

Half Marathon Training Update!

I wanted to give an update on how my training is going!
I've been training for my 1/2 marathon for a little over a month & my race is in 2 months on October 18th.
 I am loosely following the Hal Higdon Novice 2 Half Marathon Training Plan. 
I try and run 3-4 times a week, plus "cross training"  that he recommends.
I am counting my Monday night Co-ed indoor soccer games as my cross training.

I use the Nike + Running App (It's free!) to track all my runs.
Here is how my runs have been going:
(It goes from most recent to oldest)

 I feel pretty good about my training so far. It is fun to see how my pace is improving in just a month.
On some of the runs where my pace is slower, those are the ones where I was pushing Luke in the jogging stroller. I DO not like running with the jogging slows me down pushing 40 pounds of Luke plus the weight of the stroller. It's hard to get in your "groove" while pushing the stroller.

Although, one of my favorite runs was a 5 mile run in Tahoe along with Truckee River pushing the jogger while the girls rode their bikes.

 This week I did my longest run so far...6 miles. (I was supposed to do this run last weekend, but it was 102 degrees all last weekend & we had Luke's Firetruck Birthday Party, so I decided to do my 6 mile run on Tuesday when the weather wasn't as hot!)
 I have to do a 7 mile run this weekend....YIKES!!!!!

I've learned some things about myself during the past month of training. 
1) I've missed running. I can't believe I gave it up for 10 years. (Having 3 kids got in the way, but no more excuses)
 2) I LOVE running at night. It's my favorite time to run. I've done a few runs at 9pm after the kids are in bed, it's my favorite & it's not hot outside. I'm totally a night owl & that goes with running also! 3) I do not like running in the mornings. Ugh. I am sooo not a morning person. Last week I did a run at 7am, I got up & went on a 3 mile run without eating breakfast...bad idea!!! I was STARVING on the run and had no energy. I normally don't eat breakfast until 1-2 hours after I wake up, so I need to change this on mornings that I run. I especially need to figure this out by my race since it starts at 6:30 AM!!!!
 4) I'm a much slower runner than I was 10 years ago, but that's's better than not running! 
5) I made so many excuses for not working out the past 10 years....too busy...too many kids....not enough time. Well, all of those excuses were lame. It doesn't take that much time...just 30-45 minutes out of my day. And, it has been so fun having the girls ride their bikes while I run. Some of my favorite runs have been in the evenings when we go on a family "Bike Run" The girls bike while Kevin & I run (and I make Kevin push the jogging stroller :)
When Kevin and I first started dating 14 years ago (!!!) we would go on runs almost every day after work. I was fresh out of college & in college soccer shape. It was so fun running together & getting to know each other on our runs. He has been begging me to get back into running, but I always had excuses. So glad I got talked into this 1/2 Marathon by my friends so that I could start running again.

So, there is my training update.
1 month of training down, 2 months to go!
I need to start incorporating more hill runs since the Nike Women's 1/2 San Francisco is a very hilly course!!


  1. Yay for running. I think my favorite distance is 6 miles. I am not a runner, but I feel like 6 is where I do best...that sounds sort of strange. And when I trained for my half marathon I trained mostly with my son in the jogging stroller. The only time I didn't train with him was my long run on Saturdays, then I got up at 6:30-7am and did the run then. Morning working out is my favorite, only because I know I'm done for the day. Good luck with your 7! P.S. I am totally not in running shape any more!

  2. You are so fast!! I am impressed...I get excited when my mile is under 9:30 - way to go!!

  3. 40? And I thought Liam was big! He's 37! Tatum is 31. She is soooo small!

  4. Look at you go! So awesome! I totally have a love affair with my Nike+ running app.

  5. Uggggh can't even handle the jogger either! Imagine our double BOB lol. So funny because we bought it thinking, yeah, I'll totally want to run more if I have this! Keep it up, can't wait to see your results on the big day. P.S. you are speedy.
