

Summer Photo Tips

In case you missed it, my guest post (& giveaway) is up at Blessed Little Nest.
Heather asked me to post about how to take good pictures in the summer.
It is SO hard to take good pictures during the middle of the day when the sun is shining bright. You get a lot of shadows & glares. I delete A LOT of photos!

The best time to take pictures is in the morning & in the evening (about 1 hour before sunset). But, I do have some hints that will help you out when you take pictures in the middle of the day.
Click HERE to read the post!

I wanted to post some pictures here that I took in the middle of the day when the sun was shining brightly.
I took these pictures when we were in Pebble Beach over Spring Break.

I will post my camera settings after each picture so you get an idea of what I did to adjust for the pictures. Most of these pictures were taken in the sunlight in the late morning, or in the shade.

I am planning on getting some of these printed for Kevin for Father's Day.
We haven't updated the pictures in his office in over a year!
f/1.4, 1/6400, ISO 400

f/2.0, 1/3200, ISO 400

f/3.2, 1/250, ISO 160

f/2.2, 1/125, ISO 160

f/1.4, 1/1250, ISO 160

f/2.2, 1/200, ISO 160

f/2.0, 1/800, ISO 125

f/1.4, 1/800, ISO 100

f/1.4, 1/1250 , ISO 100

f/2.0, 1/1250, ISO 125

f/1.8, 1/1000, ISO 160

f/1.8, 1/1000, ISO 160 - converted to B&W

And, Claire is done :)
f/2.5, 1/400, ISO 160

I am not an expert, I am self taught and I just love taking pictures.
My biggest piece of advice is to just keep taking pictures, learn & play around with the settings on your camera!


  1. i love these photos of your girls. they make me want to buy the sweet dressed they're both wearing.

    posting the settings after each pic. is so helpful!

  2. Your photos are *always* stunning. I commented on Heather's site that if you are giving advice...I'm listening! :)


  3. Hey Mel...
    Loved your post on Blessed Little Nest. So helpful and great tips. I love how you posted the settings after each photo here. I am a visual gal and I am ready to go for it! Happy Summer.

  4. You just gave me a Father's Day idea! Erik was talking about updating the pictures in the hallway, and I can do that while he's gone...he'll be away for Father's Day :(, but we'll celebrate and surprise him when he gets back!

  5. Lovely. All of these.

    I was just talking to someone about taking pictures today...they recently got a "fancy camera" and needed some guidance. Like you, I'm self-taught and am still learning (always), but my biggest pointer was to just do it. Take a lot of pictures, play with the dials and buttons, and go out at all times of day. The more you do the better you get.

  6. Mel, I just want to know how your girls always look so fantastic. Any secrets? My kids always look a little rough around the edges! Much love.

  7. Thanks everyone.
    Anne- oh trust me, i fix their hair before I take pictures & 5 mintues later they are a mess. And, did you ever see this post I did last year?
    Stay tuned for this year's version coming soon :)

  8. I want a new camera! What kind should I get without breaking the bank????

  9. LOVE the pictures. I am teaching myself too. I just did 2 photo shoots, which I still have to get up on the blog...babies. They were fun. But, I want to learn more...I took one classes and that helped a lot, but I wish I had a different camera...the D40 is great, but now I feel like I want more...and it is just a year old!

    What do you use?

  10. oh and where did you get those cute dresses...LOVE them!

  11. Hey Mel, I have a few photography questions for you. When you have a spare moment, would you email me? My blog email address is I couldn't find an email address for you on the blog. I will reply to your email with my questions. Thank so much!!

  12. LOVED the post on BLN- such great advice for pictures, thank you so much for sharing!!! :) You blog is GORGEOUS, and so are your girls!!!
    xoxox Holly

  13. Those dresses. Oh my gosh. Makes me want a girl... like right now...

    The last picture is my favorite picture EVER of the girls. Seriously. That is so funny! :)

  14. Great tips. And your girls are adorable. What kind of camera do you use?
