

Farmers Market Fun

One of our favorite things to do is walk downtown to the Farmers Market.
Our Farmers Market is year round & held on Thursday Nights and Saturday Mornings.
We usually walk to it on Saturday Mornings on the trail that runs by our house
(and Peet's coffee is next to the Farmers Market, so we stop there to get a pick me up!)

I only allow myself to bring $20 to the Farmers Market. If I don't set a budget, I will spend WAY more than that!

I love all the sights, sounds & colors of the Farmers Market!
Fresh Corn on the Cob...nothing better than that!
Fresh Strawberries....
Cherry Tomatoes & Jalapenos....
This fruit/pepper sauce is AMAZING!
It comes in Apricot, Raspberry or Peach.
(I buy the Apricot one)
I take a block of cream cheese, pour some of the sauce on it & eat it with Wheat Thins!
It's a quick & yummy appetizer!
Sunflowers make me happy :)
Actually, so do most fresh flowers!
These carrots remind me of a Peter Rabbit book:
Whenever I smell fresh Basil, it reminds me that summer is here!
Young Lady Tomatoes
Heirloom Tomatoes
Here is my stash of what I bought....
All this for only $20! Sweet!
Farmers Market Tip: We usually go toward the end of the Farmers Market because that is when they start slashing the prices! I got all my tomatoes for half price!

Some of the things I made this week (and will be making this weekend) with my ingredients:
Tomato, Mozzarella, Pesto & Basil Panini
Becky's Panzanella
Colorful Bowtie Alfredo
Nectarine Smoothie

I love all the fresh ingredients that you can get at the Farmers tastes so much better. And, it is always better to buy local & organic...not to mention it is way cheaper (and better quality) than the grocery store!


  1. All of your purchases look very good. I would have added the sunflowers because they are, by far, my favorite flower :)

  2. You don't know me from Adam, but I know you from Home Sweet Home blog. Your girls crack me up and that first pic today is PRICELESS! I feel like I'm looking into my future - I have a two year old daughter and another one on the way in four weeks. I'm pretty sure I'll have my share of these pictures!!!

    I'll invite you so you can see that I'm not as creepy as this seems!!

  3. Amazing pictures of the farmers market! How do you capture these memories without looking like a tourist? It is something I always find myself struggling with... I have wanted to go to my farmers market all summer and you definitely reminded me that I need to go ASAP!!

  4. Wow! So jealous you can walk to the farmers market and that it runs all year. How awesome. I miss being able to walk everywhere. When I lived in Canada, for my first 25 years, I was a city girl and could walk every where. Loved it, then I moved to the South, got married and moved to the suburbs. Definitely not the same.

  5. That fruit/pepper sauce looks amazing, and I want to eat a whole basket of those cherry tomatoes right now!

    We're going camping this weekend so I'm going to miss my Sunday morning farmers market run. :(

  6. I can almost smell the basil from your pictures!

  7. Love your pictures and LOVE the Farmers Market! Our new town has a year round indoor one that is okay but I can't wait to hit up a few in the next week to find the best!

  8. wow all of that looks awesome!! YUM. and your pictures are fabulous as usual

  9. YUM! Your farmers market looks amazing! I love ours here, but they close from May-Oct because of the heat! I can't wait to hit ours the first Sunday it returns! Have a great weekend!

  10. Beautiful photos! I love the farmers market!

  11. looks yummy! i {heart} the farmers market too...i wish ours was in walking distance. but, i do try to go every few weeks.

    and i only bring $20.00 too! or i would spend way too much!

  12. I too am a huge fan of my local Farmer's Market! Isn't it great for photo inspiration too? I blogged about it as well.
