

Halloween Fun

Since having kids, Halloween has become one of my favorite holidays.
(Who am I kidding....I love all holidays)
Our festivities kicked off on Sunday afternoon when we got back from our weekend away at Grammy's 100th Birthday Party (more on that, later)

We headed to our friends house for their annual Pumpkin-palooza.
On Halloween Day, the girls wore their pumpkin shirts that I made.
As soon as Kate got home from preschool, the girls wanted to put on their costumes.
This is the first year that I let the girls pick their own costumes. In years past, I was THAT MOM who had their Halloween costumes as a theme. You know me, I love a theme!
In 2008, they were a Puppy & a Kitty.
In 2009, they were a Ladybug & Bumble Bee
In 2010, they were Wonder Woman & Super Girl.
This year, they are older & have strong opinions so I let them choose :)
Kate wanted to be a Pirate Girl & Claire wanted to be Tinkerbell.
As I think about it...they still kind of have a theme & go together (Peter Pan has pirates & Tinkerbell, so they go together. I should have had Kevin dress up as Peter Pan!

On Halloween Evening, we had several friends come over to our house for appetizers & drinks and then we all went Trick or Treating in our neighborhood.
I love any excuse to have a party :)
I made a few decorations to make my house look festive.
And, no party is complete without a dessert table, right? ha!
Banner I made out of cardstock.
Close up of some of the treats:
Yum, Blue Cheese Crack:
Spinach Dip:
For the kids, I made Mummy Dogs & had Mini-Pizzas:
My friend Kelly made yummy grilled shrimp skewers:
Becky made Chicken Satay & a thai peanut sauce. YUM!
Becky's neighbor Danielle made Roasted Pumpkin soup & sandwiches. So good!
My sister made meatballs & I made Taco Soup.
(I have made Taco Soup EVERY Halloween for the past 9 years)
Of course there were drinks!
Then we rallied the kids & went Trick or Treating!
On the court across from us, they were making Kettle Korn in their driveway!! So fun!
As I was taking that picture, I heard a voice telling me not to step on the grass.
It was this head that was on the table!!!! I had no idea it was a real person. Totally took me by surprise!
Another house was giving out Spiked Cider to the adults. I love our neighborhood!
Both girls were totally into Trick or Treating. After every single house, Kate would run down the driveway & shout, "THEY GAVE ME CANDY!!!!!" Such a fun age. Claire was just on a mission to get as much candy as she could & would have trick or treated all night if we let her.

We got home & handed out candy to other trick or treaters.
And, our court was all hanging out with the firepit going. So fun.
Hope you also had a fun Halloween!


  1. WOW...what an amazing Halloween!! All of the food looks amazing and your girl's costumes were adorable:) Sounds like such a fun neighborhood to go trick or treating in:)

  2. HOW FUN!!! i LOVE how festive you are all!! the dessert table and all the food looks so yummy!! i want some of it all! & the girls, ADORABLE!! :) love their costumes! and the shirts you made! :) great pictures!!

  3. SO jealous of your court. Let me know if a house comes up for sale... :)

    The spiked cider?! Right up my ally!

  4. wow, looks like you guys had a great night!! I love all your little decorations and food you chose!!!

  5. I've decided that I'll be at your Halloween next year--so fun and cute!

    Great pics and super cute costumes, too!

  6. I love all holidays too, but this was super fun since I got to dress Pearson up!! I can't wait for more holidays. Your girls are precious and I have to admit I'm a little jealous of your cute parties!!!

  7. The girls looked adorable!
    Loved all your decor so cute.

  8. omgosh! i kind want to hav a party like this now!

  9. Your food was way fancier than my crock pot chili and dominoes pizza. Your girls are so pretty! Looks like a great time. My kids no longer do the theme either. You can find my son's crazy costume on my Weds blog post if you want to see what a People of Walmart inspired costume looks like :)

  10. So cute and fun!!!! I thought we were busy over the weekend and Halloween....

  11. I'm a theme mom too and this year I had to let it go. It made me a little sad but in the end, the girls were thrilled with their costumes and that's what mattered!

    Great pics and fun time as ever!

  12. great pictures of what looks like a fabulous party! that food all looks so delish!

  13. Your court is AWESOME! The girls look really cute:)

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