

Luke :: 10 Months Old

Double Digits.
I can't even handle that.
Seriously? 10 months?
I want to curl up in a ball & cry about it. 
Know what else I could cry about?
Your hair. You need a hair cut. 
Also? It looks like you are wearing a horrible touppe.
I can say that, because I'm your mom.
The girls didn't get their hair cut until they were about 2. 
I'm not used to this boy mom thing, so before your next monthly update, I will make sure you get a hair cut, because you are looking pretty Shaggy.
Luke is still the happiest baby EVVVVVEEERRRR.
His smile makes ME smile. I mean, come on. So dang cute (besides the shaggy hair)
Here are Luke's 10 month stats:
Weight: 19 lbs 1 oz (25th %)
Height: 28.5 inches (50th %)
Clothing: 6-9 months & 9 months
Diapers: Size 4
Sleeping:  12 hours a night!!  (And, takes 2 naps a day)
 Teeth: 8 {4 bottom teeth and 4 top teeth}
Crawling! All over the place! Pulls to a stand & is so proud of himself. 
Crusing along furniture. Can stand on his own for 1 second. 
Has learned to crawl up the stairs. YIKES.
Guess we need to start baby proofing our house. #denial
Mastered the sippy cup.
Loves his baby food. Hasn't met a food he doesn't like. Still nursing about 3 -4 times a day. Has 3 "solid" meals a day. And cherrios. Loves his cherrios. I have started incorporating more "real" food and not as much pureed baby food. With all those teeth he has no problem chewing!
Things of note:
Luke got sick last weekend. Woke up last Saturday with dark green mucous from his nose & eye (yuck!), a cough & he had a 101 fever. I took him to the Doctor & it was some sort of infection, so they put him on antibotics (for the first time) for 5 days. He is better now (although he passed on his cough & sore throat to Kate this weekend. Good times)
Also this month, Luke has started hating the bath & the pool (WHAT?!?)
But, I think that short boycott of water is over, because since it was over 100 degrees yesterday, he was finally happy in the water. And, bath time went smoothly tonight.
He is also no longer in the baby bath tub....he is officially a big boy in our tub.


I am not even going to mention that he will be ONE in just 2 months.....

Happy 10 months Lukey Guy, you are a true joy.

And, because a monthly update wouldn't be complete without a comparison pic:

Overall, I still think he's a mix of both girls (in my opinion), but he is looking more and more like Claire to me this month.

Also, you can still enter the Mel's Favorite Things Birthday Giveway.
I know I said it was going to end on Friday, but we had a busy weekend (swimming & playing Candy Crush. Ha!)  So, I haven't had time to pick winners yet & won't be able to until tomorrow night, so enter HERE if you haven't already!

And, also? 4 days of school left! YESSSSSSS!!!!


  1. I shouldn't have read your blog and drank coffee at the same time! I was laughing so hard! You crack me up friend!

  2. I can't believe he's 10 months old, either!

  3. so cute! And I definitely think he's looking more like claire!

    I can't believe he's already 10 months old!

  4. Luke is so cute! Do you mind telling me where you got the cute pillow with the "L" on it? I am expecting a baby boy at the end of August and would like to get one like that with a "C" on it. Thanks! :-)

    Casey Hayes

  5. Shaggy hair and ALL he's adorable!!
