

10 on 10 :: August 2010

10 on 10: Take a photo every hour for ten consecutive hours on the tenth of each month. Document a day of your life and find beauty among the ordinary moments!

Happy 10th!
This was a super fun day for me because I have a friends in town staying at my house!
Julie & Erin came up from So Cal for a Project 320 reunion to visit myself, Heather G. & Heather M.

Erin helping the girls make breakfast....We made Monkey Bread, of course!
Claire playing outside in the backyard while we wait for Monkey Bread to bake.
Kate's chalk drawing in the backyard:
Then we all ventured out to Target & found these cute shoes for only $10.
After Target, it was time for lunch (actually it 3:00, so it was PAST lunchtime)
I took everyone to one of my favorite sandwich places & I got my favorite sandwhich ever.
Roast turkey, cream cheese, cranberry sauce & avocado. YUM!
After lunch, we went to Joann's Fabric to buy fabric.
Heather, Julie & Erin (all these girls are super crafty. I am not so crafty)
Picture of Julie's quilt that she was working on:
(she took this picture on my camera)
Here is a picture of how our Target shoes were transformed.
Erin made cute fabric roses & she put them on the shoes.
Mine are the black shoes with red roses (try to ignore my pasty white legs)
The 5 of us at dinner (we missed you Marta!)
These girls are creative, amazing & inspiring! It is a privilege to share life with them!
It was such a fun day hanging out with friends, shopping, crafting, talking & eating!

Hope you had a great tenth!

Thank you so much to everyone for the nice comments on my Blogoversary post!
You still have 4 more days to enter the giveaway, be sure to enter if you haven't already!


  1. Oh my gosh those shoes are awesome!!! :) I love them. You have such a beautiful blog.

  2. That's such a cute idea about the pictures! The reunion looks like so much fun, and I love the shoes!

  3. I COVET those shoes! Please tell me someone is going to sell them on etsy!

    They remind me of Fu Shoes, did you guys wear those in high school? We would buy them at Ron Jon surf shop.

    Glad you are having a great time!

  4. Such a fun day for you! I recognize a couple of those friends so that is very cool. Great 10 on 10...adorable shoes!

  5. THOSE SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    the sandwich looked just as good too...

  6. I want your life, and I almost cried when I realized I missed 10 on 10!!!! : (

  7. the shoes. the shoes. saw those yesterday, had them in my cart. put them back because they didn't seem quite right. flowers. duh.

    and really. rub in all your blogger friend love. cool kids.

    have fun!

  8. Looks like so much fun. I love those shoes!

  9. That is so wonderful that you were able to connect with such wonderful ladies and then have them over for a reunion. Those shoes are just adorable

  10. Looks like you ladies sure are having fun! :) Love the shoes.

  11. But Kate was wearing purple, how could she be mad at that?!

    That shoe picture is adorable. You chicks are hilarious. Thanks for letting me crash the party on Monday night!

  12. The sandwich sounds dreamy and I love your white legs..mine are the same :) My sisters and I refer to them {lovingly} as "raw french-fry legs"} Such a fun reunion!

  13. Great 10 on 10! Love those funky shoes! :) And your girls are so beautiful!

  14. What a fun day!

    What isn't there to like or smile about?

    Great 10.

  15. I saw your friend Heather's blog first and knew which shoes belonged to you :)

  16. How fun!! What a great time :) I love the shoes, think I may need to copy those, for sure!!

  17. Those shoes are adorable! I ordered a head band from Erin. I might have to go to Target and get some of those. Can you imagine if I tried to flower them up myself? Oh so bloggable...

  18. Those are the cutest shoes. So fun to have friends, a project, and a cute souviner of the time together!

  19. I love the 10 on 10 idea! So fun!!!!

    The shoes look great, I always love a crafty day with good friends!

  20. Fantastic pictures, love the vivid colours.

  21. those shoes are stinkin cute!!
    as for the houseboat camp, i went up with my church (rolling hills covenant)as a h.s. counselor but i think your sister was there full-time as a cook or boat driver or something so she was paired up with my boat and we did it all together. she's totally in my scrapbook from back in the day and if i were in the same state as them i'd pull them out to see again! danville, right?! i think she was my first link to the town :)

  22. now i'm going to have to go back to cute are those shoes :-) and so cute that you add the flowers to them!

  23. Your pics are awesome!
    Your sandwich looks so yummy!

    Visiting from 10 on 10!

  24. What a precious time!!!...memories to last a lifetime! AND the world's cutest shoes EVER!!!! :)

  25. OMG, super cute shoe idea! I was just in Target yesterday and didn't see any $10 shoes. Bummer. It lookes like you had a blast with your girlfriends. Good times! Oh, and I did remember 10 on 10 this month. It's just not like how it normal is...

  26. What a fun day! It's awesome that you got to spend it with good friends as well. :) Ditto everyone's comments on the shoes... I seriously need some crafty friends! ;)

  27. How FUN!!!! I adore the shoes and you girls looked like you had such an amazing time! :)
    xoxox Holly

  28. I was sick and missed 10 on 10. Boo!

    I am completely in love with those shoes, though! I am crossing my fingers they have them at mine. My oldest ballerina has become quite the crafter so maybe I can get her to make some roses for me. Any way you can post a tutorial?!??! Pretty please?
