

A Disneyland Hangover

We just had one of the best weekends ever.
On Friday we headed to Southern California for a wedding and then on Saturday morning we surprised the girls (& Luke) and spent the next 3 days at Disneyland & Disney's California Adventure.
 We got home from Disneyland last night at 1:30 in the morning & didn't get to bed until after 2 am.
Waking up for school this morning was BRUTAL. And, I mean BRUTAL.
  I have a Disneyland Hangover.
I played hooky from school for 2 days, so I am behind on emails, grading & lesson planning.
I am too tired to unpack or start laundry. You don't even want to see my laundry pile.
I am behind on my 40 Bags in 40 Days.
My feet & legs are sore from walking (and standing in lines) for the past 3 days.
My back hurts from bumpy roller coasters & from sitting in a car for 6 hours on the drive home.
I am sunburnt, exhausted & ate way too much junk food.
But it was worth it. Sooooo worth it.

One of the best weekends ever.
This is the stuff memories are made of.
I hope the girls will always remember their first trip to Disneyland.

{It's a Disney miracle! All 3 kids are smiling & looking at the camera!}

I can't stop smiling & thinking about our time at Disney.
More to come......I took A LOT of pictures. Stay tuned :) 

Read Part 1 {HERE}
Read Part 2 {HERE}
Read Part 3{HERE}


  1. Loooove the last picture! WHERE did you get their outfits? Cuteness overload! Must have them!

  2. That sounds like the Best kind of hangover!! Looking forward to seeing more pics!! :)

  3. I laughed out loud when I read the title of this post! I completely understand! But what a fun time you guys had!! Such sweet pictures and wonderful family memories :).

  4. Oh my goodness I LOVE that last picture. What a fun little getaway!!!

  5. That last picture of the three kids is absolutely priceless!!!!!! It needs to be framed and hung. So cute!

  6. Love, love, love!!! Totally worth it.

  7. I agree - sounds like a good hangover to me! love the tee shirts for the kids. so adorable!

  8. Priceless memories were made. How fun.
    blessings to you

  9. Looks like such a blast! Love their shirts. Too cute!

  10. Love Disneyland--it has been way too long since I went. Marc had a conference in LA in 2004 and I tagged along. He played hooky one day and we went--left Coop at home! :D In our defense, he was only 6 months old, so it is not like he could exactly ride Space Mountain!

  11. How awesome! The last photo is too sweet. It sounds like you need a vacation after the vacation. I can't imagine going to school the next day after that. I think brutal was the best word to descirbe it. I can't wait to see more photos!

  12. Can't wait to see all of your pictures. I love the last one of the kiddos in their precious MiMi and MeMo outfits (as pearson would say!!)

  13. We are lucky enough to have passes and I feel like it is the first time every time we go. I love it! I'm so glad your family enjoyed your trip. I love the kids' shirts.

  14. What a special surprise! I'm glad it was such a special weekend!

  15. So jealous! Loved the matching outfits, it looks so fun!

  16. what a FUN surprise!! and its so true that as parents we need a vacation from our vacations!! ;) great pictures!!

  17. I know that hangover feeling well! But you must have had a doozy of a hangover because I only go one day at a time, but I must plan the next day as a lazy day so I can recover. We usually spend 6-8 hours in the park and then head home and the next day I feel like I was hit by a truck. A whole weekend would kill me, either that or I would need to find the margarita stand over in California Adventure.
