

Christmas Week in Photos

Well, Christmas has come and gone. 
I don't know about you, but our Christmas celebrations last almost a week between all the traditions & family gatherings. I love it all.
We kick off Christmas week the day after school gets out for break. 
The Saturday we got out, that night we did our annual tradition of looking at Christmas lights in our town. There is a Griswold house that never disappoints:
 The next door neighbor. Classic.
 We love this house. So fun.

 Other houses we always check that has music/lights.
 And, Candy Cane Lane...a street that is lined entirely with candy canes. Love it.
There was  lots of cookie making & dessert making with me & the girls.
We made M&M Christmas Cookies 
 Used THIS recipe.

I made Candy Cane Kisses Cookies.
 Recipe {HERE}

I made Pam's Cheesecake for Christmas dessert.

Recipe {HERE}

And, I made Peanut Butter Ritzies.
Here is what you need for Peanut Butter Ritzies:
- Ritz Crackers 
- Peanut Butter (I use Skippy Natural Peanut Butter)
- Melting Chocolate/Candy Melts
- Sprinkles

As a Hormel Foods Extended Family Preferred Blogger, I learned that Skippy is under the Hormel brand! I love Skippy and I really love that they have a natural peanut butter that doesn't have to be refrigerated or stirred every time you use it! Check it out if you are looking for a yummy natural peanut butter.
“In the spirit of full-disclosure, I’ve partnered with Hormel Foods as part of the Hormel Foods Extended Family Blogger Program. Throughout the year I’ll be receiving product, coupons, giveaways and promotions. However, no payment was given or expected for posting about the program, and as always, all opinions given here are fully my own."

Make peanut butter sandwiches with Ritz crackers (I use Skippy Natural Creamy peanut butter)
Dip the sandwiches in melting chocolate & then add sprinkles.
Allow to cool, then enjoy!
 I make Peanut Butter Ritzies every Christmas and Valentines Day. So yummy & so easy!

The Sunday before Christmas we had Larson family Christmas with Kevin's family.
Larson Family Christmas always starts off with gin fizzes. Yum! 

Kevin's mom LOVES Christams and goes all out. Here are all our stockings:

 Growing up we opened all our presents on Christmas Eve, so with our kids, that is the night we celebrate Christmas with my family & we still open up all our presents that night as well.

Christmas morning we had a nice little morning at home with the kids.
We stayed up until 1:30 getting Christmas ready.
Then we headed back to my parents house for Christmas brunch.
Gotta love my dad Jimmy's Bloody Mary's:
And, Jimmy's 3 meat Breakfast/Brunch:
It isn't Christmas Day if we don't watch A Christmas Story:

It was such a mellow Christmas day hanging out & watching Christmas movies.
Kevin (and Kate) had lots of fun building Kate's Lego Cruise Ship.
Dinner was amazing...Filet Mingon, PW's Mashed Pototoes & Roasted Brussel Sprouts.
 We ended the night by watching Home Alone 2. I love this movie :)

It was a wonderful Christmas. So mellow & relaxing.
 The next day was Decebmer my opinion one of the most depressing days of the year.
It is the day I take down Christmas & pack it all away.

It was packed up & cleaned up by 2pm on the 26th.
Every year, we put up Christmas the day after Thanksgiving and pack it up the day after Christmas.
 And. I am so sad about it. I love, love, love this time of year, but pack it all away because when it's over, its' over. I can't bear to look at all the decorations anymore knowing that Christmas is over. It's too depressing. And, plus....I am OCD...I need it all cleaned up :)

So, there you have it...our Christmas 2013. So thankful for another wonderful holiday with family.
Hope you had a wonderful Christmas your tree still up or did you take it down?

And, don't forget....this Friday, January 3rd we are having our Pin-Spired link up!
Link up your Pinterest Inspired outfits with me, Shay & Sheaffer!
Can't wait to see what you wore!


  1. What a wonderful Christmas!!! Your family is absolutely precious! (And that food looked delicious!)

  2. Merry Christmas to your family! :) Watching A Christmas Story was the one thing we forgot to do this year! I think we watched the Disney parade instead!


    Christmas is NOT over!!! Christmas, what most people do not realize, is not a single is a season...and we celebrate the birth of Christ until His baptism day, which this year, is Jan12!!!!! You MUST read my post....
    because I used to feel that way too...and it is so wrong!!!


    continue to celebrate, make more cookies with the girls and party on! It is not over!!!!
    MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your beautiful family!!
    love the photos!

  4. Love all of these photos of your sweet family!
    I made your cookies-in-a-jar, and they were fun to put together--and very yummy when baked!
    I like Luke's little Batman vehicle :)

  5. What a wonderful Christmas week! I love that the adults play cribbage. One of our favorites, too!

  6. Alexa received the lego cruise ship for Christmas too! We have been gone for most of the week but she and Marc managed to get bag #3 completed. I am pathetic at legos so I am not invited to participate unless they need two pieces separated (which is about all I am good for).

    Happy New Year to you and yours, Mel! :)

  7. I am with SHINE - Christmas starts on Christmas Day, doesn't end! The first day of the "12 Days of Christmas" is December 25, culminating on the Epiphany (January 6), the day the Wise Men visited the infant Jesus. I know I can't change the entire secular world, but as for my kids and I we attempt to keep continuing to celebrate our Lord's birth throughout the entire season. (An added bonus - the post-holiday-blues don't hit :). We even exchange small gifts or make a craft (usually involving "gold") on January 6 in honor of the Wise Men's gifts to Jesus. If you have a live tree I know it is hard to keep it up to long, maybe you could simply keep up a nativity scene. Any small reminder that Christmas is not over :).

  8. I want to know where you got Luke's personalized plate and bowl. Those are so cute!

  9. My tree is still up! I cannot bear to take it down before New Year's. I usually wait until the Sunday after New Year's, or Epiphany, whichever comes first : )

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