

Guess What?

Someone VERY close to me is also pregnant!
And, she is due just 7 weeks after me.
With her first.....
I am SO, SO, SO excited that my younger sister Rebecca & her husband Jason are expecting and due this Fall! They are going to be wonderful parents!
We had a little photo shoot yesterday in honor of their exciting news!
{Today is also their 1 year wedding anniversary! Happy Anniversary...what a year!}
I am so excited to share this pregnancy journey with my baby sister!
She hasn't been feeling well either and I keep telling her that "Misery loves Company". Ha!
I can't explain how excited I am that Baby #3 will have a "Cousin-Sibling"
(I just made up that's a cousin that is like a sibling)
I hope that these 2 will be close friends, just like Becks & I are.
We live less than 5 minutes apart & my mom will be watching both our babies 3 days a week when we are at school (Rebecca teaches middle school math also), so these babies will be spending A LOT of time together!
I secretly hope that we both have the same gender...I think that would be really neat.
They will be finding out what they are having (they aren't crazy like us!)
I already have Baby Shower ideas for her floating around my head!
Congrats Rebecca & Jason! So excited our babies will be a month & a half apart!


  1. Oh how fun! I love cousin-siblings! My sister and I were pregnant together and had baby girls born within 2 weeks of eachother. We couldn't have planned it if we'd tried. ;) They're now 3 years old and best friends! You and your sister are going to love it! Congrats again!

  2. I'm living vicariously through you, Mel! We are all done having kids (pretty sure), but I'm still just the tiny bit envious when others get to go through that awesome joy again! Congrats to you both and how fun!

  3. Pearson has a "cousin-sibling". He and his cousin are just 6 weeks apart. We (the moms) have had so much fun going through all the same stuff at the same time, and it's been so fun to see them play together. I think it's only going to get more fun!!

  4. Yay! My sis and I are three weeks apart and this is her first, too. It's such a fun experience.

  5. How fun! Congrats to your sis! My sister & I were preggers at the same time and the kids are so so close {boy +girl}. I love that they have each other!

  6. Oh that is so exciting! Congratulations to your sister - I always like hearing about her in your blog as she is at a similar stage to me (newly married) so it is so nice to hear that they are expecting! Hope you are both keeping well and managing to eat something more exciting than bagels! xx

  7. Oh that is so exciting! Congratulations to your sister - I always like hearing about her in your blog as she is at a similar stage to me (newly married) so it is so nice to hear that they are expecting! Hope you are both keeping well and managing to eat something more exciting than bagels! xx

  8. how fun... i always thought it would be fun to be preggo the same time as one of my sisters. but alas they are at different stages in their lives and if it's up to me this is my last one :)

  9. Oh my goodness, that is so much fun! And I am pulling for boy for you both!

  10. So fun! Congrats to Rebecca!
    A friend calls her little nieces and nephews "niblings"

  11. How exciting! That will be so great to have your kids grow up together. Enjoy this bonding time with your sister :)

  12. Congratulations! I just started reading your blog a little while ago. I am pregnant with my #3 due August 17th and my sister and I are 4 days apart. It is so fun to share this experience with her! Good luck and congratulations!

  13. How fun!!!! You guys are adorable!!!

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  15. WHAT a cute pregnancy shoot!! Those chalk boards are to die for!

  16. How neat! I would love to be able to experience pregnancy with my sister. What a special time for you two :)

  17. How exciting! My sister and I were pregnant together two times the kidsa re 6 months apart and the 3 months apart and they are so close!! Enjoy!

  18. How EXCITING! You girls look so thrilled and so beautiful in your pictures. I love that you dress similarly. :} Sisters. My sister and I were pregnant at the same time (her 1st, my 2nd) and I was as sick as a dog and she was not sick at all. In fact, she went FISHING, yes fishing, during the peak of her first trimester. Can you imagine? Anyway, we both had our little boys and it's so much fun to have "cousin siblings". I like your new term. Congratulations!

  19. How cool! I loved having a cousin my age. We even went to the same college and are still good friends. You girls look amazing!

  20. My little boy and my sister's little boy are just a month apart. They are best friends!! :) And we live 5 minutes apart and it's really great!!

    Happy for you!! :)

  21. COUSINS!!!! Sooooo soooo fun. Happy new babies.

  22. In Spanish we do have a term like "Cousin-Sibling", it is "Primo(Cousin) Hermano(Brother)" or "Prima(Cousin) Hermana(Sister)". So you didn't completely make up that one!!

    I'm so happy for you both. My sister and I are really close and I hope one day we can be pregnant together, with my first and her second (or third!) :)

  23. In Spanish we do have a term like "Cousin-Sibling", it is "Primo(Cousin) Hermano(Brother)" or "Prima(Cousin) Hermana(Sister)". So you didn't completely make up that one!!

    I'm so happy for you both. My sister and I are really close and I hope one day we can be pregnant together, with my first and her second (or third!) :)
