

Peanut Butter Buckeyes

One of my favorite things about Christmas Break is making Christmas cookies & goodies to deliver to friends, family & neighbors. 
The girls and I make 5-6 types of cookies each year. 
This year, I added Peanut Butter Buckeyes to our cookies that we make. 
My girls love anything peanut butter & chocolate.
Here is what you need:
-1 stick of butter
-2 cups of powdered sugar
-1 cup of chocolate chips
- 1 cup of Peanut Butter (I am so excited about Skippy's baking cups!!! They come in a 4 pack & our 1/2 cups. So perfect for baking)
In a bowl, mix together peanut butter and butter.
Gradually stir in powdered sugar.
Shape mixture into balls. Don't make them too big. This makes 35-40 peanut butter balls.
Place the peanut butte balls on a cookie sheet lined with wax paper. Stick a toothpick in each one.
Place in the freezer for at least an hour.
In a double boiler, melt the chocolate chips.
You may need to add 1 tablespoon of Crisco/Vegetable oil.
After peanut butter balls are frozen, dip them into the chocolate. My girls helped me with this...they don't like them too chocolately, so we dipped them about 1/2 way.
If you like a lot of chocolate you can dip them all way.
Place the peanut butter balls back on the cookie sheet (I smooth over the toothpick hole)
Put them in the fridge for an hour.
I keep them in sealed tight container in the fridge.
These are so yummy. They are one of my girls favorite treats!
Here are some other treats we made this week:

Hormel Foods Extended Family Blogger

Disclosure: This post was written as part of my participation in the Hormel Foods Extended Family Blogger Program. While Hormel Foods provides me material and necessary resources to complete various activities, the thoughts and statements in this post are my own.

I hope you have a wonderful Christmas filled with family, friends & good food!

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