

Staycation 2010

Last week, we had our annual "Stay-cation" where Kevin took a week off work and we did things locally & around our house. It came at the perfect time, since it was the day after Claire scared us.
Last year was the first year we did a Staycation.
You can read about it HERE.

Here is a sneak peek of this year's Staycation....

Kevin took the girls to get donuts for breakfast (and pretty much let me sleep in every day of the staycation....THANK you Kevin! You rock!)
Chocolate with sprinkles was the number one choice!
It's safe to say they both love donuts!
We also went to Music Class!
Our girls LOVE music class!
I have enrolled the girls in music class every summer (since they have been born)
They mostly like to run around the room and dance
But, they will also play the instruments!
We had to start them young with music....They need all the musical help they can get because Kevin and I are both very un-musical!
Claire uses these clappers as a "phone" every single week. (I told you they need all the help they can get!)
We also walked downtown for pink bagels (which is on our summer list)
Pink Bagels are actually Strawberry Bagels
mmmm....chocolate milk!
When I was pregnant with the girls, pink bagels were one of the only things that I could keep down. No wonder both my girls love them!
One day, we went to the zoo!
It was a very cold day at the zoo. It felt like winter, not August.
My nephew Kyle, being silly!
We went to the zoo with our neice & nephew & also Kevin's cousin's daughter.
Kate got tired & needed a shoulder ride!
Claire Bear!
After we looked at the animals, we went to the ride section of the zoo. Kate chose to go on the car ride. Claire wanted to go also, but she was too short.
Then we took them on the Merry-Go-Round:
Claire is smiling in this picture, but once the ride started, she wanted off. This is weird, because she loved it when we went in June.
We also made cupcakes....
Because it was Auntie El's birthday!
Happy Birthday Auntie El!
We only went swimming one time during the entire staycation.

It has been such a cold summer. Originally, when Kevin decided to take off the first week in August (which is usually about 100 degrees) we thought we would be hanging out by our pool the entire week.
But, we only went in the pool one time (which has been the only time we have been in the pool this month!)
We also made & ate sprinkled ice cream sandwiches!
Since the weather was so crummy, we spent a lot of time unpacking our garage & putting away more stuff! Kevin built me a new pantry & lots of shelves in closets and in our garage.
We are finally feeling a lot more settled in our house....both cars are now parked in the garage! Kevin is VERY happy about that!
Even though we got a lot accomplished, we are hoping the weather is hotter for next summer's staycation!


  1. What a great post!!!!!
    It looks like you guys had a great week :)

    And.... to say that I am slightly jealous of your cool weather is a huge understatement :) The temps have been in the 100s here the past couple weeks. SO ready for some cool fall weather!

  2. The sprinkled ice cream sandwiches are fun aren't they?! Lacey now wants all of her ice cream sandwiches with sprinkles - I created a sprinkle monster.

    Our temps have been triple digits so I am slightly jealous of your cool weather!

    Great pics as always. :)

  3. you forgot to mention the best part of all... kevin's facial hair.

  4. you made the sprinkle ice cream sammies? Do tell Mel!

    I had no idea there were rides at the zoo when we went there.

    So glad you had a good time!!

  5. I love the pic of Kate drinking her milk. Too cute! Love family time!

  6. seriously, a staycation sounds divine!!

  7. Can you send me that picture of Anna? I know it's just a side shot, but I didn't even take any pictures this summer of music class and I'm bummed that I didn't!
    Too bad it's going to be hot as soon as we start school. Hot=smelly middle school kids!

  8. The pictures of music class are my favorite. Kevin dancing with the girls and Claire with the clapper as a phone are adorable. :)

    So nice that you got to sleep in-- I can't believe summer is almost over.

  9. a little bit jealous of the cooler weather. i could stand for ours to be at least 10 degrees cooler her.

    looks like you had fun!!!

  10. Wow, a cold summer! I wouldn't know what to do. Right now I am figuring out what to cook for dinner because it is so hot I don't want to eat! 100 degrees with 100% humidity is not fun!!!

  11. how fun! that picture of the kate drinking her milk is way too cute! love that expressive face. :)

  12. What a great idea! I think I am going ask for a staycation week from my hubby next summer!

    love the photos and the sprinkled ice cream sandwiches...look so yummy! Going to do that next time!

    And it has been really hot the 90's for the past week. We have been to the pool everyday!

  13. My husband feels the same way about garages and cars! He didn't rest until ours was cleaned out after our move!

    If you are looking for some 90 degree weather, you are welcome to head down to our town in South Carolina! We've been hit with a heat wave that seems to never end!
