

We've been BOO-zed

For the past few years, our kids have gotten Boo-ed by various friends.
It's such a fun tradition.
But, then this year some of our friends BOO-zed us!
What does it means when you get BOO-zed?
Boo-ing is for kids....Boo-zing is for adults!
So fun!
We pulled up to our house one evening & this was on our porch:

I thought we got Boo-ed, but then I looked inside...
We got Boo-zed! Love it! Inside our friends but some beers for Kevin & wine for me! 
I  knew I wanted to pass on this tradition and Boo-ze some of my neighbors, but I needed a printable explaining what to do, since our bag didn't have one.
I was going to make one, because you know I love making printables, but then I realized I was too busy & why re-invent the wheel when I am sure I could find one on Pinterest.
I knew there would be a variety of Boo-zing signs there.

 I searched Pinterest for "You've been Boozed" signs. There were lots, but I found one I liked.
 But then I saw that it had a typo. I don't know who made this printable, but I corrected the typo (they had spelled scary wrong)

Here is my version of the printable with the correction:
 {To download, right click & then save}

I put together some drinks

 Put them in a bag & added a copy of the "Boo-zed" instructions.
 Our friends who we Boo-zed also have kids, so I put together a "We've been Boo-ed" bag for their kids.
 I asked the girls what they wanted to put in the "Boo-ed" bag and they picked out Halloween cupcake mix, frosting, Halloween Cupcake liners and some stickers. Thank you, Target.
 I got the "We've been Booed" {HERE}
 Here are our 2 bags of goodies....a Boo-ze bag and a Boo bag.
 I absoutlely loved getting Boo-zed and can't believe this was the first time I have heard about it!
So, next time you "Boo" your friends kids, make sure you "Boo-ze" the adults as well.
Why should the kids have all the fun? :)


  1. Love this idea! I can't believe I've never heard of this, either...

    1. I know! So fun, right? You must start this tradition in your neighborhood :)

  2. Hi Mel!
    I really think your blog is just adorable! You have a darling family and are so creative. I am a teacher like you, and I just feel I have to point out a glaring mistake on your booz-ed printable. It contains a spelling error! You have printed the word "scarry," and I believe you meant to write scary! Yikes! I am sorry if I called you out, but I think your personality would lend it self to correcting this small mistake!!!!

    1. Hi! I noticed it also! I didn't make the printable, I found it online. I don't know how to contact the girl who made it & posted it on Scribd. I will look into it and see if she can fix it!

  3. Totally love this!! I want to move to your block!! I think I'd fit right in!!!!! :)

    1. Our block is super fun! You need to start the Boo-zed tradition with your neighbors :)

  4. I have been Booed in our old neighborhood, but never been Boozed and never heard of it either! So fun!
