

Get Pin-Spired #2

Welcome to the 2nd Pin-Spired Link Up! The 1st of each month!
If you are new here, the idea of the link up is to use Pinterest to inspire your outfits.
(Hence the name Pin-Spired)
See if you can re-create them.
Take pics of your outfit.
Every 1st of the month, we will have a linky party for you to link up your outfits from the past month.
Last month's link up was SO much fun. 
You guys had some CUTE outfits! In fact, I pinned a few of them!
I have been looking forward to today's link up all month! 

My goal is to do one Pin-Spired outfit a week as a way to stay out of my wardrobe rut that I sometimes get in! My overall goal is to shop my closet more, but this month, I did buy a couple new things, but they were on sale :)
Outfit #1 "The Bumble Bee"
Dress: Old Navy // Cardigan: Target // Leggings: Kohls // Boots: DBM Shoes // Belt & Bracelet: Old Navy
In December, my awesome Aunt Patty (Hi Aunt Patty!!!) gave me this striped dress (and bracelet) because  the dress didn't fit her right, so she gave it to me! Score! I have been seeing mustard & black outfits ALL over Pinterest, and as soon as I saw the one on the left, I knew I could recreate it! 
I tried brown boots at first, but liked my black boots with it better. 
Yes, I felt like a bumble bee at first, but I totally liked this outfit!

Outfit #2 "Purple Power"
Dress: Forever 21 (circa 2011) //Leggings: Kohls // Heels: Target // Bracelet: NY & Co
2 weeks ago, when Kevin and I went to go see Wicked in San Francisco, I had NO idea what I was going to wear. Kate was in my room when I was looking through my closet & she wanted me to wear this purple dress I had in my closet (purple is her favorite color). I wasn't quite sure what to wear with it since it was sleeveless, not to mention it is February and my legs are pasty white. And, the dress is a kinda short on me (I am 5'9, so LOTS of things are short on me) What to do, what to do.....
I went on Pinterest & searched purple dress and BAM! This pic came up. Purple dress, black tights & black heels. I had it all. I would have never thought to wear black tights with it, but I LOVED this outfit. And, I loved Wicked. Favorite Musical. LOVE.

Outfit #3: Chambray Shirt (again) with my Chinese Cheetah Ebay Scarf.
Chambray Shirt: Old Navy // Black Skinnies: Target // Brown Boots: Target// Scarf: Ebay // Bracelet: H&M
I mean, seriously. Are you sick of seeing me wearing my jean shirt, black skinnies & brown boots? But, this time, this time I went WAAAAAY out of my comfort zone. I bought a freaking cheetah scarf. Let me give you a little background. For our last Pinspired Link up, so many of you had animal print scarves, ballet flats, etc. You all looked so cute. I didn't own any animal print. Didn't think I could "pull it off" I had been looking for an animal print scarf for the past month, but couldn't find anything I liked. One day, I decided to look on Ebay. Lo and behold, there was the perfect scarf (the one I am wearing). The listing said $4.95 Buy it Now with Free Shipping. Ummm....a super cute scarf for less than $5 shipped? SOLD. So I bought it. Then, it said it was being shipped from China. HOW IN THE WORLD is this scarf only $4.95 AND being shipped from China FOR FREE? I totally thought I was getting scammed.
But, wouldn't you scarf showed up 2 weeks later. I LOVE IT.
How it was so cheap, I will never know. But, this I do know: I love my Chinese Cheetah Scarf. RAWR.
I wore it to school last week and 2 of my students told me I was looking SO stylish. They are 13, they know what's up. Ha.

Outfit #4 : Rocking the Red Pants. 
Red Pants: Local Store // Black Shirt: Ann Taylor Loft // Heels : Payless Shoes // Necklace : Nordstrom

After the last Pin-Spired, I knew I just HAD to be brave & get a pair of red pants because SO many of you linked up outfits with red pants. And you guys ROCKED them. I was Pin-spired. I even had a dream about red pants. Yes, I am weird. A few weekends ago I was out doing errands and I stopped in at store in our town to make a return. Lo and behold, they were having a 40% off sale on all their colored denim. There was ONE pair of red jeans left and what do you know....they were MY size. I was still a little nervous about RED pants, but after texting with Sheaffer & Shay, they convinced me. That's what friends are for, right? Since the pants were 40% off, they were only $20. And, my return that I was making was $25 so they basically paid me to get the red pants. How do you like THAT justification? Thankyouverymuch.

 I have pinned tons of red pant outfits, but wanted to be tame the first time I wore them (which was to a memorial service) I wore a black shirt and on the photo I pinned, the girl is standing in this outfit next to an aqua dress. I really liked the contrast of the aqua next to the red/black, so I wore my aqua necklace for a fun pop of color with this outfit. I will 100% be wearing this outfit again.

There you have it, my 4 Pin-Spired outfits! 
My favorite was my red pants. Can't WAIT to wear them again.

Also linking up with The Pleated Poppy!

If you are new to my blog, thanks for stopping by! 
Feel free to follow along!
If you have outfits to link up, feel free to grab a button to add to your post.
Can't see what you link up!

The linky will be open until next Friday, March 8th.
Your link will show up on my blog, Sheaffer's blog & Shay's blog.
My favorite part about linky parties is checking out other people who have linked up! 
Go find some new blogs & leave them a comment letting them know you stopped by...and get Pin-Spired by the outfits other people linked up, I know I was last month!

Don't forget about the  Giveaway I have going on right now!
Want a $100 Visa Card to spruce up your Spring Wardrobe? 
Enter my giveaway HERE!


  1. Such cute outfits! I love the first dress! Super cute! I also think you totally rocked that purple dress! And those red jeans...aren't you glad you bought them? They totally brighten up everything! Love linking up with you Mel! Have a great weekend!

  2. Love all of these outfits Mel! I have a pair of red pants too and have a hard time figuring out what to pair with them. Love the pop of color in the necklace! Excited to be linking up! Have a great Friday!

  3. Mel, I love your new leopard scarf and new red pants! My favorite outfit is the "bumblebee" :) Thanks for the link-up, have a great weekend!!!

  4. I love all your outfits. You always look so put together. My favorite one is the bumble bee outfit. I also love a pair of red pants. And I'm thinking I may start looking at ebay for cute scarves...I have a weakness for scarves.

  5. That purple dress is CA-UTE!! The scarf is fab and what a fun story!! And i love the pop of turquoise with the red/black!! =)

  6. I love the mustard and stripes. Fantastic! You made it look much better than the original!

  7. My hat's off to you for this post! That's a lot of work! The outfits are all fabulous & you look great in all of them!!

  8. The RED PANTS are my fav by far...and I LOVE the necklace paired with them! SO CUTE! Oh....and I'm so glad you bought the freaking cheetah scarf!

  9. these outfits are all so adorable! Love the stripes & mustard, I really need to work on adding more color to my wardrobe so I can attempt more of these outfits!

  10. Your rocked all these looks! I love getting out of my fashion comfort zone. I am so glad you did with the leopard scarf and red pants, because it really paid off! Great job :) Heather

  11. You scored with that dress! Love the black, white and yellow combo ... I would never have thought to have done that! Found you at "Pinterest Told Me To" pippa

  12. I have that black and white dress from Old Navy but I'm never sure what to wear it with. It looks so cute with that yellow sweater! I hope I can find one too.

  13. That dress is so adorable, I can't believe it's Old Navy!

    I have had chambray on my mind too!!

  14. I'm totally with you on the animal print scarf! But you definitely rock it and makes me think that I might have to step out of my comfort zone and try it out! Especially for $5!! That's a crazy sweet deal!
    And I LOVE the red pants on you!!
    Awesome job on the pin-spired looks!!:)

  15. I love all your outfits!! I think the first one is my favorite, though. That dress is adorable, and the yellow cardigan looks so good with the stripes!!

  16. Your outfits all look awesome! Bumble bee is my favorite though! You almost have me convinced that I must find a chambray shirt... And I am sure I will love it once I finally make the plunge!

  17. Ummm. you totally had me laughing about the comment on the denim shirt, since I see you IRL that day and then see you online ;) BUT, I cannot laugh too much because you see me with same outfits ALL.THE.TIME....I've got none! Made a purchase last night from BR, GAP and Old Navy, nothing pinspirational, but it's a start! Hope you are having a great time! xo

  18. Woo, you got some red jeans! Aren't they great? I like to wear mine with black too--and I like the turquoise idea.

    I do have a goal for the next month--I am going to figure out the timer on my camera. If I can shoot on manual for the home tour then surely I can teach myself how to do this!

  19. you crack me up!! I'm the same and bought my first pair of animal print flats this weekend. It was a stretch for me but I did it as I keep seeing such cute outfit ideas. I also bought emerald green pants (gasp!). oh, and a chambray shirt. I am dying to check out some of these links.

  20. Now I MUST get some red pants/jeans.. I must - they look so adorable on you!

  21. You look great in your red jeans. See what you have been missing out on. I bet you have lots more colored jeans in your future.

    And I'm seriously thinking about getting a scarf off ebay. I already have a leopard scarf, but mine has lots of black in it and I love that yours in mainly brown. For $ really can't beat that!!

  22. love your re-dos! I did the same thing with that first outfit i love it!

    I'm visiting from WIWW.

  23. All your outfits are gorgeous! you definitely rocked each inspiration
    xo Jessica
