

It's Spring Break, Holy Week + A Winner!

It's finally here........Spring Break.
It has been a looooooong stretch of school since Christmas Break and I am so, so, so thankful to have this week off of school.
It is 3 pm and we are ALL still in our Pajamas!
The Monday of all our breaks (Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring Break), I always make sure we have NO plans. It's nice to just have a day to lounge around in our pj's, do crafts, play outside and bake things. No plans. Just hanging out. 
This is espciecally necessary today because we had a super busy weekend.
I threw a Baby Shower for my younger sister on Saturday (I will blog that this week!)
and Kevin took the girls to Pine Mountain Lake for the weekend. 
Luke & I had a fun weekend just the 2 of us.
I forgot how easy just 1 kid is (compared to 3)
Kevin and the girls had an absolute blast at the lake with some of Kevin's childhood friends.
Today, we are all exhausted (which is why we are still in our pj's!)
 Not only is it the week of Spring Break, but it is Holy Week.
A week that changed the world. The week Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice for us by dying on the cross to forgive us for our sins. And, then the miracle of all miracles happened....God raised him from the dead! He is Risen!

Here are some fun activities that you can do with your kids this week to get you in the Easter Spirit! Many of these will help you focus on the true meaning of Easter....that Jesus died on the cross for all of us and rose again 3 days later.  Some of the other activities are just for fun!

Planting Jelly Beans
We do this on Good Friday & have the lollipops appear on Easter Sunday representing that God has taken the old and given us new life. 
 You can read Luke Chapter 18 in the Bible with this activity.
 Talk about how Jesus’s body was laid in the tomb then on the 3rd day was raised from the dead and lived again.

 Bunny Prints
 On our front walkway made with flour on Easter Morning:
Bunny Trail 
(Marshmallows leading them to their Easter Baskets)
Empty Tomb Easter Cookies with Scripture 
(Recipe & Instructions HERE
Resurrection Rolls (Recipe HERE)
Easter Egg Coupons

Download them HERE if you haven't already!
These were a HIT last Easter. Instead of candy in the eggs, use these coupons!
Tie Dyed Easter Eggs 
Use silk ties to dye eggs! So fun. 
{Instructions HERE}
The girls and I are working on our 2014 tie dyed eggs later this week. Can't wait!

And, the winner of the Rodan + Fields Regimen Giveaway is:
Congrats! Leave me a comment with your email!

What is your favorite Easter Tradition? Would love to hear about it!
Mine is making Resurrection Rolls with the girls & re-telling the story of Jesus dying on the cross for our sins and have my girls understand more and more what that means each year.
I also love spending Easter day with family & friends. 
And of course, eating a Reese's Peanut Butter Egg. 
Best Easter Candy Ever!


  1. Some great ideas! Thanks! I only get Good Friday off...enjoy your break :)

  2. So I may be guilty, I have our Eggchange coupons from last year! They have been riding around in my purse for an entire year, how sad is that? BUT, I don't have to print them, I'm all set! ;)

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