

10 on 10 :: April 2014

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month! 

{Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}
ten on ten button
Happy 10th of April. 
So glad it is the 10th....that means 1 more day until Spring Break.

Here is a sneak peek of our day!
Kate has been making her bed every morning for the past few months. I love it. I don't know where she learned that from since I rarely make our bed in the morning...especially during the school week. 
But, hey! I won't complain! Love my OCD girl :)
 Breakfast at school. I eat a Luna bar EVERY.SINGLE.DAY during first period. This is my current favorite flavor.
I gave a test today & am trying to get them graded before Spring Break (1 more day!). Grading tests is more fun when you grade them with colorful sharpies :)
I love Thursdays because I am done teaching at 11:30. Then I get to pick up Luke, put him down for a nap and eat my lunch in a quiet house while the girls are at school. Today's lunch was corn tortilla quesadillas with Trader Joe's Greek yogurt guacamole. So good!
 Loading the dishwasher. My least favorite chore (besides unloading the dish washer & folding laundry) At least the dishes are pretty.
Flowers that Kevin gave me earlier this week. I love fresh flowers.
 Picked up Kate from school and while we waited for Claire to get out, she did her homework in the car like we do everyday. Fun times.
After school we went on an errand to the party store because I am throwing my sister a baby shower on Saturday and haven't gotten ANYTHING ready for it. Procrasitnators unite! I was so happy to see 4th of July things out...that means.....It's almost summer! 
 Iced Coffee was necessary today. 80 degrees. A Thursday. Almost Spring Break. 
Want to know what I always order when the weather is nice? An Iced Grande Non Fat Vanilla Latte, but then I ask for it in a Venti Cup so that I get extra ice! I love extra ice.
Lukey watching some Mickey Mouse Clubhouse while I made dinner.

Don't forget, 1 more day to enter the Rodan + Fields Giveaway {HERE}
Just a reminder that for all Rodan + Fields orders placed by midnight on Friday April 11th, all proceeds will go to my friend Anna's adoption! 
Read {HERE} for more details.

Today was also National Sibling Day, so here is a bonus photo of what I posted on Facebook.
Throwback Thursday to my wedding almost 12 years ago.
I love my sisters!
Hope you had a good 10th....Spring Break.....1 more day!!! 
Can you tell I am excited?!?!


  1. that guacamole looks delicious...such a bummer that the closest Trader Joe's is like 3 hours from me!

  2. I am so sad I missed the 10 on 10 this month.
    I love your Starbucks idea! I am going to remember that!
    We started spring break today as well. The kids ran home and jumped in the pool.
    I love the TJ's guacamole as week. We are having quesadillas with guacamole tonight for dinner! Want to come sit by the pool and have quesadillas with guacamole with me? :)

  3. Lucky you, our school system took the kids Spring Break due to them missing so much throughout the winter. It sucks!!! Hope you enjoy yours though!

    I am so ready for the 4th of July too! It's my favorite holiday or at least one of them!

  4. I always love your 10 on 10 pictures! We are getting a Trader Joe's literally 4 minutes down the road from us...I'm so excited. I keep hearing great things about this store.
