

10 on 10 :: May 2016

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month!
{Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}
ten on ten button

 Here is a sneak peek of our day on May 10th!
I love documenting the ordinary things of our day & looking back at them each month!

Every morning before school, the girls go downstairs and get breakfast ready for everyone in the family except me.....which is cereal. 
(I am not hungry for the first 2 hours I am awake, so I eat a bar once I am at school)
Each morning one of them gets out the bowls & pours each person a bowl of cereal. I love that at 7 and 9 they are independent in the morning and can get ready on their own :)
 Picture of my Teacher Appreciation Sign next to my classroom door. Last week was teacher appreciation & the leadership students made signs for all the teachers.  I love mine....and it's in my favorite color :)
On my desk I have my new potted plant that Claire made & gave me for Mother's Day!
 My new white board markers...I am obsessed with new pens & markers! Anyone else like me? Is it a teacher thing or just me?
Expo is my favorite brand & I am excited to try these new products!
THESE are 2 in one and also THESE that have magnets on them & will stick to the white board! 

After I was done teaching, I picked up Luke and we headed home for lunch. The hydrangeas in my front yard are starting to bloom!
I got our dinner started in the crock pot...I am making up a recipe....I still need to tweak it before I blog it. It was good, but I know what I need to add before I blog it....stay tuned :)
Then Luke and I headed to Target since we had a couple hours before the girls were out of school. 
I got Luke a slurpee and I got an Iced Vanilla Latte.
 While the girls did homework, Luke put on his bathing suit and asked me to spray down the trampoline. It was 80 degrees, so it was a warm day & the trampoline was hot!
 After the kids had dinner, they wanted their dessert. We don't do dessert every night, but they had Minnie Mouse cookies that were party favors from my niece Olivia's 2nd birthday party this past weekend. The party was so cute....aren't these cookies darling?!?
So, there you have it....a snapshot of our 10th!
It was a simple, normal day! 

What are you doing tonight at 8pm PST?
  Our Rodan  + Fields Team is hosting a virtual Facebook event.
Let me know if you want to be added!  
We will have information on the products and just in case you're curious about the business, we'll have a little bit on that part too. 
Oh and yes, there's always a fun incentive for anyone who joins us in business so be sure to look for that too! 
If you aren't sure if you're able to make it, I can still add you and the page will be up for 24-48 hours after the event so you can read through the comments and posts. 
We will have giveaways & will be fun & low key!
I will be in my pj's having a glass of wine :)
Email me if you would like to be added!


  1. So many happy moments on the 10th!! Love it friend!

  2. I love this idea! It's the ordinary days that you look back on and cherish forever! xo, Kristina

  3. I am a pen hoarder! Really, I just love supplies in general! My heart is very happy walking through the doors at staples! -xx Leah || Chasing Texas
