

Another Whirlwind Week.

Can you believe it? September is half way over!
This month is FLYING by.
That happens when the school year starts & you are crazy busy!

Because I haven't had time to take "real" pictures, here is a peak at our week, Instagram style!
Last Friday was Claire's actual birthday.
My friend Julie made this outfit (headband, shirt & skirt) for Kate when she turned 3 & I held onto it so Claire could also wear it on her 3rd Birthday!
We had family over for pizza, cake & presents to celebrate.
Claire got a Bitty Baby from her Great Grammy. She is excited!
And, I caved and got Claire this Belle cake from the grocery store. She begged for a Belle Cake.
I have never bought a "store bought cake", but I went all out for her Cowgirl Party, so I wasn't about to make another cake. So, I bought the one at Safeway that she looks at EVERY time we go to the store.
(FYI...The trip to the grocery store to pick up the cake was the worst experience ever. Both girls had hysterical tantrums & breakdowns in the check out line. Most embarrassing parenting moment EVER.)
So, after pizza, we were all hanging out in our backyard because it was such a nice, warm night. Then, the weather got crazy & there was lightning. I was kept trying to take pictures of the lightning because it was so neat. We normally don't get lightning in California, so it was cool, I wanted to take pictures of it.

*Note to self*

Do NOT attempt to take lightning pictures while holding your 3 year old's beloved Belle Birthday cake. The cake WILL slide off the cake plate and onto the ground.

Exhibit A:
Exhibit B:
Belle cake on the ground, I repeat, Belle cake on the ground!!

But, that (shockingly) didn't phase the Birthday girl. We all got a good laugh, scooped up the cake, brushed off the dirt & stuck 3 candles in it & she was happy as a clam.
Last weekend was hot. 100 degrees hot. Perfect swimming weather.
I am thinking this was the last time we will swim for the year. Goodbye Summer Weather, Hello Fall!!! (YEAH!!!!)
And, of course.....Sunday. 9-11-11. Can't believe it has been 10 years.
I posted THIS about the mission trip I went on for 9-11 relief efforts in NYC a few months after 9-11.

Kevin has been working SO much the past 5 weeks & one night this week, I had this for dinner.
Homegrown tomatoes, hummus & a glass of wine. Delicious!
And, this for dessert...fresh strawberries & vanilla bean ice cream. YUM!
I also made THIS for dinner this week. Easiest Dinner EVER!
Every night we make our coffee & set it on automatic timer so that it brews in the morning.
Well, one night this week, I accidentally turned it to "On" instead of "Auto".
So, at 11 pm at night, my coffee brewed. FAIL.
And, I am was trying to be frugal & not wasteful so I didn't toss it out & I left it for the morning & re-heated it.
EWWWWW. It was so gross. But I still drank it. Never again!!!!
Okay....this next picture is my laundry pile. That is CLEAN laundry. It has been like that for weeks. WEEKS.
I despise folding laundry. The laundry is my nemesis. I just can't keep up.
Kevin has been offering for years to do his own laundry & I keep telling him that I will still do it.
Well, finally, this week...I resigned from doing his laundry & took him up on his offer. (Or, he fired me from doing his laundry.) So now, I am just doing my laundry & the girls laundry. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted! One less thing I have to worry about!
Claire got a Target card for her birthday (Thanks, Kelly!) and we went to Target.
This is what she picked out:
A Dora nightgown & a Belle shirt. If you know me well, you know how I feel about "character" clothing. I am not a fan. AT ALL. But, I gave in & let her buy them with her Target card. She was so proud.

Speaking of Birthday presents, I finally had time to make Claire's Thank You cards & just got them back from the printer.
I used the same photo I used for her Cowgirl Party Invite. If you reading this & came to the party, I am working on writing the Thank You's! I meant to do this last week. Ahhh!!!

Our small group started back up for the Fall & along with the rest of the church, we are reading the Hole in our Gospel. I am 4 Chapters in and it is AWESOME so far.
I made these for Small group. Make them. NOW.
Guess who is turning 100 nex month?!?! My Grandma, aka GRAMMY!
So, I filled out the form for the Today show because they recognize people who turn 100.
They better pick my Grammy! If so, they will give her a shout out on the Today show on her birthday!
Kate's learning to tie her shoes!
We had a house full of kids today. I watched 2 of my friends kids. It was crazy fun. 5 kids ages 4 and under. Good thing they are all sweet & well behaved!
So, that was our crazy week & we have a busy next 2 days.
This is what my day planner looked like this week. Busy, busy, busy!
Wish me luck as I take both girls to the dentist (Claire's first time & Kate's 2nd) I am a slacker. Keep your fingers crossed for no cavities!

Hope you have a great Friday....It's almost the weekend! Woo-hoo!
life rearranged


  1. My husband does {most} his own laundry too. It is easier that way. :)
    Sorry about Belle. Nice recovery!
    Have a good weekend too.

  2. Poor Belle. Kids never seem to mind eating food off the ground. Laundry...ugh. I don't know why it's so hard to put up. Good luck with the dentist!

  3. wow. what a week for you. i hope you have a relaxing weekend lined up. I made your chocolate chip cookie dough cupcakes.... rocked my world, my friend. thank you very much. i am sorry about the belle cake. i am so glad that it ended tear-free.

  4. Tell your grammy Happy Birthday!!! Praise the Lord for a long life and many more!! ;)

  5. oh my...that cake on the ground made me gasp then smile at the contentment of a three year old who does not need perfection to celebrate!

    Happy Friday!


  6. Is it terrible that I like the smashed up Belle cake better? Maybe there's an important life lesson in there. Like, "even princesses aren't perfect" or something. :)

  7. Oh no - poor Belle cake! Haha!! Good luck with the dentist....I need to make Leila an appointment (her first) soon. Eek!

  8. Whoa! I need a nap after just reading about your week! My Mom dropped one of my bday cakes when I was a child. It was New Kids on the Block. I still remember it to this day as a hilarious snaffoo.
    Oh, and also, I can totally relate to things happening while you're trying to take a pic, like my baby in the tub dunking her head in while I'm holding my phone to her trying to get a pic of HER. So silly! Thanks for stopping by!

  9. Oh no on the cake! What a fun memory that will be to tell for years to come. And question how do you get your husband to offer to do his laundry? I'm very jeakous.

  10. The birthday girl looks so happy in her birthday picture - I love it! That dinner looks amazing both the hummus as well as the crock pot. Hummus is one of my favorite condiments - I love the garlic hummus the most! I own The Hole in our Gospel - but I still haven't read it. I need to read it sometime soon if other like it so much!

  11. Looks like a great week, even with a Belle cake on the floor! & that easy crock pot dinner? I've made it, recipe from your blog, before...and we love it!

  12. I love that you keep it real about the cake and the laundry! Ever since I got pregnant, I've been slacking on folding the laundry :) Soon I'll have a little princess who's obsessed with Disney characters too!

  13. Great photos... looks like you have been busy but having fun!! Are you using photoshop to make Claire's Thank You notes?? They are so cute, I wish I was better with photoshop!!

  14. What a fun cake! And too funny that the birthday girl didn't mind it getting smashed. Kids are so funny.

  15. I gasped at the Belle picture! Oh no! I was telling Marc about your bday catastrophe last night and he said that was OK, it still tasted the same. Men! ;)

    I feel the same about character tees (and character bedding sets) but I will make exceptions for the ones like your daughters that look like pencil sketches- in fact, Lex is wearing her shirt today that is the Cinderella version of Claire's.
