

Happy 5th Birthday, Claire!

Today, Claire turned FIVE.
My 9-9 baby.
 I can't even believe it.
 5 is a pretty big deal. A whole hand old.
It seems like just yesterday that she was born.
And, here we are. 5 years later. Big Sister. Transitional Kindergartner.
By the way, having Luke turn 1 and Claire turn 5 within a month of each other has been brutal on my emotions!! Those are two "BIG" birthday milestones.
.My middle child.
 Sweet & Sassy. Boy, is she ever.
 Her name means "Bright" and that she is. She lights up a room wherever she goes.
 Passionate. Spirited. Hysterical.
Hooray for F-I-V-E!
Happy Birthday, Claire Bear!
These photos were made possible by an entire bag of jelly beans. For without them as bribery, I wouldn't have gotten half the photos I wanted. Just Keeping it Real. ;)


  1. Five is so big! Between you, me and Sheaffer, we have 6 days of kiddos turning five. We should all go together somewhere and cry. Happy Birthday Claire! Such a beautiful girl both inside and out. XOXO

  2. I can't believe she is 5! Happy Birthday Claire!

  3. Happy 5th Birthday, Claire! Love those 9-9 birthdays :)
    These are such beautiful photos of her!!

  4. Happy Birthday to Claire! My daughter's name is Claire too and we call her Claire Bear! I love it! :)

  5. Happy 5th Birthday Claire :D Great pictures.

  6. Awww, happy 5th Birthday to your baby girl!!

  7. Tell Miss Claire Happy Birthday and that all the cool kids have September birthdays! ;)

  8. Happy Birthday to the sweet little girl!! Indeed 5 is BIG DEAL, they are big kids now

  9. Happy 5th Birthday to your sweet girl. I love that you always take pics of your kids on your birthday.

    You are such an inspiration Mel, I love your style

  10. Yay for jellybeans! Great shots and happy birthday Claire!

  11. five IS big.
    my sweet and sassy girl turns TEN next week...
    and the oldest started HIGH SCHOOL...

    I might need a bag of jelly beans to deal with all of this...


  12. Such cute pictures! Totally understand the jelly bean bribery! :)
