot com

  106. This would be great for tgetting Easter goodies for all.

  107. Thank you for all the great information and thank you for the giveaway!

    kport207 at gmail dot com

  108. I love Target. I would get some summer clothes

  109. I love your Peep Smores idea. I needed an idea for what to send to my sons class and this is perfect.

  110. I am the same way with Cadbury eggs...yuck! I have always wanted to make the empty tomb cookies...I might try them with the kids this spring break...

  111. I love these ideas. I wish my girls were younger so that I could do the bunny tracks and marshmallow trail for them. Thank you!!
    crystalfaulkner2000 at yahoo dot com

  112. I enjoy Target on any given day to just see everything and buy somethings! I love that they have everything under one roof and so eye catching displays!

  113. They have great workout/yoga wear @ Target besides housewares. Rosanne rosans4@comcast.net

  114. Love your Easter activity ideas! Will be pinning to use with my future kids!

  115. Thanks for the chance to win!
    I would love to use this gift card for my twins 2nd birthday coming up!
    Desiree H

  116. I love seeing what fun things you all do on holidays! You're a great momma! Bingo sounds like a blast!

  117. I love the rabbit footprint idea. Thanks for the giveaway!

  118. I love the planting-jelly-beans idea!!
    For the Target giveaway--I'd invest in a couple of spring dresses and little boy summer clothes :) :)

  119. Thank you for all of the awesome Easter ideas!
    I would probably buy a new swimsuit with a Target gift card, as well. My suits are all pre-baby and well...three kids later they don't fit like they used to! :)

  120. I would buy something to decorate our bedroom because we just painted it!

  121. Love shopping at Target! My older kids birthdays are all coming up in April and May, this would help greatly!

  122. Target in the springtime is always a joy!

  123. This would come in handy. Hoping you have a happy easter

  124. I would buy some summer clothes for my 3 boys! They just keep on growing!

  125. Thanks for the giveaway...If I won, I would use it for wedding gifts.

  126. I love that you played BINGO! I've always wanted too. It sounds like so much fun.

  127. Lucky for all of you who won at Bingo. What a great feeling that must have been!

  128. I love bingo! The last time I played was Christmas!

  129. Target is heaven on Earth.. That's just all there is to it <3

  130. Bingo looks SO fun! Target is my happy place too :)

  131. I am stealing your "You've Been Egged!" idea.How much fun and thanks for sharing!

  132. Great ideas! I am going to do the jelly beans to lollipops idea to explain the Easter Story - LOVE! And who doesn't love Target - would love to dress up my living area with some new lamps and a nice big rug!

  133. I love target, too. they have everything! I would probably get my kids some new shoes if i won

  134. Would like to buy the R+F eye cream... themoores226@me.com

  135. I would buy new barstools for my kitchen :)

  136. I love all your Easter traditions. And I love Target! ;)

  137. I would pick out new bathing suits for my girls

  138. I'd buy new maternity clothes since there is so many cute ones out there and mine need some updating!

  139. Love that you're doing this!

  140. Found you through Shay's blog. Love Target!

  141. Just returned home from my happy place...err...Target. :)

  142. Target is the best! I would get some new home decor.

  143. I would buy new spring/summer clothes for my kids.

  144. i would buy some gardening tools or a patio umbrella

  145. I would buy candles with summery scents and home decor items.

  146. I haven't shopped at Target in forever. I stopped shopping there would like to try it again.

  147. Target is my happy place! I would buy a new handbag and some shoes if I win!

  148. Love the bunny prints and the way Jesus was included- how clever - shaunie on rafflecopter

  149. I love Target and would just go around with my shopping cart buying things I can't usually afford on my budget!

  150. Target is the best! $100 can go a long ways towards new spring/summer items!
    addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com
    Ashley C

  151. I would use my $100 Target gift card to buy groceries and some new things for the kids!

  152. Spring break already?! Didn't 2015 just start?

  153. I love the Easter ideas!!!! I will try some of them this year!!!

  154. I love Target...can get some summer clothes for my grandchild and some make up and hair care products.

  155. Reese's Eggs are the best. I can't stop eating them.

  156. Reese's Eggs are the best. I can't stop eating them.

  157. love those reeses eggs too! - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

  158. Clothes for my two toddlers!

  159. We are expecting baby #2 (a girl!) next month - would love to stock up on diapers, wipes, bottles, etc!

  160. I love to shop for clothes at Target.


  161. Thanks for the chance, I really need summer clothes . Target is my favorite place to shop!

  162. I love the marshmallow trail to the Easter basket idea! Targets is my favorite store. I need some new spring/summer clothes.

  163. I would buy a few new spring tops and new make-up and hair products.

  164. I love Target and the clothing


  165. I love Target and shop there often. My next trip I'm buying TimTam cookies. I would also like to buy some summer outfits.

  166. I love the bunny footprint idea!! Thanks for the giveaway!

  167. Would love to win the Target gift card. I would buy some summer shirts with it.

  168. I love Target and I would buy a couple sundresses and a lighted makeup mirror.
    Tara Woods

  169. I would use it towards a new camera!

  170. The bunny prints sounds like a cute idea to do for my nephew. The Target gift card would be great to buy a nice ham for Easter along with other weekly groceries and toiletries.



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