

Easter 2015 + A Winner!

Easter was a few days ago & I have been on Spring Break this week.
It's been a really glamorous Spring Break....I've spent the last 4 days potty training Luke.
More on that later, but all I have to say is....I am exhausted. Potty training is no joke! 
Let's talk about happier Easter1
We had a great Easter, it is one of my favorite favorite holidays.
Who am I kidding? Every holiday is one of my favorite holidays!
The girls were excited to see the "bunny prints" outside.
 Kate decided to hop all on the prints like a bunny.
And, then another bunny trail of mini marshmallows leading them to their Easter Baskets.
I always do practical things for their Easter Baskets, like new swimsuits, sandals, pool toys, etc.
The Easter Bunny also brought Luke a potty seat.
 Kate's swim suit, new goggles for swim team, toothpaste, shampoo, new AG movie & AG outfit & a super soaker.
 Claire got the exact same things in her basket :)
 Here is Luke's basket. He also got new swim trunks & googles and he also got big boy underwear.
 Luke wasn't that interested in his basket. 
He was more concerned that there were marshmallows on the ground. He kept saying "Uh-oh. Mess" and was trying to pick them all up.
Kate then decided to eat them all off the ground.
 The aftermath:
Then it was time for our egg hunt.
 Just like the past 2 years, they were most excited about finding the Easter Egg Coupons {HERE}!
Cinammon Rolls for breakfast!
Then, church!
 We didn't get a family photo, but we got a girls pic & a boys pic:
 After church we headed to Kevin's sisters house for their annual Easter Party & Egg Hunt. It rained....of course it rained...we are in the middle of a huge drought & it finally rains on Easter during the Egg Hunt. It rained for less than an hour, but hey...we will take all the rain we can get!
My brother in law is a wine maker & they live in on acres & acres of grapes.
Lots of food:
Lots of wine:
And, lots of quality time spent with family! 
It was a nice & lovely Easter.
And, the winner of the $100 Target Gift Card Giveaway is:
Heather S.
Congrats! Leave me a comment with your email and I will get that sent to you ASAP!


  1. Wow! What a great Easter it looks like you had! I love the "Easter Bunny's" presentation. Very professional.
    Happy Spring!

    The Busy Brunette

  2. What a lovely Easter! Love the marshmallow idea! My son is over 3 now and has no interest in potty training. He knows how to do it and has done it a handful of times but won't stop playing to go. I'm really interested in hearing how its going!

  3. Yay for a wonderful Easter! Wine maker in the family- lucky bum! I linked to you for your rendition of Resurrection Rolls in my latest post- hope that's ok! :) Have a great weekend!

  4. Looks like you had a great Easter! Love those bunny tracks, we did them this year! So fun!

  5. Where is your blue dress from? Love it!
