

2012 Garden: Week 6

It has been 6 weeks since we planted our 2012 Garden & we are already seeing fruits of our labor after just 6 weeks!
Here is what the garden looks like as of yesterday:
Here it was 6 weeks ago!
I can't believe how much it has grown!
Here is box #1:
The bare area is where I planted green onion seeds & carrot seeds and they are very slowly sprouting. In this box, I have my herbs that I have been able to use already....dill, basil, oregano & parsley.
And, check out my lettuce!!! So fun!
I have one little pepper that is growing:
And, a cucumber:
And, the beginning of a watermelon:
Box #2 at 6 weeks:
Highlights include, this pumpkin:
Yellow Squash are starting to bud:
And, zucchini!
I was able to harvest 4 zucchini yesterday.
Kate requested that we make zucchini bread this week!

Our tomatoes (Box #3) have also started to go crazy!
My sun gold's are already starting to turn orange. So excited!
Over the weekend, I harvested some of the lettuce since it is growing out of control:
We used it on BBQ Chicken sandwiches & Cheeseburgers:
It was 95 yesterday, so I decided to make one of my summer staples with our home grown lettuce...Taco Salad.
Kevin & I were able to enjoy dinner outside by the pool after the girls were in bed.
(I pretended my Pelligrino was wine. Sigh)
Last night was a taste of what is to come this summer.
Eating outside with meals made from our garden & enjoying the warm weather.
Only 4 days until I am officially on Summer Break. I can't WAIT!!!


  1. That is so cool! You do such an amazing job with your garden. I would love to have lettuce in my backyard! I would like to try my hand at pickles so I also wish I had some cucumbers :) Way to go! FOUR DAYS!!!

  2. You are going to have so many great veggies this summer from your wonderful garden. I have to tell you I love your taco salad recipe...have been making it at least once a month since you posted it last.

  3. That's so awesome! I would love to do that one day :) That taco salad looks so yummy!! Might have to make that soon :)

  4. Your garden looks great!!! I don't think ours gets enough sun. It is coming. Along. Just slower than I hoped.

  5. this looks amazing. and delicious. i want to be your neighbor so i could get some extras you might have. : ) enjoy the freshness for me!

  6. oh man... my garden is so sad compared to this! My squash and cucumber plants are growing well, but my tomato plants are pathetic. The basil should do nicely too, but so far we haven't had enough heat for the pepper plants. LOVE your garden! I'm doing lettuce in late summer... can't wait!

  7. Great job on the garden. I tried for like 5 minutes and realized every plant I touch dies.

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