

10 on 10 :: December 2016 + A winner

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month!
{Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}
The 10th was on Saturday, so here is a sneak peek of our day.
Starting the day off with coffee by the Christmas tree.

Mug from {HERE}

It rained ALL day. I loved it!! We aren't in a severe drought anymore, but we still need rain!

We headed to see tears anymore...they love Santa!
Do you see how long the girls hair is? They haven't gotten it cut in over a year. They are growing it out for Locks of Love (or Pantene's Program) This was Kate's idea...they need 8 inches to donate, so we are hoping it is long enough by this Spring.

Our Santa is the real he was saying goodbye to the kids he told them that our elf had reported that they had been fighting a little bit & that they need to eat more vegetables (I literally had to remind my kids last night to get along better & eat more well balanced meals) The look on my kids faces (and mine!!) were priceless. We believe!

After we saw Santa we went to our favorite Bagel Shop to get bagels for lunch.

Our favorite is the pink bagels....they were one of the only things I could keep down when I was pregnant with all 3 kids, so it's no surprise that they like them now.

Then Kate helped me put stamps on our Christmas cards.

Headed to the post office to drop off all the cards....200+ cards signed, sealed & delivered! Phew!
Whenever it rains, I wear my rain boots {HERE}
California in December means that our leaves are finally turning colors & falling off trees.

We went to the Saturday night church service, we love going to church on Saturday evenings, especially in the fall/winter.
We came home and had homemade spaghetti sauce had been simmering on the stove all day. YUM!
After dinner, we watched a family movie....we introduced our kids to one of my favorite Christmas movies of all time. I've waited years for this moment.
They all loved it & we will be watching Home Alone 2 this week :)

 After the movie it was bedtime, but the kids wanted to show us their Christmas dance that they have been working on for a few days. Kate choreographed the entire thing. I love their creativity.

It was a great 10th!
Hope you also had a great weekend!

The winner of the  $250 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway is:
Janet H. 
Congratulations! Leave me a comment or send me an email to claim your prize!


  1. I love that they choreographed a dance and also, that Santa story is too funny. Have a wonderful day!

  2. Home alone is definitely a favorite I our house this time of year! I would love it if my kiddos choreographed a dance. I bet it was amazing!
