

Friday Favorites {Back to School Edition}

Happy Friday!
Today I'm linking up with Friday Favorites!
Hosted by: Andrea, Erika & Narci
I am SO happy it is Friday.
 We have been back in school for about a month and I am JUST now settling into our routine and not feeling like a crazy person. 
Here are some of my favorites lately!
 Every year we have our annual Back to School Feast.
It is one of my favorite traditions that we have with our kids.
We have a theme for the school year & talk about our goals for the school year.
We have breakfast for dinner...everybody's favorite!
We had waffles (with whipped cream & rainbow sprinkles)
I got THIS new waffle maker & it is awesome!
I love any excuse to decorate & have a theme ;)

Friends sending me photos of myself in 7th grade is my favorite!
This is me in 7th grade....the wall I am standing against is the wall to my classroom!
 Who knew that when I was in 7th grade I would be teaching 7th grade in that same classroom for 13 years?!? 
Don't you love my Benneton shirt and my white swatch watch? Gotta love the 90's!
Bunco is my favorite. 
Every other month the ladies get together for neighborhood Bunco.
This month was an Oktoberfest theme.
Bunco is one of my favorite nights...always lots of laughs!

Speaking of my neighborhood, our court is my very favorite. 
Half our court is Raiders fans & the other half is 49ers fans.
This past weekend the NFL season kicked off so one of our neighbors had all of us over Sunday to watch the Raiders game at 9:30 (49ers played on Monday night)
They have a man cave in their garage with 2 big screens on either side.
We had Chorizo breakfast burritos, Belgian waffles,  bacon, fruit salad, coffee, mimosas & Bloody Mary's.
All the kids played & we watched football ALL day!
So much fun!
I LOVE our court!
 Football season is definitely one my favorite times of year!
 Speaking of Colorado Buffaloes got named "Best Mascot entrance for football games"
If you have been to a Colorado football game, you know that Ralphie, our buffalo runs around the field to lead out the team. It is so awesome & is one of my favorite parts of going to Colorado games. 
I can't wait to see it live this October when we go to Colorado!
Run, Ralphie, Run!
This Caramel Cheddar Popcorn from Trader Joe's is one of my favorite snacks!
 Have you had it? Half the bag is cheddar popcorn, the other half is caramel. 
It sounds weird, but it is amazing!!! I am addicted! Yum!
 Speaking of caramel....This is one of my favorite desserts.
 Recipe {HERE}
I know that some people think once September hits, then it's Fall...I am not one of those people. LOL!
Here in California, it is still hot. 
It is going to be in the 90's this weekend....that is not Fall weather. 
I refuse to make anything pumpkin until October 1st. 
I don't put any fall decorations out until October 1st. 
Even though the first day of Fall is September 22, to me, it doesn't feel like fall until the calendar says October. 
Once October hits, I am all about pumpkin everything, but until then no pumpkins allowed :)
So in September, I am all about Apple recipes. 
September = Apples
October & November = Pumpkins

Here are some of my favorite apple recipes (along with the Mason Jar Apple Pie with Streusel Topping pictured above)

Apple Cake with Homemade Caramel Sauce:
{Recipe HERE}

Easy Apple Pie:
{Recipe HERE}
My Rodan + Fields Back to School Special has been extended until September 30th!
For my Back to School special, all new preferred customers who buy a regimen will get get $20 cash back, 10% off your order, free shipping AND a FREE EYE cream  (a $60 value for FREE!!) 

I started using the eye cream right after Luke was born and WOW, it got rid of the bags under my eyes that I had from lack of sleep with a newborn.

This brave consultant only used the eye cream on one eye for 3 weeks!
It's less puffy & she doesn't have bags under that eye! 
We have products for all skin types including Acne:
 And Sun Damage/Pregnancy Melasma:
The FREE eye cream deal also goes with our other amazing deal that is going on right now. If you buy our Redefine Regimen & AMP Roller, you get a box of Acute care for FREE! And, a FREE eye cream!
I love that I can offer you guys over $250 in FREE product!
Our AMP Roller is one of my favorite beauty products, you roll it on your face for about a minute 4-5 times a week at night.
Here is some info on it:
All our products/tools come with a 60 day empty bottle 100% money back guarantee, so you have nothing to lose for trying it out! 

What is your biggest skin concern? I'm here to help!
Take this quick questionaire HERE to find out what products are best for your skin.
To take advantage of these deals, send me an email: 
Throwing Parties is my FAVORITE!
I think Claire's Flamingo Pool Party is one of my favorite parties I have thrown.
I loved all the pink & gold decorations. 
You can see the party post {HERE}
Now that Claire's party is over, it's time to start planning Kate's 10th (!!!!) birthday party that will be here in a few months!
I have gotten serveral emails about doing a Party Planning Post....would that be something you guys want me to do?
Girls Nights are my favorite, especially if it is with some of my favorite moms!
 Earlier this week our church put on a Women's Dinner and had Rachel Macy Stafford as the speaker. 
Love these moms...our 2nd grade girls are all friends. Love their kids & these moms. Such a great group of women. These are the girls who I watch Bachelor/Bachelorette with :)

Rachel Macy Stafford is a blogger & the author of Hands Free Mama & Hands Free Life.
I had heard of her books before, but I had never read them.
She was an amazing speaker & made me inspired to be a more intentional mom.
I bought both her books when I got home since they sold out at the event.
She has a new book coming out this Spring.


  1. 3 things:
    1) I just ordered that waffle maker! Love it! It's like the hotel ones
    2) yes to a party planning post!
    3) love hands free mama!!!

  2. I'm the same way about waiting for pumpkin flavors until October 1st- my son has been begging me to make my pumpkin muffins but, it's like Girl Scout cookies- they wouldn't be as delicious if you could have them every day of the year! And yes to a party planning post!

  3. Hi Mel! Please let me know the next time you're doing a bulk order of eye cream. I'm using Reverse right now with the amp roller and I'm really happy with the results. Thanks!

  4. Your mason jar Apple cobblers are one of my families favorite desserts. Yum.
    Also, I want to live on your court!
    - Jenn in Chicago

  5. We LOVE breakfast for dinner and we LOVE waffles!!!
    Even before we moved to CA I didn't like to put out my pumpkin decorations before Oct just drags it out too long for me, but I do get excited about them😉
    Love BUNCO
    Love APPLE recipes
    Love R+F (I'm a consultant too😊)
    Maybe someday our paths will cross, I'm pretty sure we don't live very far apart (especially by CA standards👍🏼)

  6. There are so many great things here!! I loved the flamnigo party - such a great idea!!

  7. Love, love that picture of you in 7th grade! How awesome.
