

Lake Tahoe: Summer 2010

Last Monday, the girls and I headed up to our happy place for the week.
Where is my happy place?
Lake Tahoe, of course!
(Target is also my happy place, FYI)
What's not to love about Lake Tahoe?
It is so incredibly beautiful there...the lake, the trees, the mountains, the fresh air, the weather!
I grew up vacationing in Tahoe (as did Kevin). We are so lucky to live a couple hours away!
I wish I could bottle up the smell of Lake Tahoe, I love it!
The only thing that would have made our trip better is if Kevin was there.
He had to work & finish some month end projects.

Here is a ridiculously huge photo over load & play by play of our week!


We headed up to Tahoe mid morning. My sisters were nice enough to drive up with me (we followed my parents). It was so nice having them in the car with me on the drive up so they could help entertain the girls!
Claire was excited to arrive in Tahoe!
Kate was SO happy to be in Tahoe. She has been talking about our Tahoe trip all summer!
We didn't do much Monday after we arrived at the house, we unpacked & got settled while my parents went to the grocery store.
The family room of the house has a "bear rug" that the girls love & we take a picture on it every year:
Claire on a Bear:
Sisters on a Bear:
To see last year's Bear pictures, click HERE.

We spent most of the morning at the beach!
We had access to a private beach, which was so nice because we were practically the only ones at this beach!
The girls were so good & loved building "sand castles".
Kate was very serious about her sand castle building.
Claire loved going in the water...this girl has no fear!
Time for a snack break!
Auntie El & Kate walking down to the lake for more water for the sand castles.
Later that night after dinner & after the girls were in bed, my sisters and I relaxed in the hot tub with our wine & books!
Went to the private beach again in the morning (the girls were begging to go back!)
We got so lucky with beautiful weather while we were in Tahoe.
It was in the mid 80's all week!
(back home it was COLD...low 70's)
I think my girls would have played in the water all day if I let them!
So focused on her sand castles....

I literally had to pull them off the beach when it was time to go!
Claire strikes a pose while she eats her fishies.
Kate stole my awesome visor....
I am pretty sure she was mocking me :)
Time to dry off & head to lunch!
What do you think we had for lunch?
Ice Cream! Why not? We are on vacation! Anything goes!
Kate ate her entire cup of ice cream, I was impressed!

My sisters & I:
Proof I was there! Gotta love Kate's chocolate mustache/goatee!
After our ice cream "lunch", we headed across the street to one of the public beaches & was crowded!
Right on the lake is one of our favorite spots, The Beacon where they serve their famous "Rum Runners". And, they are half off on Wednesdays! Yay!
Becks (aka the family klutz) spilled her drink about 10 seconds after the waiter set it on the table. Happy Hour FAIL.
After The Beacon, it was time for me to take my girls back to the cabin because they didn't nap & were in total meltdown mode. We had dinner at the house & after I put Claire down, Kate got a special treat (as if ice cream for lunch isn't special enough!). Kate got to go in the hot tub with her Aunties!
Kate was so proud she could touch the bottom of the hot tub
"Look Mom, no hands!"
Kate hung out in the hot tub for over an hour!
Guess what we did in the morning?
We went to the beach...again!
I love the beach & am so glad my girls love the beach also!
You don't even want to know how much sand I have in my car (and suitcase).
Every time Kate made a sand castle, Claire would try and ruin it (typical younger sister!)
My parents...relaxing & watching the girls play:
Kate relaxing in the shade:
I am Claire Bear, hear me ROAR!
After dinner on Thursday night, Kate wanted to put on a "show" for us in the front yard.
Check out her moves:
Getting crazy with her spin move:
Check out Claire in the backgroud...she is stretching & getting ready for her turn:
Bust a move, Claire! (can you say Elaine from Seinfeld?)
Our family loves playing Mexican Train Dominoes!
I beat my sisters, of course :)
We headed home on Friday morning.
Kate did not want to leave Tahoe.
She cried as I was packing up her bags.
It was sad, but cute.
Me & my girls: Tahoe 2010
On the way home, we made a few stops....
We stopped at a Peet's coffee so Kate could go potty (and so Elyse & I could get a coffee)
Next door to Peet's was a cute cupcake shop, so I bought some cupcakes.
Red Velvet, Strawberry, Vanilla w/Sprinkles and Caramel Pecan Praline!
Don't they look good?
Well, I can't tell you if they were good or not because they melted in the car
(we stopped at the outlets on the way home & forgot about the cupcakes. oops!)
We had a great time in Tahoe, but we are very happy to be home (and in our own beds).
We are already looking forward to our next Tahoe visit later on this year!

P.S. Thank you for all your sweet comments on Sunday's post.
Kevin & I are still traumatized by it, but Claire is doing great & back to her normal (busy & active) self. We keep thanking God for our girls!


  1. oh we love Tahoe too! It;s been 2 years since we've been and your post has me itching to go back. and you and your sisters could just about be triplets!

  2. Taking amazing photos in your happy place must make your happy place even more special!

    I'm heading to my happy place (beach) in two weeks and now I am even more excited!

    PS. I had no idea the Tahoe beaches were so packed. CRAZY.

  3. We've never been to Tahoe, but I would love to so much!!!! It looks perfect.

  4. What a fabulously great time!! Looks like a blast. It's great that you are close to your sisters too. You are all so cute. I have one sister only 2yrs younger than I am and we hardly speak. It's very sad, but it is what it is. Hopefully one day things will be different.

    Super cute pictures. What a great place you stay. Love the wine and books in the hot tub! Sounds devine. Your girls have the cutest swimsuits. Where did you get their cute ones with the rash guards? I've been looing for a cute rash guard set for my girls and Target's selection has not been super cute.

    Sorry for the long comment! So much to say,

  5. ps- i dont think i was ever officially your "follower", so i just signed up! :)

  6. OMG i totally think i know your sister (the one with wine in the hot tub and then with the cupcakes)!! i'm blanking on her name but i seriously think we may have been penpals after working at camp together one summer!!! i grew up in so cal. i think it was a houseboat camp. ha ha SMALL.WORLD!

  7. that looks amazing! how great to be able to go on a vacation with your parents and sisters. your commentary about the girls had me cracking in! i do love their dance moves :)

  8. 3 1/2 lbs.

    That's how much sand I'm betting you took home from Tahoe.

    What a FUN trip! Makes me want to go!!! That picture towards the end with you and the girls is beautiful, I love it. And how sad about the cupcakes!

    Um, and I need one of those Rum Runners... like ASAP.

  9. Gotta love the Beacon! At some point, we should finally plan on going to Tahoe at the same time!

  10. What a wonderful week! You're truly blessed to have those precious memories with your family! That's too bad Kevin couldn't be with you, though.

    I'm catching up with blogs and I just read about poor Claire- I have had a few of those kinds of scares with my kiddos and nothing in the whole world compares to those agonizing moments. I'm relieved and thrilled that all is well! :)

  11. We were in Tahoe last week too!! I know EXACTLY what you mean about bottling up the smell...we hadn't been in couple of years so it was so wonderful! :)
    SO thankful that Claire is ok, how incredibly scary for you & Kevin!

  12. Your poor cupcakes. :( So sad b/c they looked so yummy & cute.

    Beautiful pics! We take a weeklong trip to the beach with my family every year - this reminds me so much of that. My sister doesn't have kids yet but I can't wait until she does so there will be even more kiddos. Such fun. Summer is the best!

  13. Lake Tahoe is for sure on "the list"! I need to go ahead and get that one marked off!

  14. I moved to Sacramento last summer but have yet to go to Tahoe! People keep telling us that we need to go. And I love seeing your pictures. I will HAVE to add that to my list to do ASAP!
