

10 on 10 :: November 2012

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month!
{Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}
ten on ten button
Today was a super mellow Saturday spent at home.
It could be the most boring 10 on 10 in the history of my 10 on 10's. Ha!
I didn't even leave my house.
My day started off with coffee in bed. I LOVE lazy Saturday mornings.

One of my goals for today was to clean out Claire's clothes. Get rid of the summer stuff & all the things that don't fit anymore.  So much better now....1 huge bag of clothes is getting donated.
 Pumpkin Bread in the making:
We got a slideshow of our Family Photoshoot. They turned out so well! I am so happy!
 Oh wait. I did go outside. To check the mail. Love my neighbors tree that has turned yellow. So pretty this time of year!

Dinner time (Leftover Pizza from last night's Friday Night Pizza Night)
Bath time. An accidental picture as I was changing my settings. Love it.

Hope you had a great 10th! 
Even though our day spent at home, I still feel like it was productive.
Sometimes, you just need lazy days to recharge & get stuff done around the house.
Don't  you agree?


  1. Our day was similar, but I did actually shower, get dressed and put on go to the party store and Petco, so exciting! ;) I borrowed Lesly's Bumbo back in the day for Kieran, he was so fat when I went to get him out as he screamed (looked just like Luke), he stayed in it! He hated it, too! Love the accidental shot :)

  2. I am all for a home day! They are the best! I made pumpkin muffins today too! And I love your accidental bathtub shot! Precious!

  3. Such a nice day. I love the last one! And the bumbo photo...too funny!

  4. yes, yes, yes! you totally need days at home!! My oldest in K goes to a hybrid school - he's homeschooled 3 days/week and at school 2, and I MAKE SURE that at least 1 of those days he's home we're all just at home all day. seirously. I go nuts if I'm not!

  5. Great pictures! A Saturday spent at home (sad over yet another Buffs loss) is sometimes just the perfect thing.

  6. I love your coffee cup! It was a pumpkin making kind of day, we made pumpkin muffins. I love ten on is so fun to take a look at everyone's day.

  7. I love his picture and that pillow! I was in a pumpkin making mood also, cinnamon sugar & pumpkin french toast casserole. Lazy Saturdays are the best!

  8. My husband and I were just talking about how much our lives have changed since having our daughter last year. Our pre-baby lives included lazy Saturdays nearly every Saturday. We rarely got out of bed on a Saturday before noon. Now I am lucky to sleep in until 10 a.m. on a weekend.

  9. Saturdays like that are awesome. I looked at the pumpkin bread recipe and giggled at how little your girls are in that post!

  10. I completely agree. Sometimes we do just need a weekend at home to do nothing and recharge. On Saturday we only had 1 soccer game and Sunday only left the house to go to church and back. EmmyKate looked at me and said "really, we only have 1 thing to do today!" I was in heaven!

  11. You blog is adorable & I'm so glad I found it. I found you through GFC Blog Hop. I'm your newest follower :)


  12. Found you through the GFC Blog Hop!
    Your family is gorgeous!!


  13. I love lazy days! What great pictures!

    Found you through the hop!

  14. Eeeek! Luke is the CUTEST! Oh my word, he is cute. He looks just like Claire in the comparison pic!
