

40 Bags in 40 Days {Lent 2012}: Update #2

Here is my 2nd update for my 40 Bags in 40 Days Lent Challenge.
You can read my first update here.

Since my last update, I have done 8 more areas.

First up was our upstairs linen cupboards:

Top Shelves
Bottom Shelves:
Top Shelves
Bottom Shelves
SO much better!!!!!
Our linens were so smashed in there & everytime I opened one of the doors, something would fall out. I filled up & donated TWO huge bags of blankets, sheets & towels that we just don't use enough.

Next up was the Guest Room Closet & the dresser in the Guest Room.
The closet BEFORE:
This closet stores our winter coats, my craft & party supplies.
Lots of crap in here. Ugh.
You couldn't even see the floor of the closet...
The closet AFTER:
Much more organized.
Look! You can see the floor!
The Dresser Drawers in the Guest Room BEFORE:
Drawer #1
Drawer #2
Drawer #3
Drawer #4
Honestly, these drawers were filled with random crap I didn't know where to store, so I threw out alot of stuff or moved it to ait's proper place. The Guest Room is going to become the Nursery & we are going to move our Guest Room to our Office & have a guest room/office combo.
The Dresser Drawers AFTER:
Drawer #1
(filled with a few baby clothes that I do have, including the girls coming home outfits & a boy coming home outfit that hasn't been used yet!)
Drawer #2
(Burp cloths, receiving blankets & baby sling)
Drawer #3
(toys & books that Claire doesn't want anymore and gave them to baby)
Drawer #4
(More toy/books for baby from Claire)
From the Guest Room,
I got rid of 1 Bag of trash/junk and 1 Bag of Jackets I don't wear anymore & 1 bag of misc. stuff

Next up....Kate's room!
Closet BEFORE:

Kate's closet AFTER:
A lot of her clothes still fit her, so I kept them, I just organized her closet to make it more user-friendly & Kevin added some hooks to help keep it organized.
Kate's Dresser Drawers BEFORE:
Drawer #1
Drawer #2
Drawer #3
Drawer #4
Drawer #5
Drawer #6
Here are the drawers AFTER:
Drawer #1
Drawer #2
Drawer #3
Drawer #4
Drawer #5
Drawer #6
From Kate's room, I got rid of 1 big bag of trash & gave a bunch of her clothes to Claire.

Claire's Closet BEFORE:
Left Side:
Right Side:
Claire's Closet AFTER:
Left side:
Right Side:
Claire's Dresser Drawers BEFORE:
Drawer #1
Drawer #2
Drawer #3
Drawer #4
Drawer #5
Drawer #6
Drawer #7

Claire's Dresser Drawers AFTER:
Drawer #1
Drawer #2
Drawer #3
Drawer #4
Drawer #5
Drawer #6
Drawer #7
From Claire's room we cleaned out 1 bag of donations & I filled 1 bin full of clothes that are too small. (Saving them for Baby #3, if it is a girl!)

The Girls Bathroom BEFORE:
Medicine Cabinet:
Under Sink #1
Under Sink #2
The Girls Bathroom AFTER:
Medicine Cabinet:
Under Sink #1
Under Sink #2
I had 1 black bag of trash from the bathroom & 1 Target bag of donations from this bathroom!

So, I have done 16 areas out of 34 areas.
I have filled up a total of 17 Hefty bags of stuff that has been donated (or trashed)
Easter is in 9 days, so I am not going to finish by Easter, but that is okay.
I am giving myself some grace.
I think I have done pretty good so far considering I am 20.5 weeks preggo, still have 24/7 morning sickness & am EXHAUSTED when I come home from teaching each day. Oh yeah, and I have 2 kids to hang out with!
My Spring Break is the week after Easter and I am planning on finishing my list by the end of Spring Break. I think that is do-able.

I plan to get a few areas knocked out this weekend because it is supposed to be rainy & we have NO plans (besides church on Sunday).

I will for sure do another update or 2 on my progress!
This has been very rewarding so far....I feel more at peace in my house because things are more organized and it feels so good to GET RID of STUFF!!!


  1. You are a machine! Amazing you conquered that in your first trimester! To see those baby clothes and toys just makes my heart leap for you!

  2. Wow that's awesome. I should do this around my house

  3. Seriously, don't know how you are doing all of that being sick. I am done by the end of school too and can barely function. I soooo want to do this at our house. All of our closets look like your Before's right now...there is just too much flipping stuff, which is even more concentrated compared to your house because of the size of mine! Maybe I'll get a few things done this weekend...Kieran has a fever so don't think we're going anywhere. Spring break can.not.come.soon.enough!

  4. You have been SO busy! Distraction from the morning sickness? :)

  5. You are incredible to do all of this while you are pregnant and sick. Go you!

  6. I was thinking about you yesterday and praying the Lord will bless you. I cannot imagine being pregnant(& so sick) while teaching. I'm beat at the end of a day WITHOUT being pregnant & sick. Being that its my first year back I'm thinking that's part of it but wow...its a lot of juggling and adjustment for this wife & mama.:)

  7. Wow! Great job! This is a great idea. Thanks for the inspiration.

  8. Wow! You have been busy! Way to go! I have a running list of areas in my house I want to tackle... slowly but surely I am getting there.

  9. Great job! I always have such a hard time keeping the kids drawers neat. They get in there and try to help by putting things away but they just make a mess.

  10. Seriously girl. So rad that you were able to do this much at all, much less knocked up and barfing. It is so hard, but will be crazy worth it when the little one arrives with all the little and big stuff that they fill the house with. I think adding Shane was so dang traumatic, because I was unable to do a thing while he was cooking. New baby plus a house in disarray is a one way ticket to crazytown.
