

Back to School Feast 2011

Last week was Kate's first day of Pre-K.
(I am just now blogging about it because I am finally recovered from Claire's Cowgirl Party. Ha!)
After the first day we went out to yogurt to celebrate a new school year.
Love frozen yogurt!
And, just like last year, we had a Back to School Feast to celebrate the beginning of a new school year. We do our Back to School Feast the night of the First Day of School.
Our theme for this year is:
The reason I chose GROW as the theme is because this year will (hopefully) be a year of GROWTH for Kate.
We are praying she grows.....
(she will be in Kinder next year and I know this year will help prepare her)
(For her to get stronger & taller. She is the shortest one in her preschool class! And, she is taking gymnastics once a week, so that will help her physical strength. At the rate she is now, she will still be in her Britax Marathon carseat on the first day of Kinder.)
(Kate & 3 of her best friends are all in different classes this year. She doesn't know anyone in her class this year & there are 6 girls & 14 boys. And, most of the boys are already 5. I am praying she adapts to this and meets new friends)
(She is at a Christian preschool, so this is the last year she will get Bible/Prayer at school, as she will be in public school next year. Praying for her spiritual growth so that it prepares her to be a light in the Public schools)
It was hot last week, so we had our Back to School Feast in the backyard because the weather was so nice! I used the flowers from Claire's Party to decorate the table.
And, because our theme is GROW, I thought it was perfect that we were in the Backyard where we have been growing plants & our garden.
Their crowns, same ones from last year.
I was planning on making new ones, but ran out of time (and energy!)
The Menu:
HomeGROWN tomatoes & hummus for appetizers.
Main Course:
(I asked Kate what she wanted for her Back to School Dinner & she said she wanted Breakfast for Dinner. Score!)
Cinnamon Swirl French Bread:
Scrambled Eggs:
Roasted Breakfast Potatoes:
And of course, Bacon. You have to have Bacon!
For drinks, I made Spinach Banana Berry Smoothies.
With umbrellas, of course!
It was a delicious meal, if I do say so myself!
Claire's favorite part? The smoothies.
For dessert, we had ROOT beer Floats. (Get it..Root...since the theme is GROW)
During dinner we talked about the upcoming school year & what she was looking forward to.
Then, we read Kate the verse that we are going to be praying over her for the school year.
Colossians 1:9-12
For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light.

Our Back to School Feast is one of my favorite family traditions.
It was a lovely way to start of a new year of preschool!


  1. What a great theme! Love the verse--thank you for sharing it: ) Hope you all have a great, blessed school year!

  2. Everything about this is so awesome! Here's hoping for an amazing school year!

  3. Mel, I never got a chance to comment on your tenonten which I loved and Claire's birthday party! WOW! That is all I can say- just spectacular! And now cute. Making amazing memories for your girls!

  4. Oh Mel, this is so precious. Love that you are praying that verse over her. Having one still in a private Christian Preschool and the other in Public Kindergarten, I can safely say, all is going well. Kate will grow so much this year and you will be shocked how ready for Kinder she'll be next year and what a big girl she'll become.

  5. This is so sweet. I love the time and attention that you gave to this special day. You are a sweet momma and your girls are blessed to have you in their lives!

  6. Very cute! Will pray for growth, and don't worry, she will still be in her Britax Marathon in Kindergarten either way...Kieran is still in his...remember it goes to 65 lbs! I'm holding out for the 5 point harness for as long as possible, it's safer! And I'll do a high back booster, too, when he's begged (and he hasn't yet) for a seat like his friends...I like safety more than peer pressure :)
    Love the verse, thanks for sharing!

  7. What wonderful family tradition and great theme. I hope that Kate excels this year. It's funny I have many more years before my girls go to school but I get so emotional thinking about it. I love the verse. Thanks for sharing.

  8. You're such a wonderful mommy:) And those smoothies look very yummy!

  9. i love this! she is precious too! what a great idea!

  10. I love that you did the themed back to school feast. I remember your post about it last year I think. I've got to remember this for next fall for my fam. :) Perfect theme for your year too. Hope it is fabulous to you all.

  11. That is such a sweet idea. I saw another blogger who does a fun meal the night before. I will have to file this idea away for next year. The breakfast (for dinner) looks yummy...bacon is a must at our house too. Sounds like you are creating a great foundation for a wonderful year!

  12. Love the theme! Thanks for sharing that verse. I need to write that one down. I do have to say that my 2 older boys are in public school now after both being in a Christian preschool and I think it definitely makes a difference and helps set that foundation.
    Breakfast for dinner is the BEST! We just had it last night because I forgot to plan our dinner :) and we had the EXCAT same thing, minus the eggs! haha :)

  13. love it and love the verse even more.

    we always do a first day of school surprise breakfast {which isn't much of a surprise now that we have done it for 9 years}.

    i'm excited to have you report back at some time in the year how the scripture you are praying becomes tangible. i know it will!

  14. looks like so much fun. i need that spinach berry smoothie recipe. i just got my vita mix yesterday :)
    happy school year to ya!

  15. I love the idea of choosing a word for the school year. "Grow" is perfect!

  16. Just came across your blog through the Amy Atlas site... Love the verse you are praying over your daughter! That is so awesome and inspiring. Many blessings!
