

Five on Friday {Fall Edition}

I haven't done a Five on Friday post in a long time and thought I would do one as a catch up on our Fall so far. It has been a busy, busy, busy September & October!
Lots of fun has been had.
Five on Friday - Fall Edition

Nothings screams Fall like College Football. I love football, both college and NFL.
One of my favorite things about going to the University of Colorado was going to the football games on Saturdays. Our stadium was right on campus & myself and my soccer teammates would all walk to the football games together. So many great memories. And, our football team was actually good then. Ha! I am excited that Colorado is in the Pac 12 because that means they come to the Bay Area now for games. Colorado was play Cal in football at the end of September, so I knew we had to go!
It was so fun being back on a college campus watching football! We sat in the Colorado section, so even though we weren't the home team, sitting with all the Colorado fans & signing our fight song made me feel like I was in college again.
At half time they had a bunch of high school bands throughout California perform & our high school band happened to be there. So random! (Kevin and I were not in band, we are 2 of the most un-musical people there are. Ha!)
The game was amazing! Colorado lost 59-56 in Double Overtime, but it was still tons of fun! Here I am hanging out with Chip, our mascot!
I thought we were just going to the Colorado vs. Cal football game, but I was wrong! Kevin surprised me with a night away at the Claremont Resort & Spa! He arranged for his mom to watch our kids and right before we left for the game he told me to pack an overnight bag!
We have been to dinner at the Claremont, but have never stayed at the hotel. It is beautiful! And, has the most amazing views of San Francisco Bay!
This was a belated anniversary trip. Our 12th anniversary was in August...the day before school started, so we weren't able to get away then.
We had a nice slow morning walking around the grounds of the hotel & drinking coffee by the pool with views of the Bay Bridge.
Morning Coffee in bed watching Football? Don't mind if I do!
 It's so nice to have a night away without kids. 
We don't get away nearly enough, it's hard to do that with 3 kids, but I am thankful for the times we do get to recharge & not deal with the demands of kids.
Our 24 hour get away ended with an amazing brunch....Bloody Mary's and Eggs Benedict! Yum!
This weekend was definitely one of my favorites this Fall.

Can I complain about the weather we are having here in California?!?!
This is what the weather was last week:
 I am sorry, but 97 degrees in October is NOT okay. It's just not.
 Swimming in mid-October? Just crazy.
This hot weather in October is just not good for California. 
We are in a MAJOR drought. Major.
Here are some photos of one of our lakes.
2011 is on top & 2014 is on the bottom.
Can you believe it? So, so, sad.
We are on major water restrictions!
Pray for California! We need Rain! And cooler temperatures!

Rodan + Fields ACUTE CARE is pre-launching this Wednesday, October 22nd!

Fill a wrinkle, while you needle required! Love these results after just one use:
Erica used it on just one side:
This just isn't for wrinkles, it works on scars also.
Look at the before & afters of this girl's scar that she got from a dog bite when she was younger.
The special for Acute Care is that you will get it at the Consultant Price of $165.After that, it won't be available until January and the cost goes up and will be $198.
If you would like to get the Acute Care Special on October 22nd, send me an email:

Today is the 25 year anniversary of the Loma Prieta Earthquake.
I was in 5th grade when the Big One hit. I will never forget that day.
Destruction all across the Bay Area. Freeways collapsing.
 I was at my house when it happened, talking on the phone to my friend Holly.
I remember the line got disconnected and our house just kept shaking and shaking.
You could literally hear the rumbling of the Earth.
I froze...then remembered to duck & cover!
 We just had few things fall off the walls and nothing major broke. We were lucky.
The picture above is the Bay Bridge. The top collapsed on to the bottom. My 8th grade Algebra teacher's husband was the last car to get thru & part of the freeway fell on the back of his mini-van.
It was insane.
Can't believe it was 25 years ago. It seems like it was just yesterday!

Giants are going to the WORLD SERIES....again!!!!
 Last night's game was AMAZING.
Ishikawa's walk off homer in the 9th inning to win the was a storybook ending!

Kevin and I were jumping up and down, cheering & screaming so loudly that it woke up Kate!
 We love our Giants! Born and Raised Giants fans in our house!

We won in 2010 and I went to one of the games...It was amazing, one of my Bucket List items!
Read about it {HERE}

 We won in 2010,  2012 and now in 2014 we are going to the World Series again!!!
So much fun!!!

So, there you have FIVE on FRIDAY! has been a looooong week here, it's been conference week at school so that is always crazy and busy! I am looking forward to a relaxing weekend!
Hope YOU have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Goodness! You have the BEST five for the fall! I'll be watching the Giants play!! Happy Saturday friend!

  2. Great post, but as a KC kid, I'd be neglectful if I didn't say--it's actually a Blue Okctober! ;) Go Royals!

  3. Those lake pictures make me sad :( I will be praying for rain for you guys!

  4. Such a fun read! I remember the Loma Prieta hard to believe it was 25 years ago!
    Yes we are in need of rain!! Folsom Lake along with all the others looks so low!
    My mouth is just watering looking at the Bloody Mary! Yum....I think we would get along well if we ever met...Friday pizza, good wine and Bloody Marys!

  5. Oh my gosh totally remember the earth quake! Can't believe it's 25 years!! I remember being petrified to travel in California when I visited family a year later & still despise driving over the George Washington Bridge because of it [and living on Long island doesn't give me much choice]. LOVE your football pictures... what a fun time!
