

10 on 10 :: June 2012

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month!
{Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}

Coffee Cake Breakfast before church.
(I always make a yummy breakfast treat on Saturday mornings so that we have something good to eat on the weekend mornings!)
Our playbill from our date night last night. Kevin & I saw Mary Poppins on Broadway that was showing in the Bay Area. Very entertaining!
What I wore to church...31 weeks tomorrow! Eeek!
Kate making her PB & J for lunch:
It was a beautiful day out & we had lunch outside. The girls both wanted to sit by Kevin, so they moved their chairs so he was in the middle. I had the rest of the table to myself :) I swear this baby is going to come out loving panini's. I could eat them everyday. Today's version was ham, cheddar cheese & tomatoes on sourdough. YUM.
Kevin finishing up touch up paint in our master bathroom.
Claire giving "Bunny" a ride on her bike.
The hydrangeas in my front yard are starting to bloom!
I spent most of the afternoon sorting through bins of the girls old clothes that I have in the garage. I am still trying to get through my 40 Bags in 40 days.
Dinner! Cheeseburgers with pepper jack cheese & BBQ sauce (and the lettuce is from our garden! yay!)
Linking up here!
ten on ten button

Hope you had a great 10th!
Not pictured in my set was the meltdowns that Claire had today. Wow, she had quite the day of not listening & being defiant. Kevin put her to bed at 7pm.
Sad the weekend is over, but the good news is it's the last week of school!!!!
Summer is almost here! I can't wait!


  1. Looks like a lovely day...well, except for the meltdowns! :)

  2. That's funny. I also put a "not pictured" on mine. :) you look so cute! Also, I still need to email you back.

  3. Oh that burger looks delish. Even better that the veggies are from your garden.

    Great set!


  4. my kids always want to sit by me. i love it, BUT would really enjoy having 1/2 the table to myself just once!

    you're prego dress is darling.

    hydrangeas are my favorite.

  5. I LOVE 10 on 10 and totally forgot about it. Bummer. So, I see I need to come over Saturday mornings :) That is a really good idea...I'm going to have to do that. That dress is so adorable and I love your necklace. I love eating outside and you are making me want a panini...and sweet tea in a mason jar. Good for you for sticking with your 40 bags...way to go!

  6. love your pics! & you are looking so adorable!

    home-grilled burgers might be one of my absolute favorite summertime meals!

  7. Your maternity church dress and necklace are super cute!

    That's it. I'm setting an alarm to go off on the 9th of every month so I REMEMBER to do this, lol.

  8. Cute necklace.

    Breakfast looks delish.

    Lunch looks divine.

    Mmmmmmm, I need to sleep NOT be hungry;)

  9. Thanks for the sweet comment! I always enjoy checking out your 10 on 10 photos. You are always so creative! Love the belly picture.

  10. What yummy food! And the hydrangea is gorgeous!

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