

Zoo? Check.

One of our things on our summer list was to go to the zoo.
We got passes last year & they expire at the end of the summer so we want to go as much as possible in the next couple of months.
Earlier this week the girls and I headed to to zoo with our friends The Joyce's, Holbrooks & Eakins. Auntie Becks also joined us! Gotta love having an Auntie as a teacher also!
Kate's favorite animal was the elephant.
Kate, Maddie & Nicole checking out the meer cats. (they gross me out)
Kate on a frog:
Kate, Maddie, Nicole & Becky posing on the frog.
Sam is just the cutest!
After we saw all the animals, we headed to the Merry Go Round.
This was Claire's first time on the carousel.
She loved it!
The whole time she was saying "weeeeee"
Kate also loved the carousel (as usual)
This was the first time she rode it without an adult holding her to make sure she didn't fall.
Click here to see her at the zoo last summer, she has grown so much (and so has Claire!)

Claire & I at the end of the ride
(yes, my sister and I showed up wearing the exact same thing....white hoodie, tank top underneath, jeans & the same pair of flip flops)
This happens all the time with my sisters and I.
After the Merry Go Round, the bigger kids went on the airplane ride.
Kate was *just* tall enough to go on it.
I wasn't sure if she would like it because the planes went up pretty high, but she LOVED it!
Kate & Wyatt zooming around!
Maddie (and all the moms smiling in the background!)
We had a great time at the zoo (well except when we tried to leave & Kate threw a temper tantrum & wouldn't get in the car)
But besides that, it was fun to check the first thing off our summer list!
Now we need to decide what to do next!


  1. I am so thankful the zoo did not make it on our list. I am all zoo'ed out from the numerous field trips there this past school year. LOL. Have fun with your list! Here's ours. :)

  2. So fun! We are just discovering how much fun the zoo is-- ours doesn't have elephants though. Boo. I'm cracking UP at you and your sister wearing the same thing.

    We call our teacher friends "Ladies of leisure" during the summer. So have a great weekend you Lady of Leisure. :)

  3. Don't you just love temper tantrums. And, truth be told... they still happen with 10 year olds. Boo hoo! Looks like a fun day!

  4. I am so jealous you are wearing hoodies!!!! Its been in the 90s here for a month.

    Cute pictures!

  5. oh wow....looks like a fun day but where are you that you are wearing long sleeves and jeans--what!?!?
    and yay for checking something off the summer list!

  6. Look at you go! Checking something off so quickly! And how funny that your sis showed up in the same outfit. That never happens to me with my brother. ;-)

  7. Let me know when you want to go next! We are members too and my cousin and her fiancé are the head elephant keepers (they live-literally they have a house-at the zoo). They will take us down the hill and see the elephants up close (they are behind bars-even they aren't in w/ them)!

  8. Fun day!!

    The O zoo is on our summer list as well. :)

    And lovely pics as usual.


  9. Fun!! We love the zoo too :) We usually have a tantrum too when we leave ;)

  10. The zoo is the best! What gorgeous pictures!

  11. love the zoo. we just went there on Saturday too!

  12. How fun! We have passes to the zoo that we must use soon, but it has just been too darn hot. Little Kate is awfully brave, going on both the ride in the plane and the carousel ride by herself!
