

A Surprise 60th Birthday Party: Cupcakes, Cocktails & Coffee

5 years ago on my Thanksgiving, we were all having dinner and talking about what to do for my mom's 60th birthday. Her birthday (today) always falls around Thanksgiving. My mom said it would be fun to go to New York City for her 60th so that we could see the Thanksgiving Day person! This has been on my bucket list, my moms bucket list & my sister's bucket list. So, 5 years ago, we said for Thanksgiving 2012, we would go to NYC. It was perfect because my mom's birthday would fall on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. We couldn't wait. Last Thanksgiving, we kept talking about how THIS year we would be watching the parade LIVE!! Then, 2 weeks later, I found out I was pregnant (with Luke).
One of my first thoughts after I found out was..."But, we had plans to go to NYC in November. I guess I could still bring a baby.....maybe." Then, in January, my sister found out she was pregnant. We realized that our "plan" of going to NYC in 2012 was going to be postponed.
When I asked my mom what she wanted to do for her 60th, she said..Let's just go to Chinese food. Keep it simple, since Thanksgiving is the next day. Ummm...NO.
She was turning 60 and I knew I wanted to do something special to celebrate since we weren't in New York City. Going to Chinese food wasn't going to cut it.
So, my sisters, my dad & I planned a surprise party for her last night!

As much as I wanted to do a Surprise Dinner Party, it was just going to be too much pull off with a newborn (and 2 days before Thanksgiving). I do have limits! I kept it simple by just doing dessert/drinks.
 Our family went out to dinner, but back at my house, I had everything set up for her surprise party with 20 of her closest friends.
My parents at dinner. My mom had NO idea what we were planning!
 Meanwhile, back at my house, her friends were waiting!
I think she was really surprised! Yay!
The theme of the party was "Cupcakes, Cocktails & Coffee" 
The dessert table:
Chocolate Toffee Bars:
 For the colors, I did fuchsia (one of her favorite colors), teal & silver.
For decorations, I just made a bunting of photos from my mom growing up:
Our family photo, circa 1986:
 Coffee Bar:
Scenes from the Party:

{Love the necklace the girls made her}

Happy 60th Birthday, Mom.
I know you don't like surprises, but we knew you wouldn't let us throw you a party, so we had to surprise you! I hope you know how much you are loved!
 (Every single person we invited came to her party)
Sorry we weren't in NYC for your birthday. How about for your 65th?
2017 Thanksgiving Parade in NYC or BUST!


  1. Great post! Your mom looks so elated in each picture, you can tell how thrilled she was! and and cupcakes?! Sounds pretty perfect to me;)Have a great Thanksgiving w/your family.

  2. I'm dying at our family picture circa 1986...I totally snuck a lick of the cake with my fingers. Haha.
    Happy Birthday, Mom!

  3. Your mom is absolutely DARLING! Good job Mel. The party looked awesome! :)

  4. Happy 60 to your mom! I loved throwing my mom's 60th, too, it was great! Love the girls' necklace, I spotted that on Instagram! :)

  5. Happy 60th to your mom! The party looks like a success! Such a great theme as well! Would you be sharing the recipes for the dessert? They all look delicious! Megan

  6. what a fun party! Someday I'm sure you'll make it to NYC, that's definitely on my bucket list as well!

  7. Thanks everyone!
    @Megan - all the desserts (excpect the toffee bars) have the recipes linked to them above the picture. Just click on the name & the recipes are linked. The chocolate toffee bars are a Pioneer Woman recipe.

  8. This must be a unique and awesome birthday party. I think you have hired good photographer as well as booked the best birthday party nyc venue for your mom’s birthday party. Thanks for sharing this blog.
